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HVAC tech IN FortWorth
help identify paintings?
2 painting given to me Fran Klin signiture ones got 6199 e/a other has 6199e/b i got pics on pc dont know how to add them here
1 AntwortPaintingvor 8 Jahren03 astro van stop at red light runs rough put in neutral quits running rough?
new fuel filter put it in shop bad injector fixed now it does as above did it before i got that fixed check engine light off now but now bad mileage it only runs rough under a load in gear once you take it out of gear it like disengages something nothing showing up on computer scan any one out there have any idea?
3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehntobstruction of justice?
If the fbi came to you and and told you if you follow threw with lawsuit just signed the paper to follow up on lawsuit that they will charge you with obstruction of justice because they are investigating a third party is that not obstruction of justice in itself by the fbi
1 AntwortLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 JahrzehntWhere do cataract surgens get there training?
is there a school or hospital that they do internship looking for very low cost if not free surgery
1 AntwortOpticalvor 1 Jahrzehntcan you request a specific cell #?
i want a special # how can i do that
1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehntwhen i log off i t pops up a window?
someone else is logged on are you sure i want to log off ? is someone on my pc? or what?
1 AntwortSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy? go to shut down?
windows pops up and says other people are logged on is someone else logged on my pc?
1 AntwortOther - Yahoo Messengervor 1 JahrzehntEnergy Bill?
How do you plan to profit now for when the new Energy plan goes threw?
3 AntwortenInvestingvor 1 JahrzehntI have a painting by Robert Ferguson how do i check it?
2 AntwortenPaintingvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat do you do if you treat your lawn with orthro max & it poisons your dog what do you give him?
11 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt