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Lv 57.543 points

Sir C

Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • How soon will drones be used to take out street gang leaders/members now that it is legal, ethical, and wise?

    During Martin Luther King's day and the period of the Black Panther Party, had drones been available then, would the same justification been used to use them against them?

    Of course we think it would have been judged as justified just like it has been justified today and will be justified to blow illegals off the road before they can take American resources away from citizens and used to take drug dealers off the streets before they can hook our kids on their substances.

    Yes we think there is a great potential for such a deterrent against crimes against society. Very effective indeed. After all, all those drone pilots trained by our military need jobs when they get out and how economical is it to hire an already trained employee. It is the same as being able to hire a police or news helicopter pilot who had been trained as a pilot in the military. Will gun owners be targeted legally, ethically, and wisely when it is determined with the drones aloft there will no longer be a need for the 2nd Amendment self-defense excuse because criminals will no longer be a problem in our society.

    6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Doesn't it only stand to reason that the only balanced solution is a Balanced Budget Admendment for Obama?

    We must spend less than we take in in order to bring down our debt. They are doing what they preach against us doing when we only make our minimum payment on our credit obligations. The scream at us that it is a losing battle we are fighting but they don't follow their own advice. The difference is their way of spending costs us our nation and our personal way of spending while not heeding their advice to pay more than the minimum payment and spend less than we make costs us our house, our car, and in some cases, our family and friends.

    3 AntwortenGovernmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Were we woefully wrong about CNN working to regain their credibility or what?

    Not a single concern over losing our Ambassador Stevens and our 3 other devoted Americans lost in the defense of life, losing their own without a hope for help while Obama wrung his hands over keeping his image clean over his claim to taking OBL out of the picture. CNN has again proven themselves to be just as useless as Obama has been. Like Obama, CNN is good at only coming in after the damage has been done like Obama showing up only after there was no longer any danger of him personally being hurt, homeless, cold, or even getting hungary or thirsty. Unlike those he hugged and soft spoke those who lost it all. Now all Obama speaks of is getting revenge but not having the guts to mention against who. Just like CNN hasn't had the guts or professionalism to pursue the reason why our Americans put in place to represent us overseas, were sacrificed while holding back support to save their lives and why our president Obama called on his Democrats to vote for him to get revenge on who. We sure have wasted our vote in 2008 and now he wants us to waste our vote again for a vengeance he refuses to tell us against what and why he didn't insist and order our fellow Americans to be saved from Al Queda. CNN hasn't even alerted us to the 10 training camps they have set up in Iraq since Obama pulled us out of there. CNN isn't any different than the Tokyo Rose/Hanoi Hanna like propaganda machine MSNBC is for the socialist agenda of the Obama administration. So we aren't allowing ourselves to be suckered into another slide down this financial cliff we will be pushed over before the end of 2013. Being made dependent on a government that is totally bankrupt can't help us who have a good job now but won't soon after we make the same bitter mistake we made putting what CNN convinced us was the best thing for us since battery powered cars. Don't know about anyone else but we can't afford to lose our good jobs only to be counted as fully employed at a part time job that replaces our present job shortly after Obama continues his plan for us.

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Could it be hiring for holidays boosted the job number but will vanish and will be on the jobless rise again?

    We think if we don't get a down to earth business man leading our nation we will be in a deep depression before the end of 2013.

    2 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • What would Europe, Germany, or Russia do if the US or UN sent observers in on their elections?

    We are really suspicious of Obama's intentions for the fate of our dear USA and rightfully so in our view.

    5 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Are you, as we are, puzzled why no report of enemy casualties in our diplomat's attack?

    Did they overpower us so devastatingly that we didn't even get a shot off? Or were we so under manned and weakly armed there was no chance for us to fight back?

    Sure smells rotten like they wanted to rid themselves of that post on purpose.

    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Let's ask ourselves if the now Godless DNC agenda is to make middle class poor & woefully needy folks?

    All we are hearing is a Robin Hood plan of steal from the rich and give to the poor.

    We are seeing a Dems path to government domination over its people so we have

    to be totally dependent upon government for our survival.


