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Old, working, boring.
VA disbursment?
If you travel more than 100 miles to a VA hospital/clinic for regular care (chemo) do they help with the cost to get there? We have spent nearly $1000 in gas to go for testing and treatments and can't afford groceries, too, if the illness is not approved service related, does the VA help with the gas?
5 AntwortenMilitaryvor 7 JahrenDo mormons believe in Heaven?
I've heard that Mormons believe that they will become like Gods after death, and there was some
thing about "spirit children" that I cannot understand. Could someone explain? I've looked at the verious Mormon information sites but that topic is not mentioned.
7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 JahrenWhy do I get answers NOW to questions I asked 1-4 years ago? Why bother?
Have my questions gone into a quarantine zone in the ethernet until someone is certain they won't do more damage to the ozone layer? I'm getting answers to questions that I had asked so long ago, I totally forgot them! What is the point in asking if we can die of old age before anyone answers them?
4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntWhat kind of blue green clear stone glows neon when held under black light?
I have an emerald cut stone, which is clear, blue green ( but jewelers have told me it is NOT an aquamarine ) and when it is held under a black light, it glows neon green. Nobody can tell me what it is; I thought perhaps aventurine? Any ideas?
1 AntwortPhysicsvor 1 JahrzehntInternet Explorer is my least favorite server?
took over my computer; or a Trojan or something. Even after repeatedly scanning for nasties, now I cannot access Mozilla even using the http address. "Windows cannot access the file ..... or you don't have administrative BS to access it...." what happened, any ideas???
2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy does my Yahoo email box say I have 15 unread but I can only access 3 of them?
Also, a friend of mine claims we had a chat last night long after I had gone to bed; not a problem but I DO NOT CHAT ON YAHOO! Any ideas? I've thought for a while something odd was going on, but now
I can pretty much confirm that feeling.
1 AntwortOther - Yahoo Mailvor 1 JahrzehntHow do I make a SIMPLE dress for spring?
I have to make 2 or 3 dresses this spring, and haven't done anything like that for a long time. I want simple patterns and colors but where to begin?
1 AntwortFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 JahrzehntWhat will election choices be?
IF we don't agree with the Democrats, Republicans OR the Tea Party Party?
Why didn't Sarah serve in the military if she is such a good shot? Why did
the Republican Party pick her to run with McCain? Why did the Democratic
Party decide that Obama was easier to lead than anyone else? I want to
know what pink elephant will be chosen at the next meeting of brilliant yet
expensively bought minds? If people spoke about my profession the same
way they speak of politicians, I would have to change jobs!!!!
2 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntWhen I go to the "tools" section of the top bar on my computer?
and look throught the "certificates", there are some from Turkey, China, and other wild places
I haven't knowingly visited. What happens if I delete them? There are probably 80-100 certs in
there, do I need them ALL?
Seriously, thank you for your help (No, I am not a tool.)
1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy won't my hard drive play discs?
The computer IS about 6 years old, however, all of a sudden we can't use any discs in the
tower, what am I doing wrong? Game discs, music CDs, and photo discs, nothing will work.
4 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 1 JahrzehntHave you heard of parental alienation?
Why are parents (custodial OR non custodial) so controlling and desperate to drive the other parent out of the lives of their children? And how do they justify the lies they feed the kids? I don't understand that kind of desperation, since the children usually end up in prison since they can't trust anyone and fail at relationships. They really don't care about the kids, but they love revenge.
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 1 JahrzehntWhat has caused the economy to flop?
Let's hope someone will read this question and the answers I hope follows and get a clue!
What companies would get bailed out and what companies should sink?
22 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt%shortfname% showed up on my Yahoo! page at the top?
where it says Hi, (then your user name). What is this and what shall I do to eliminate %shortfname%?
11 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt5 months ago I asked a question. Today "best answer" is in my in box. Where has the question been since July?
I asked a question in July; today, I check my email and there is the best answer. What happens to e-mails that get lost in the "ether"? Do they
get hijacked? This has happened several times, and nobody seems to understand what I'm asking. Is there a holding place for email somewhere out there or what is happening to my email?
5 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 JahrzehntWe have a mated pair of tiels, and 3 babies.?
The parents are plucking the feathers from the babies backs, but are still feeding them. I think keeping daddy out of the cage except at night will be enough, what do you think?
2 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 JahrzehntPlease don't call me paranoid!?
Several months ago, I signed up for Freecycle, and stopped receiving anything from them in September. Then, I forwarded something to my husband, and to both of our surprise, when he mailed me back, the "b" word was in front of my email address; he was confused when I emailed him back joking about it, and says he is stumped as well. Could someone in the "ether" have hacked into my email and decided what mail I can and cannot receive? Can they be using my computer (which obviously would give them access to all my email addresses and other stuff) or am I crazy? I have mentioned the seemingly deliberate slowness of keystrokes when I type anything, then a long pause, with the same slowness when I backspace to delete something. HELP!!!!!!
5 AntwortenNotices and Errorsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat would cause feathers to be curved?
Our dominant silver male tiel's tail feathers are growing back all curved (like wavy hair) but they are flexible not brittle, also he still hasn't regrown the feathers he pulled from his chest, under-wings and belly; there are little "hairs" growing, but not feathers. He has an abundance of little white "buds" along the base of his wings and his lower back, but they have been there for months with few feathers taking place.
No, this is NOT moulting, he has been nearly naked like this since spring of 2007, and we wait and wait. His diet is mixed pellet/seed and only the approved or recommended table foods. He has a girlfriend in the cage with him, and she is very healthy with a minimal number of feathers on the cage bottom.
They refuse egg and any other protein foods we offer, so what can I offer that A. they will eat and B. are obtainable? No, there is not an avian vet within the surrounding area (approximately 100 miles n/s/e/w).
4 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy can't I install a game?
which I had before, then loaned my daughter? Now, it will install, play the sound effects but not the game itself, without a constant popup about DirectX downloading? We downloaded Direct X and still no happiness, so what next? All you computer mavens out there, help!
Another question, serious time lapse between key strokes and actual posting of characters means what? It seems the little guy in the commerical is actually sitting in my monitor and typing one letter at a time, and trust me, I am NOT the fastest typist in the world! Have I been invaded?
2 AntwortenDesktopsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are healthy eyes?
How is it that I'm losing my vision at what seems to be a rapid rate, yet the optomitrist gives me no reason for it and even says my eyes are healthy? Should he have given me a referral to an opthamologist? I am menopausal, is this a reason for loss of vision?
3 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt