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Favorisierte Antworten38%
  • To People with Wall Mounted Flat screen TV's. Issues?

    I am considering moving my large (65") flat screen TV from its existing stand and have it wall mounted. The thing that concerns me is that the connectors (HDMI USB component etc) are either on the very back on the TV or tucked away on the side.

    I know that once its set up its set up but what happens when you want to watch a movie on a USB stick .

    What are peoples experience with wall mounted TV's particularly with USB stuff?

    Do you completely wire the TV up before you mount it to the stand, with cables in anticipation of further equipment in the future, or do they have wall mounts that "open up" for easier access?

    Any comments would be appreciated.

    1 AntwortTVsvor 8 Jahren
  • Are builders expected to clean up?

    I have just had a pergola completed in my back yard.

    The builder has done quite a good job and I am quite happy with it.

    However, he has left very large pile (several cubic yards/meters) off wooden off cuts and roofing iron in the corner of the back yard.

    Should l expect him to clean that up before I make my final payment?

    I live in Australia. Thanks

    4 AntwortenDecorating & Remodelingvor 8 Jahren
  • Best format for HD movies via USB?

    have an LG 65LW6500 HD LED TV.

    I would like to able back up my blue ray movies on to file format and watch them via at USB stick on the USB port. Checking with the LG Website I need to use FAT32 format files (windows), but the LG manual does not specify what type of File format to use. I would like your ideas about what the best type of Files to convert the disc to MKV? Mp4 ? or another suitable format etc. I have a a 16g and 32g USB sticks so I lean to more to retaining definition rather than over compacting the file.

    Any advise would be appreciated as I have not much idea,

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AntwortenTVsvor 8 Jahren
  • Best format for HD movies via USB?

    I have an LG 65LW6500 HD LED TV.

    I would like to able back up my blue ray movies on to file format and watch them via at USB stick on the USB port. Checking with the LG Website I need to use FAT32 format files (windows), but the LG manual does not specify what type of File format to use. I would like your ideas about what the best type of Files to convert the disc to MKV? Mp4 ? or another suitable format etc. I have a a 16g and 32g USB sticks so I lean to more to retaining definition rather than over compacting the file.

    Any advise would be appreciated as I have not much idea,

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AntwortHome Theatrevor 8 Jahren
  • Clothing from Animals?

    I have some friends who are Vegans. They are vegans primarily due to the way that animals are treated for food and animal products. I question that I have never asked them (not wanting to be rude) is how they contend with the issue of buying stuff that a generally only obtained from animals. Things like leather shoes belts etc.What do vegans do to deal with this?

    7 AntwortenVegetarian & Veganvor 8 Jahren
  • Reasonable Hospital Billing?

    When I was on Holiday in the States, looking in back in hind sight I understand that my 11 year old daughter pinched a nerve and she had a extreme pain in her upper leg/hip and she could not walk. It could have been due to all the bumpy rides at Knotts Berry Farm and Universal Studios from the proceeding 2 days.

    As she was in so much pain I took her to the emergency part of the Hospital and got them to check her out.

    It took about 6 hours for them to take 2 x-rays and get her some analgesic. The hospital asked for $500 which I paid.

    The hospital gave her crutches and we left.

    The next day we went to a shopping center and in was one of those, bouncing machines, where they strap you in a harness and you are bounced up and down.

    My 11 year refused to go on (which is understandable being in a center provided wheel chair) but other 9 year daughter went on and relished it.

    I supposed when my 11 year old saw the delight on the face her sister she, even though only on one leg, decided to give it a go. She had a great time.

    Afterwards the jaws of my wife and I simultaneously dropped and she was unharnessed after her ride and jumped of the air mat and walked away.

    What was causing her leg to be useless was a pinched nerve in her spine and the up and down g forces of the bouncing machine straightened her spine the pinch nerve (causing the pain) was restored.

    However he is my reason for asking this question.

    We received by mail a account for radiology for an additional $530 odd dollars a month later. In the next month we receive another account adding this payment.

    However on the next monthly account (over 3 months after the event) they have added a $660 “Emergency Service” fee.

    The question(s) I have are:

    Is this a reasonable charge for a triage nurse to fill out a clipboard and add a file to a computer data base and a doctor to look at an X-ray and then to poke and prod for 5 minutes?

    Why wasn’t this charged on the previous 2 monthly accounts?

    Is delay in billing this not unusual?