    Without God over our national interest in living a decent and productive life on earth

    all effort is for nothing of value now that the DNC has declared themselves without

    God in their political platform and if we continue to associate ourselves with them

    we too shall be deemed Godless by God. "What goes around comes around".

    We have made the decision to trash our affiliation with the DNC and what it now stands for.

    4 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • What make us who are considered in poverty or in the middle class are going to get out of paying tax increases?

    We who are in poverty who have taken from our fellow citizens more than we have given are aware we must pay back too. We know the middle class is going to have to pay back even more than the so called rich because there are more of us than them and the so called rich are dwindling at a fearsome rate and those remaining will flee from taxation and will take their job producing companies with them when they go. The poverty stricken and middle class would runaway from taxation too, if we had the money to do so but we are all that is going to be left here. So isn't it best if we just get it started now rather than let it go over the predicted cliff and have us crash and burn rather than be let down to an easier landing?

    We think that if we crash and hit the bottom hard the government will panic and cause a knee jerk reaction that will result in a quick fix style of thoughless solutions that will result in disasterous results for society with no relief for anyone. We think many will commit suicide but there will be those who will murder for revenge and then for profit using their survival as justification.

    1 AntwortOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Now that our sweet president is in a deal making mood should we ask him to make public his college transcripts?

    This would be in exchange for Romney to make his 5 last tax returns instead of Obama's offer not to ask for anymore tax records. Then we will be able to see who is able to stand up to any scrutiny brought toward either documentation by either party. Did Romney cheat on his taxes or did Obama claim a foreign citizenship in order to go to college for reduced or free tuition as an exchange student could be answered for us to make an informed decision if either are worthy to lead our nation for the next 4 years. At least we see this as an opportunity to have two questions about both of these candidates answered for us in one swoop rather than having our heads held under the sand to keep us from learning the truth. We have covered our eyes, put our fingers in our ears, and stuck our foot in our mouths for so long now that we have allowed our nation to be put in a clear and present danger of plunging into a worldwide depression to end all hope.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is the Nazi mentality raising it's ugly head once again, only this time doing so within the borders of the USA?

    Hitler grabbed support of his people by taking over the German auto industry, Volkswagon the same as General Motors was grabbed by the U.S. government has done. Hitler took down the rich devaluing the German currency. Putting our economy into dire debt in the Trillions of dollars severely devalues the U.S. dollar just like Germany's was made worthless.

    Is this the path we are being led down? Sure looks like it to us. And they talk about leaning forward when they are obviously moving us back into the Great Depression days which forced us into a World War. Only this time it looks as if the USA is leading the world into another world war to tear it all down so this world can be rebuilt in the image of their ideal. CPUSA likes it so it must be horrible. Next world war will last about 20 minutes. Government allowed the outsourcing of American Jobs. UAW tried to warn us by telling us we were putting an American out of a job by us buying a foreign made car when Volkswagon and Datsun cars were allowed by U.S. government to be sold in this country. Truth hurts. Prepare for the days of rationing, sacrifice, and burying loved ones and friends once again. So much for FORWARD. That term was used by Hitler too, if you didn't know. Of course they didn't allow this to be taught in school the past 20 years or so. Didn't want to blow their cover or compromise their battle cry. They only made their move too soon and did too much too quickly to undermine society by overthrowing the U.S. Constitution.

    7 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • What financial formula would it take to start the debt clock to count down instead of continuing to add up?

    This is the most serious question we have ever asked. Debt clock is at 15.9 Trillion dollars and Obama is talking about another stimulus package. Is any politician going to tell us the truth and admit government is flat busted broke, the party is over, time to come together and all to pay our fair share. No more handouts from a treasury that has an empty wallet and contains no more help for anyone at any level of income. Time to go to work.

    So what is the answer to the formula for forcing the debt clock to subtract instead of add more debt?

    3 AntwortenCreditvor 9 Jahren
  • If Obama couldn't do it in over 3 years what made us think Bush could in the 3 months he had left in his term?

    And if Obama's campaign over spending is any example of how he's budgets money, how can we trust him to be rugal with our tax dollar he gets from us every year?

