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How do you get an id when you have no proof?
Ok, so here's the deal. My boyfriend lost his wallet. He's a dumb *** and I know it, but he had his passport, S.S. card, and I.D. in it. He doesn't have his birth certificate either. I know, dumb ***. Any way, my question is where do we start? What can we use?
3 AntwortenPassword and Sign Invor 1 JahrzehntGoing Abroad what should I see?
I am planning a trip to Ireland, Paris, and London. I was wondering what things I should definitely see. I'm only going to have 2-3 days in Paris and London, but about a week in Dublin. I've got some things I already want to see in Ireland, but could use some more suggestions. Thanks.
1 AntwortOther - Destinationsvor 1 Jahrzehnt