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Hello my name is Letrise and i'm 24 yrs old from Dallas, TX. Pretty much that's all you need to know about me and I am an active user on Yahoo Products; I was a top contributor, but for some reason they took it off..don't know what happen though, but i'll go for the gusto again!!Sometimes i'm in the computer notebooks categories too; i only help with basic computer help, and not advance because i'm still learning. One more thing, I've seen numerous questions that do not specify the problems specifically; if you need help, don't just type the question vaguely and don't specify; it would be a lot more useful and helpful if you would specifically state what your problem is about. :D PEACE!
Does yahoo mail use a symmetric key when accessing email?
For instance, when one wants to access his or her yahoo mail account, he/she has to type in a username and password. Does yahoo mail use a symmetric key to encrypt the password?
2 AntwortenSecurityvor 8 JahrenWhat are some ways of recycling controlled substance meds?
I recycled some of my medicine at a local pharmacy; however, the pharmacist told me that i was unable to recycle some of the meds because they are controlled substances. He said i could crush them, and mix them with coffee grounds then throw them away. Is this a safe method of recycling medicine? What are other ways that I can recycle medicine? Your answers are appreciated =)
3 AntwortenGreen Livingvor 9 JahrenWhat is this bump beside my dog's tear duct?
My dog did not have this bump in the morning, and i'm assuming maybe she poked her eye with something while she was in the back yard. I was observing her eye about 30 mins ago, and it looks like an inflammation, but i am not sure. I have the pictures below for you all to see the bump. I'm assuming maybe it is harmless because she's acting like her normal-self( very hyper, and playful dog); she's not hurting, whining, etc. Should I observe it for a couple of days? I just want to know what type of bump this is, and if it's serious.
Thank You
Pic 1:
Pic 2: ( On pic 2 i pulled the bottom part of he eye gently to get a better picture of the bump)
1 AntwortDogsvor 1 JahrzehntMy dog is on her period; do pet industries make sanitary napkins for dogs?
My dog stays in the house most of the time, and I would hate to put her outside because it's very cold, but at the same time, I might have too due to sanitary purposes or put her in the garage. My question is do they make sanitary napkins for dogs? If so, are they sold in local pet stores?
38 AntwortenDogsvor 1 JahrzehntCould I kill a home intruder?
Of course i am protecting my life; it's not just property, but the intruder will more than likely will harm me also if i don't do anything. As for questioning the possibility, I will do that; it's not like i am goingto ah ha! INTRUDER! And kill him or her lol. Dealing with those kind of situations, you have to think critical.
11 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 JahrzehntWhat are some good diabetic recipes?
Hello All,
I'm looking for some diabetic recipes for my father. Also, how can i monitor what types of food are bad for him?
4 AntwortenDiabetesvor 1 JahrzehntIs Congress going to far about fining Americans if they don't have health care ?
I was just reading an article about Congress' new health reform in Yahoo Finances, and basically to make the long story short, Congress is proposing fines if Americans do not buy health care insurance. Is Congress going to far? Or is this the best decision?
6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are some good finance books?
I just want to know what are some good finance books out there in terms of having financial stability, and learning how to invest into stocks.
I haven't invested into stocks yet, but I would like to start. I just need the tools to learn how to invest into stocks, and strategies. Also, i would like to learn about mutual funds:)
2 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 1 JahrzehntAm I at risk for diabetes?
Hello All,
My father has type 2 diabetes. Is diabetes hereditary? A little background of my health. I exercise, but sometimes i tend to eat junk food ( McDonalds, etc.) and sometimes high carb foods. I know these aren't good foods at all, but i enjoy salty and sugary foods, but idon't eat them all the time. My intake is like between once or twice a week. So am i at risk?
2 AntwortenDiabetesvor 1 JahrzehntWould this be considered a complementary good?
for instance the market for cell phones; the price of a call made from a cell phone falls. Would that be considered as a compliment? Since calls actually go with the cellphones?
3 AntwortenEconomicsvor 1 JahrzehntShould I replace the alternator or starter?
I'll give you a little history about my car first. I have an 89 Toyota Camry, and I've had it since i was 16 yrs old. I had minor problems with it, but nothing major. About a month ago, sometimes my car would not start up, but the radio, and the a/c would work. I figured it might be the battery. So yesterday, i finally got a battery, yet it's still doing the same thing ! This doesn't happen too often, yet it seems that my car has a span of not wanting to start every two weeks ( least it seems like it). Since everything starts up, but the car itself, is it the alternator or the starter? Some say alternator and some say starter, but i'm not sure myself. What do you all think?
6 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntQuestion about Resident Evil5 : Weapon and Ammo?
Hi All,
Can anyone tell me what does the red 10 mean beside my life span ?Does it mean that my ammo might be full? If so, why does it say that when i don't have any ammo. I only have one box of shot gun shells, and that's it, and whenever i try to get hand gun ammo it tells me that my ammo is full.
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntWhat to do when a dog scratches itself entirely too much?
Hello All,
I've noticed my dog has been scratching herself entirely too much. It is to the point where i'm finding red soars on her skin. I believe she might have flea. I have checked her coat, and don't seem to find any, but I do understand fleas are very small, microscopic size so maybe i can't see. I've been putting some flea powder on her fur, but i don't think it's getting any better. I do want to treat her minor soars; so my question is peroxide safe to treat animals that have soars? Also, what is a good bathing product for a dog that sooths itching, and that will get rid of potential fleas as well as other pests that locks onto a dog's fur coat?
Thank You
16 AntwortenDogsvor 1 JahrzehntIs Yogurt Douching really the answer?
Hey All,
I am doing a medical research in regards to vaginal health. I was researching about common vaginal infections, and smells, and I came across of douching with yogurt. Now I eat yogurt almost every day just to maintain my digestion and vaginal health, but is it really better to actually douche with yogurt?
Serious answers please :D
8 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 JahrzehntHow do I set numbers as primary keys?
I do understand that a primary key must be unique, but i'm having a difficult time trying to input numbers as primary keys, and connect them with other tables. Do i need to do the relationship builder first; what can I do ? By the way, I'm a new user of Access 2007, and this is for a database project; very simple. If anyone can help me i'll appreciate it.
4 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are some inspirational songs for graduating students?
I'm doing a senior presentation for college students that are graduating in the summer and fall, and I need some music to fit the theme. What are some good inspirational or soft music instrumentals I can use ???
3 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are some simple fundraising ideas ?
Hello All,
I am apart of a community service committee at my school, and we are currently trying to come up with some ideas on fundraising. Our goal is to make $200, and donate it towards Relay For Life organization. What are some good fundraising ideas? We are already planning to have a bake sale, but I will like more suggestions. Thanks:)
4 AntwortenCommunity Servicevor 1 Jahrzehnthow do I voice chat during game play?
Hello all,
I have a 80 gig ps3, and my friend and I are trying to voice chat during game play. We both have NBA LIVE 09, and we both have headsets. How do we chat during game play ?
2 AntwortenOther - Games & Recreationvor 1 Jahrzehnt