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Lv 622.967 points

Alice S

Favorisierte Antworten13%
  • What is up with car drivers attitudes?

    My daughter dropped her motorbike on a wet corner the other day. She pulled something in her leg and was trapped under the bike. The car driver behind her slowed and then drover around her without helping. Other car drivers stopped to help, but one motorist complained that they should move their cars, since they were blocking the road. So have we always been this selfish, or have motorists become this arrogant and entitled in recent years?

    14 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 2 Jahren
  • Soo. Sept 28th, blood moon eclipse and no end of the world. Have you learnt anything about the doom mongers yet?

    Some Christian groups have been pinning their hopes on the 28th for a doomsday and Jesus turning up. Just wondering what new ideas of mass extinction they will come up with next

    15 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 Jahren
  • Looking for a new road bike.?

    I am going to use the Cycle 2 Work scheme to finance a new bike. This means that I am looking in the sub £1000 category. Comfortably I am looking around the £800 mark. Ideally I would like Tiagra, or even better a 105 group set. Carbon fork and probably a carbon seat post as well. May have to chop and change at the shop.

    Anyway, am looking at a couple of models:

    Marida Ridelite 93

    Marida Race 903

    Giant Defy

    Cube Peloton

    and am also interested in Focus machines

    Am interested in Pros and cons of the machines and am looking for a comforatable, but fast machine that has a great deal of versatiltiy to allow me to do long charity rides, but blast the hell out of traffic on the commute.

    Hippies vies on the Defy especially sourght.


    4 AntwortenCyclingvor 7 Jahren
  • Muhabharat - The Bharat family were caretakers of Histanipure for a king.?

    However, after Histanipure got gambled away in a game of dice, it follows that the Bharat family were unfit to rule in this kings stead. Why didn't he come storming in and say stuff it, you had your chance? I can understand if the said royal was only a few years old, but the Bharat mob were exiled into the jungle for more than enough time to allow the true king to come back and claim the kingdom, especially after the Bharat family involved the kingdom in a power struggle for not a kingdom, but stewardship of the throne.

    1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • Slow Youtube upload speed?

    I have started to upload helmet cam videos from my rides. However,some of my videos take a ridiculous amount of time to upload. On two occasions the projected upload time has been wrong. One occasion I set an upload for a 10 minute video. It projected 4 hours. When I came down the next morning only 13% had loaded and it projected another week to upload. Last night I did the same thing and came down to find that 22% had been uploaded over 9 hrs.

    My video editing is with the Free Microsoft one. Helmet cam shoots in either 1080 or 720p. And I prepare video in HD setting.

    What can I do to upload this stuff faster?

    2 AntwortenYouTubevor 8 Jahren
  • Where can I get a flying monkey?

    OK, Always wanted one since watching the Wiz. Also, do you need a green complexion before being able to own one?


    5 AntwortenZoologyvor 8 Jahren
  • Need an electric blue glaze recipe?

    Seen a few glazes that I wouldn't mind doing. However, I am after a high firing (Stoneware and porcelain glaze - Usually fire at 1260 but would like the 1300 option), that gives a matt electric blue. Am also interested in Crystalline glazes, so exploring buff and blue colouring with cristal growth. Thanks.

    1 AntwortOther - Visual Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • Why haven't diesel cars taken off in America?

    If there is one continent suited to the diesel engine it is the US. Diesel cars have become more powerful and cleaner. You can get the same power from a 2 or 3 ltr diesel than a much larger petrol engine and yet in America they build 8 ltr cars that guzzle petrol. Why, when for a 2 ltr diesel you could get the same performance and 1/4 the petrol bills?

    9 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the music used in the Fiat 500 advert?

    Been wracking my brains over this one. It sounds like an Irish band, but be damned if I can remember who.

    2 AntwortenRock and Popvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the music used in the Fiat 500 advert?

    Been wracking my brains over this one. Sounds Irish, want to download it, but can't think of what it is. Help!

    1 AntwortR&B & Soulvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What are you going to be driving in 30 years time?

    I tend to hang out on the cycling section, where we occasionally get motorists berating us for various reasons. I was looking at one facebook post where two cyclists were squirted with orange juice by a motorist. There is definately antagonisim between the two forms of transport. However, while I know that I will still be riding a bike in 30 years time, the motorist can not make the same claim with any certainty. Our oil researves were set to run out in about 30 years time. With China and India able to purchase more oil than us, the car may very well be on a short life span. So other than getting a head start on two wheels, what do you think will replace the car? Will you have to consider mass transit?

    7 AntwortenCommutingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does Charity Donation do more harm than good?

    I just started a debate about sponsorship on the MBR forum regarding the big bike ride that Radio1 completed. But from that I have started to consider a new question. Does donating to third world charities actually make the problem better or worse? At the moment we are being asked to donate money to Indian slums. However, India is actually becoming quite wealthy. The big problem is the cast system that will deliberatly make an impoverished underclass. In the West we have had a social revolution that encouraged us to develop our own poverty protection for our citizens. Does our paying to help another country stop them from facing their own social revolution and therefore keep their poor on the breadline. When I was growing up Ethiopia was the big cause and yet, at the time, it had the largest standing army on the African continent. Our aid helped to keep a military dictatorship in power, since they could spend money on weopons and not their people.


    7 AntwortenCommunity Servicevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I nearly killed a cyclist today?

    Country roads. Patchy fog, so lights were dipped and doing 45. Suddenly I have to slam on the anchors as 2 black shapes appeard in lights. Black hoodies. Jump bikes. No lights or reflectors. Nearly roadkill. Can we do something to bring this to peoples attention. There is this idea that lights are somehow GAY. I was thinking of a mass night ride from city centres around UK. What do you think?

    10 AntwortenCyclingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • The Sun newspaper have just blasted the Police for printing a cycling manual. What do you think of this?

    UK Police have printed a 94 page document instructing it's officers how to ride their bikes, including the corect postitions at junctions, how to stay hydrated, etc. This seems reasonable to me, since they do the same for their car drivers and their motorcyclists. However, the Sun seems to think that this is a complete waste of money and that any 4 year old can ride a bike. So who do you think is right? The Sun or the Police?

    8 AntwortenCyclingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What happened to Liz Leyh?

    I am trying to find out what happened to Liz Leyh, the artist who make the Concrete Cows. I know she went to do some work in America, but she seems to have dropped off of the face of the earth. Already tried the usual sites and Google doesn't help much.

    1 AntwortSculpturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What has happened to Youngblood from Dog the Bountyhunter?

    Series five sees him absent. He is not mentioned on the web site and is not in the credits. If dead there would be some sort of memorial on the site. I am guessing some sort of family feud. Any news?

    4 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anybody have a postcode for the Dusk Till Dawn?

    Am doing the Dusk Till Dawn, at Thetford this weekend. I will be using a Tom Tom to get there. Does anybody know the postcode that will get me into the car park for the event?

    2 AntwortenCyclingvor 1 Jahrzehnt