    What is to stop the hospital from adding other different charges in the next monthly bill?

    I supposed I am spoiled in living in Australia as visits to Emergency in Hospitals’ (public) are free, but I think this “sleeping charge” of $660USD is outrageous.

    And yes after I pay it my travel insurance will cover the cost is just and I annoyed that this charge was unbilled for over 3 months.

    Any advise or comments appreciated

    2 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 9 Jahren
  • Atheists where do you find your self worth?

    In the event there is no God what follows in relation to my inherent value of myself (and all of humanity for that matter) and my (our) purpose and self worth?.

    In the event there is no Creator the ONLY difference between myself (and any human) of and a lump of coal is simply the difference in the way our atoms have been placed together over time.

    Is my chemical and atomic structure worth any more than a rock or pile or dirt? If so why and how?

    If there is no Creator all we are (or I am) is essentially just a unplanned conglomeration of atoms that has appeared over millions or years.

    I am (and all humanity is) just atoms. Nothing more, nothing less.

    With no Creator we are just a cosmic and chemical accident.

    With no Creator is the issue of self worth and purpose becomes more of challenge with no Creator. However because I believe I have a Creator I have self worth and my purpose is to bring good things to others because I have inherent value, and my belief in a Creator myself causes me to value humanity and myself. (because we a different to everything else created)

    I believe my own self worth (and that of all humanity) is further demonstrated that my Creator appeared on earth in human form in History so that, if I (people) choose to, I (we) can experience an form of relational interaction with our Creator.

    Can any Atheist provide some logical argument or reason if humans have more self worth that any other form of substance with an Atomic structure, in the event there is no Creator.

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Large Screen TV 55"-65". To wall mount or not to wall mount?

    I am about to purchase a large screen TV. Aside from the obvious inconvenience of altering plugins in leads (HDMI and composite) are there any other issues.

    I have heard that as operating TV's generate heat that wall mounted TV have ventilation issues which can affect the life and operation of the TV.

    Is is better not to wall mount a large flat screen (LED TV) or is it a non issue?

    Thanks in advance

    2 AntwortenTVsvor 9 Jahren
  • LG 3D Cinema TV. What are they like? 65LW6500 or 55LW6500 LED?

    I am thinking of getting one on these TV's. The thing I like about these TV they use the passive (polorising) 3D glasses (cheap) rather than other 3 D TV's that use the battery operated shutter 3D glasses (expensive). This means if your have 10 friends over it manageable to get 3D glasses for everybody.

    I wonder if any body who has one of these TV's could make comment as if there are happy with this TV and if the 3D experience is good and would that be likely to recommend this type of TV.

    If anybody has found any drawbacks or disappointments with this TV would also be interested to know.

    Generally if anybody has a TV or this type, are you happy with it?

    Any comments would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AntwortenTVsvor 9 Jahren
  • If you were buying a large 3D TV would buy a 60inch LG Plasma or a 55 inch LED Samsung?

    I know they are both pretty good. For me power consumption is not the issue. It is picture quality, longevity and the 3D processing quality. Are there any pluses or minuses with each. Does any people who have TV's of these types your comments would be appreciated. PS. I am in Australia

    2 AntwortenTVsvor 9 Jahren
  • Trip to Disneyland from Australia Attraction Tickets?

    I am traveling to Disneyland (including California Adventure Park) next year in February - March 2012 from Australia for 2 weeks essentially for my 9 and 11 year old daughters and I some questions about the sort of tickets you should buy.

    I have seen a few websites where you can but tickets were you can buy tickets between 1 to 6 days.

    If you are thorough and want to visit both Disneyland and the California Adventure Park how much time should spend there?

    It is always usually better to prepay for your tickets before you go?

    Can you buy the tickets from overseas and get them sent to an American Address?

    I have seen there is a thing called the Southern California City Pass. This gives you 3 days at Disneyland and a day at Universal Studios or San Diego Zoo. Is this good value?

    Because we are staying within walking distance of Disneyland I am tempted to buy a at least 6 day ticket (I suspect the kids will want to flog the place to death)

    I have a web search I think I would also like to go to a couple of museums, and I wonder if there are any recommendations.

    Are there any other attractions that kids would love?

    I am also wondering if there are any short trip tours to the Grand Canyon from LA and back?

    Any advice would be appreciated!

    6 AntwortenLos Angelesvor 10 Jahren