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sai chetan
what is the mechanism of vibration in a cell phone.??
i mean what is that inside the phone which vibrates..????/
2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehntwhich is the best mobile phone????
i want to purchase a cell phone...wich do u think is the best one...(around 10000Rs)..i want a good camera and good sound quality of music...and obviously features like bluetooth.........etc...
tell me phones in motorola/nokia/samsung/sony ericson
5 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehntoffer open for franchisee for pharma sales,mktg,distr.on ethical basis for kerala,Tamil nadu ,orissa-INDIA?
I own pharma co.with more than 50 brands.excellent pckngs.n promo inputs n competitive business terms.offer open for long term growth.suitable for investors to earn continuosly and regularly.if interested can contact:
2 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 1 Jahrzehnti am a student of hyderabad-fiitjee college inter first year.i secured 93percent in my tenth class exams?
i actually joined this college aiming for IIT but i am now hearing a lot abt.SAT exam.this is the first time i heard about it.i also went to collegeboard website due to which i got even more confused seeing the fee.can anyone tell me the scholarships etc...that i can get.?i can afford till ten lacs for four years and want to study in a public institute.
hoping a fast reply...
1 AntwortStudying Abroadvor 1 Jahrzehnt