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Performance enhancing drugs?
It is considered unacceptable for athletes to use performance enhancing drugs because it gives them an unfair advantage over their competition. Athletes who use these drugs are, for the most part, shunned and labeled as cheaters.
Artists often claim that the use of drugs like marijuana and lsd enhances their creativity. As a result, innumerable artists use these illegal drugs to improve the creative quality of their work. However, the artists who use drugs are not stigmatized and do not get the same harsh treatment that athletes do.
In both cases, the person using drugs is doing it to improve personal performance in their field. Is it a double standard to shun and drug-using athletes while accepting artists who use drugs?
5 AntwortenBaseballvor 10 JahrenCubs Gatorade machine?
Where can I buy one of these, they look awesome? I know that the cubs got rid of theirs, but i was wondering if there was a place where I could purchase one? Any information you have on this would be helpful!
2 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 Jahrzehntthe office- tonight's episode?
Is stanley dead? They showed him in his chair, but he wasn't moving.
2 AntwortenComedyvor 1 JahrzehntPower supply installation problem?
I added two new power supplies to my computers (1 in each, obviously), and now they are both having a problem with recognizing usb ports. The ones in the front don't work at all, and the ones in the back only work with the wireless keyboard/mouse. My ipod is recognized as unknown device. This is the same on both computers. i checked the wiring, and did it over again. Does anyone know how to help me, or at least point me in the right direction? Thank you so much!
1 AntwortOther - Hardwarevor 1 JahrzehntNew computer not recognizing SATA drive?
I put an additional 1tb seagate drive in the drive tray of my new computer. The drive is not connected via cables as there is a port at the back of the tray. The drive is not showing up in the windows disk manager utility. I searched the BIOS, and the drive does not show up there, although the SATA controller is enabled. The system drive is also sata, but it is working fine. Does anyone know how to solve this?
1 AntwortDesktopsvor 1 JahrzehntMy idea for a Call of Duty perk?
Does anyone else think it would be a good idea, in cod modern warfare 2, to have a perk where if you get a twenty kill streak, you can call in 300 spartans? It would be similar to the dogs, but so much epicly cooler!
4 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntQuestion about the law?
I know that the constitution says that if you commit a crime before it is against the law, you cannot be punished. I am wondering about the opposite. If you break the law, and that law is later repealed, can you still get in trouble?
1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 1 JahrzehntWhy didn't they have Utah play Boise State?
That would make so much more sense. If I were boise state i would be angry about going undefeated and landing in the poinsettia bowl
4 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 Jahrzehntwhat effect does the recession have on the deodorant industry?
2 AntwortenCorporationsvor 1 JahrzehntSomeone stole my phone from my gym locker?
My cell phone got stolen out of my gym locker while I was lifting weights after school today. My phone has never been stolen before, but this entire year there has been a huge problem with theft. It has been made plain to the school authorities in charge of the gym locker room that the gym lockers are easily forced open. The student handbook states that phones are allowed to be at school as long as they are not on. My phone was turned off. They just suspended a kid yesterday for stealing from the lockers, and the basketball team might have to forfeit the rest of the season as a result. Knowing this, it should be plain to the administrators that something must be done about the locker theft. What can I do about this?
13 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 JahrzehntHow to get organized for school?
I am a sophomore in high school. All my teachers say that I am very smart, and I am in all honors classes. I always do well on my tests, but I have always had problems with homework. I am very, very disorganized, and as a result, I have trouble turning in assignments. I know that I could get much better grades if I could organize myself. Does anyone have any tips?
1 AntwortPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 1 Jahrzehntcan someone explain to me the free kick in the cardinals game on sunday?
my tv was muted and i didnt hear what was going on
2 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 Jahrzehnthas anyone read something wicked this way comes by ray bradbury?
if you have can you tell me three ways that it shows people isolating themselves
4 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat should I wear for my costume (I already know what I'm gonna be)?
I'm going as a Jehovah's witness. What should I wear?
2 AntwortenHalloweenvor 1 JahrzehntThat CSI episode that just happened?
Why did they kill Warrick off?
With him and grissom gone, the show wont even be watchable. They were the only characters (other than Nick) that made the show worth watching.
6 AntwortenDramavor 1 Jahrzehntive puked 17 times during the 2008 postseason during cub games?
should i c a doctor
6 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 Jahrzehnthey im thinking about putting my xmas decorations up tomaro what do u think?
5 AntwortenOther - Holidaysvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat are some physical features of Illinois?
help me with my homework pleeeeeeease
Geographyvor 1 JahrzehntMiller Park for tonights game?
Will the roof be closed tonight? I just want to know what I should wear
4 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 Jahrzehnt