    As the old saying goes, "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time" and he says he needs another 4 years to finish what he's started. More American families are in the state of poverty than when he took office. Do we really want anymore of his "Change we can believe in"? We sure don't. Are you continuing to be fooled? We aren't.

    How about you? We are finished with him before he finishes us. Career politicians SUCK big time!

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is USA government doing what we all have done to keep ourselves from going under?

    When we took advantage of 0% interest credit card offers for 6 months before going to 13% rate didn't we use this opportunity to pay off credit balances at 0% while waiting to get the next 0% offer while we continued to charge stuff so we could maintain our contrived standard of living/ Didn't we do this as long as we could until our credit was totally degraded? Until we can't even get a 90 days same as cash at any store now? We did so bad we can't even go to a doctor without having the copay cash so we now have to go to the ER for care. So is this where the Federal Government is headed using its quick fixes, otherwise known as stimulus or "kicking the can down the road"? Is this being done to keep the wool pulled over our eyes until we finally are forced to accept our national credit rating as being no longer credit worthy? Just like it has happened to us in our personal affairs?

    Just like in our personal financial lives where we are now facing the reality of losing our homes to forclosure because we ruined our own credit, is our government using the same practice that will result in our own nation being lost to the rest of the world?

    Because there isn't a dime worth of difference between the two parties we are being forced to accept, are we destined to lose our nation as we knew it? Or is there something we can do to save our nation?

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • What is the maximum tire pressure for a 16x2.5 inch bicycle tire?

    I just received delivery of a 3 wheel electric scooter and the chinese tires don't have a max pressure for the tires in the manual or on the tire.

    2 AntwortenCyclingvor 9 Jahren
  • When in this world is Obama, Democrats, and Republicans going to do the real hard work?

    We all know now and have known that the end of our nation's financial security is coming to a crashing end. Still they keep kicking our can down the road by borrowing more and more money to keep the wool pulled over our eyes. Putting rose colored glasses over our desperate situation. Keeping us in the dark. Trying to tell us everything is ok when we well know it hasn't been ok since 9/11/2001. We were prepared for the worse then and they told us to just go on with our life as usual and they'll take care of us. $12 Trillion and over 5500 American lives lost later, we are coming to our inevitable foreseen crash. Only this landing is going to be much more harsh now than if we had had the guts to face the hard choices at the beginning. Now we are spiritually and morally softer and more vulnerable than ever. Many more lives shall be lost by suicide and senseless murders when the crash does occur. How have you prepared your loved ones and friends for this rude awakening? How are we going to show our government our resolve for them to get out of their seats, on their feet, and take action to save instead of spend? To put all perks and assistance on hold until America is whole again? How do we show them we are tougher than they are and can take the cuts and the sacrifices to make our USA well again? How do we convince them we are strong enough to endure the hardships and that we are willing to suffer the consequences of their duty bound legislation to fix the wrong they have brought down upon us? When do we force them to get the yellow streak off their jelly belly backsides that runs clear up their backs so they will stand up for America and get her out of debt? This Washington DC "good old boys club", where they think they are too good to drive themselves to work, and that they have formed for themselves to feel like they are better than we the people are, has got to be put to an immediate end.

    2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • What is Obama going to throw our hard earned tax money away on next?

    As we know the first waste of our money, that the news media was kind enough or authorized to let us know about, was a waste of $555+ Million taxpayer hard earned dollars on Solyndra going belly-up.

    After Obama saw he wasn't physically attacked for that loss he apparently tried a $1.9 Billion dollar investment in Fisker Karma. Another electric hybrid car company like the Chevy Volt. A CA company that also has gone into non existance on Obama's pretense of providing jobs in America to build a $100,000+ dollar electric hybrid car.

