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I am a 51 year old step-mother of 1 (a teenager!). My husband and I share our home with our cat, Oliver. I am currently not working having been recently laid off. I am a licensed NC Real Estate Broker (although not currently active), a former Interior Designer, classically trained dancer and dance instructor. I was born and have lived in NC my entire life...although I have traveled quite extensively. I enjoy music, dance and art. I am a trivia buff, and currently undefeated in Trivial Pursuit among the friends of mine brave enough to play!
50th Birthday Ideas???? For me!?
OK..I RARELY ask questions, but I'm feeling "froggy" friends are having a 50th b-day party for me on Saturday...(my birthday is actually next Wed. the 18th)...what would YOU do to make it memorable if you were me...which would you drink, wine or margaritas (can't decide) and do you have a favorite EASY appetizer recipe you can share with me for me to take to the party (since we're all on a budget, we're all bringing something to "graze" on)...
"old school...but STILL cool!"
3 AntwortenEntertainingvor 1 JahrzehntOK- Has this EVER happened to you?
Scenario: You're at work (or for you young folk, school) go to the Ladies Room..(or Men's as it were)...someone just came out who stunk up the go're the only one in there..until, as you're washing your hands, someone else walks in...and you can tell by her (his) face, it is still not "pretty" in there...Have you ever wanted to jump up and down and scream "It WASN'T ME!!! It WASN'T ME, PLEASE, That smell is NOT from ME!!!"...LOL I alone on this one?
9 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 JahrzehntHave you gotten THIS desperate yet?
Today, my husband is selling our wedding bands..we need the money. We have sold, cut-back, and done without..and nothing seems to get us, not ahead, but just on an even-keel. With gas and food prices, etc..even though we's not enough. Have any of you had to go this far? My heart is kind-of hurting today knowing my beautiful wedding band will be gone. Am I the only one?
12 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 JahrzehntPICC Line? I'm getting one tomorrow...any advice from anyone whose had one?
1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 1 JahrzehntOJ Simpson Book...I just have to ask.....?
Is anyone going to read this now that the Goldman family is publishing it? On Oprah yesterday there were some good points from the Goldman Family, Denise Brown (who is against the book being published) and the audience.
Will you buy it? Will you read it? What do you think of the Goldman family for publishing it?
11 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 1 JahrzehntOK...Now, Michael Vick is going to plead "guilty"...?
to Dog fighting charges....his buddy Marbury just said he thought dog fighting was a "sport"....the NAACP says Vick should be able to play again after he gets out of prison, and that he just made a bad choice....Come ON! Don Imus says something he shouldn't and gets fired...Michael Vick kills innocent dogs and we should feel sorry for him?
Tell me "reverse" descrimination doesn't exist....geez....
I don't care what color you are...killing for sport is WRONG...and I hope the judge in the Vick case gives him a long enough sentence that we forget who Vick is....
Am I wrong on this? I don't mean to get into a "racial" thing...I have friends who are of all nationalities....and I think we are all the same under the skin...However, I think it's two-faced to condem one man and try to exhonerate the other...and I think it's being done on race...
What do YOU think?
6 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 JahrzehntWith Kelsey Smith and Maddie McCann....who gives a FLIPPINDIP about Paris Hilton?
getting out of jail????? And they are having a "news conference" this morning????? Oh, please..people, tell me you could NOT care less!!!! this whole world really that upside down???
6 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 JahrzehntNeed a Good Greek Receipe For Souvlaki and Cucumber Sauce?
I would love to have an AUTHENTIC receipe for Greek Cucumber Sauce (My FAVORITE!) and Chicken Souvlaki...
I would appreciate any good Greek cooks out there sharing your receipes with me! And also, what are the BEST pitas to buy (type and brand)??
Thanks in advance....
6 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 JahrzehntHaving Total Knee Replacement...?
Would it be too impractical to believe I can return to work a week after surgery? I sit at a computer most of the day...
Personal experiences would be most helpful.
My surgery is scheduled for March 13th.
2 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 JahrzehntI've just got to Know! What would we call Bill Clinton should Hillary Win?
Would he be the first "Gentleman"..since women are called "First Ladies"..???
15 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 JahrzehntNeed to hear from anyone else who has a UniSpacer!?
I had a Unispacer implant in March. I have regretted my decision. I am still in a great deal of pain, and my gait is still with a limp. I am not considered old enough, at 47, to have a total knee replacement. Has anyone else suffered with this thing? When can I expect to feel better? Can I have it removed? I lost a lot of bone when they did the surgery. ANY help would be appreciated!
2 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt