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Lv 2629 points


Favorisierte Antworten14%

Hey. My name is Laura, Im an 18 year old from Barnsley, England. I know about all types of things from medications to scientific things, if i can help you i will. Feel free to contact me if you need further guidance.

  • Should i clean on a night, rather than during the day?

    i find that when i clean during the day, the house seems to end up messy again within about 2 hours, what with cooking etc. and i find it hard and tiring to keep on top of. I thought why not clean on a night, obviously not turn the hoover on etc because i don't want to disturb my neighbours, but like washing the pots, cleaning the tables, dusting etc, do you think i will just be wasting my time? or should i stick to my regular routine?

    Laura x

    2 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 6 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Do we look happy?

    Me and my friend went on a night out last weekend. I am the black haired girl and she is the red head. Anyway. I was just wondering, do we look like we have a happy friendship?

    (Purposely for a course i am doing about relationships) Thanks.

    Singles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Do you think my hair suits me?

    Hey,I was just wondering do you think my hair suits me?

    Or do you think that another style would look nice?

    Thank you for any advice :)

    Laura x x x

    Hairvor 6 Jahren

    Hey, i am just wondering if anyone has any good authentic italian recipes they can share with me. My partner is Italian and he has been raised with proper Italian food. We have since moved into our own place and i want to make him meals that are related to his upbringing. Thanks in advance.

    I have already made:- Spaghetti and Faccine with Chicken and Spinach in white sauce.

    Also if you have any methods in cooking etc then please let me know.

    I have tried google, but it doesn't seem to come up with authentic recipes.

    Laura x

    Cooking & Recipesvor 6 Jahren
  • cleaning advice?

    My partner doesn't help me around the house. I find myself physically exhausted. Neither of us work i am a carer for my mother and he has depression which his doctors have said he is best to have a break from work. Anyway i spend around 4-5 hours in total per day cleaning. He then makes it a mess within an hour.

    Do you think that making a rota to plan cleaning would help me out in this situation? Or do you have any other advice that could be of assistance? Thankyou x

    Singles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • Bored during the day. (UK)?

    Hey, i'm 18 and want to enrol into some kind of course but needs to be online and free or have available funding.

    does anyone know anything like this?

    or does anyone know something that i could do in regards to training or things?

    please note i care for my mother on a daily basis so needs to be something i can do in the house? i already cook, clean etc.

    Thanks for your help in advance, good luck with the best answer xxx

    Other - Educationvor 6 Jahren
  • Please help me, i want a baby, but it doesn't seem to be happening.?

    Okay, so i feel that i am ready to start my own family. I have been with my partner for 4 years and i am certain we are not going to break up any time soon. We have our own house, have stable incomes and want to start a family but there are problems.. If anyone has read my last question i am currently being tested for polycystic ovaries and endometriosis, which isnt the best start to having a baby as these can affect your fertility. I am having this problem treated by a doctor and am on medication until i have an internal examination next week. Anyway i haven't been on contraception for 2 years and we have always had unprotected sex, but still, no baby. I've never been pregnant to him or anyone else, i had one partner prior, wasn't on the pill and was together for a year and didn't catch on then even though we didn't use contraception either.

    My partner is currently on tablets for depression (100mg Sertraline). He cannot ejaculate on these pills, he has no problem getting an erection but he just cant get to the point of climax. So this isn't helping.

    Do you think there is something wrong with me? Does anyone know any methods of conception that possibly could work for me? Has anyone else been through this and actually got pregnant?

    Someone please answer and just tell me if you think i need to get fertility tests carried out? Everyone i know has no problem conceiving which makes me envious. Please help :) laura xxx

    Trying to Conceivevor 6 Jahren

    Hello. Im 18 years old and have suffered with heavy periods for as long as i can remember. Recently (within the past 6 months) my periods have become even heavier and extremely painful to the point where i do not dare to stand up because my whole body aches. I am constantly tired due to the blood loss in my opinion, or it could just be that my body contracts so much it is easier if i just go to sleep. Anyhow, i was on the cerazette pill from the age of 14-15, but had to come off it due to heavy bleeding continuing and cramps getting to the point where i had to have the whole duration of my period off school. Again i tried another pill which was Northisterone, this didnt even work at all so i stopped it 3 months later. I went to the doctors today as i have come on my period again and i couldnt cope with the pain, i have tried a paracetemol and ibuprofen combo every 4 hours but this doesnt work. i took along one of my pads, which are actually incontinence pads, because the regular ones dont hold the blood and i actually tend to leak all over, so i switched and only leak if i dont change every 3 hours. the pain has gotten to the point where it wakes me up during sleep and takes me hours to get back into a deep sleep. anyway, i was prescribed with mefenamic acid 500mg tablets, have to take 3 per day (30 tablets) as well as tranexamic acid 500mg tablets take 1-2 per day (60 tablets) AS WELL AS codeine 15mg tablets take 1-2 4 times per day (56 tablets). has anyone else had this?

    Women's Healthvor 6 Jahren