    Clinton and Bush cost us our house in what once was a nice neighborhood until HUD Freddie MAC and SALLY MAE bought up the houses that became available when the local Catholic school closed and moved out. Then when the government guaranteed loans through these government backed institutions to unqualified buyers sold by dishonest realitors and financed by disreputable loan companies the bottom of society came crawling out of the woodwork. They brought into our neighborhood drug dealers, shooters, criminals, murderers, home invaders, thieves, vandals, car jackers, haters, and prowlers. We had to lose our home to speculators so we didn't have those kind of people casing our home for robbery/home invasion under the guise of looking to buy it. So what we paid in full for without ever missing a payment was lost. Now we are trailer trash thanks to Clinton and Bush pumping up the housing bubble with their good intentions of giving an American Dream to unqualified buyers who couldn't have afforded a house if it had been just simply given to them. Upkeeping a home is just as expensive as the monthly payment on a home loan. Nobody thinks of this before they buy and when a job is lost or if one who buys who doesn't have a job never considers the cost of utilities, taxes, insurance, and upkeep to keep it. All those sob stories testified to congressional hearings, when they were pushing for Obama care, none of them wanted to hear or gave us a chance to present our stories. They had their homes in gated communities and no one dared to invade their neighborhoods to bring down their safety and security from criminals.

    We are most concerned about what is next.

    Third time is the charm and Obama is about to take his third shot at spending our tax dollars again. Is his Obama care his third shot at our economy? We seriously think so because that will end our nation as we knew it to be. We think we will never recover from this $multi-Trillion dollar boondoggle to strip us of our hard earned income from what few good paying jobs remain. AFL-CIO union is not a good income for janitors, maids, state workers, etc. We know. We worked those jobs under that union and only the union leaders were making the big bucks off our hard labor while the only raise we got was our union dues going up.

    What do you think? Is Obama worth taking another chance on him changing and giving us hope? Has he shown himself to be trustworthy? Is Obama even qualified to be POTUS? We have come to conclude Obama is not a qualified person to lead this nation. We conclude he is in place to run this nation into the ground. What do you say? Do we continue to play Ostrich and bury our heads or come out in droves to make a positive change ourselves. Do you think he hasn't paid off all his 2008 campaign contributors or those who need to be paid off for this years support for his reelection is why he simply wants another term to get the rest of them and those who are supporting him now paid back using the much higher proposed tax rate hike on rich and super rich who will simply take their money out of the middle class by raising their prices on the goods and services they provide.

    The only trickle down economy we get from taxing the rich is higher prices for us to pay for what we consider the necessities of life. Like food, shelter, clothing, utilites, gasoline, cars, and medical care for our families and ourselves.

    8 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • So would someone who knows please tell us what Barack Obama expects of us as U.S. citizens?

    Does anyone here even know if he wants us to be hard workers or just followers of his doctrines? Will he pay us or will he see that we get a good job? If we can't get a good job will he take from the well paid and distribute their hard earned wage so we can get paid equal to them so we too can be well paid? We are confused about what Barack Obama has planned for us because he hasn't told us anything about where he intends to lead us into what is going to make our society progess.

    Where is Barack Obama leading us and what is his expectations for us after we are delivered there?

    Can anyone tell us for sure where we're headed or are we just being led around in circles while our hard earned money is being collected through higher and higher taxes both at the Federal and State levels? What is the goal of this leader for us and for our nation on the international stage? Anybody know will you please tell us? Or is everyone in the dark just blinded by loyality to a leader who has never stopped campaigning?

    7 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Where is the flat tax to even up the tax burden for all Americans?

    Herman Cain proposal for a 9-9-9 flat tax was a great suggestion.

    1) It would have made all rich, middle class, business owners, corporate stock holder owned business have to pay the same rate we have to without getting write off deductions.

    2) We tax payers could easily keep an eye on congressional spending by easily recognizing any increase in taxation.

    3) We voters could determine if our country needed a raise in taxation and if we found them supporting their own special projects off of our financial backs we could throw the bums out much more easily because they couldn't fool us like they have been doing for many decades.

    So what other reasons for a fair flat tax can we tell each other. I don't have all the answers which is the best reason for providing this forum for us. If we can't agree on anything then how can we expect those who represent us to be able to agree with each other?

    4 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Did Obama commit sin against his Christian God when he confirmed his personal support of sodomy in marriage?

    Common sense tells us two facts of life.

    1) The purpose of sex is for the procreation within the sacred institution of marriage.

    2) Same sex can't procreate so marriage is not sacred or natural.

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren