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Favorisierte Antworten12%
  • Which Las Vegas buffet has Lox (Smoked Salmon)?

    Which Buffet in

    Las Vegas, Nevada USA


    Lox (Smoked Salmon)

    and maybe champagne?

    3 AntwortenLas Vegasvor 9 Jahren
  • TWITTER - Posted Comments On Senator's Twitter Page, But Comments Don't Show Up?

    I posted several comments on my Senator's Twitter page, but nothing of my posts show up on the Senator's Twitter page, why?

    I'm not sure how Twitter works. Can somebody explain this to me, please? Thanks!

    1 AntwortOther - Internetvor 10 Jahren
  • Convert Large PDF Files to Searchable PDF Files?

    Scant documents are not searchable. How can I convert large PDF files to searchable PDF files?

    2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Get Dishes in Dishwasher Clean – Without Rinsing?

    I have a Whirlpool dishwasher. I always have to rinse my dishes before I run the dishwasher. I run the dishwasher every 2 to 3 days and use “Finish Gel, advanced deep cleaning power”. Even when I just drank a cup of coffee, put the cup in the dishwasher and immediately run the dishwasher, the cup does not get clean.

    Why do I always have to rinse 100% off all food remains?

    What can I do so that my dishes get clean in the dishwasher, without rinsing?

    3 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Neue Pullover, Nass Auf Bügel Zum Trocknen - KRAGEN AUSGELEIERT, reparieren?

    Ich habe mehre neue Pullover gekauft, 88% Baumwolle 12% Nylon, V Kragen und runder Kragen.

    Nach Waschanweisung: kalt gewaschen, 10 Minuten niedrige Stufe in Trockner, damit sie nicht schrumpfen. Dann nass auf Bügel gehängt und trocknen lassen. Die Pullover sind am Kragen ausgeleiert.

    Wie kann ich die Kragen wieder reparieren, ohne die gesamten Pullover zu schrumpfen?

    2 AntwortenWaschen & Reinigenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I search foreclosure homes by address and/or home owner name?

    Is there a service/website where I can search these details for free?

    Renting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ears & Nose Anatomy - Ear Pressure & Pain Due to Nasal Mucus & Irrigation?

    I had nasal mucus and used nasal irrigation. The water hardly got through. Then my ears hurt, I felt pressure.

    When I have rhinitis, runny nose, I also have pain and mucus in my ears.

    Can ear mucus and nasal irrigation water get into the ears?

    How are the ears and nose connected?

    Is there an anatomy picture and/or video how the ears and nose are connected?

    1 AntwortRespiratory Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Backup All Yahoo E-Mails?

    How can I backup all my Yahoo e-mails, inbox and all e-mail folders including attachments to my computer?

    It does not work to put all Yahoo e-mails and folders into Outlook. I would have to forward all e-mails and folders to another e-mail account that works with Outlook. Then from the other e-mail account put everything into Outlook. Then backup the e-mails from Outlook to my PC.

    I tried Yahoo to Hotmail with TrueSwitch, but most e-mails were not forwarded.

    Do you have an idea how I can forward all e-mails and folders (keep e-mails sorted in folders) to another e-mail account to do the backup?

    3 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Mailvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can I Forward Multiple E-Mails With Yahoo Plus?

    I am interested to get Yahoo Mail Plus, a paid service. I would like to forward all my e-mails including attachments to another account. Before I sign up, please answer my questions.

    Can I mark 100 e-mails and forward all at the same time, not each e-mail separately, this would take too much time? I have more than 2,000 e-mails total.

    When I forward 100 e-mails will they arrive separately as 100 e-mails or in 1 e-mail?

    Are attachments forwarded too?

    1 AntwortOther - Yahoo Mailvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Clothes Dissolve In Dryer - How Prevent a Lot of Lint?

    When I put clothes in the dryer together with softening sheets, I adjust the dryer low, because medium shrinks the clothes. I get a lot of lint. Cotton makes the worst lint. The clothes dissolve so fast.

    Is there any possibility that the clothes don't dissolve so fast in the dryer, less lint?

    2 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Borrowed CD Already Damaged - Who is for Library Fees responsible?

    I borrowed many CDs from a library and checked out 2 minutes before the library was closing. I usually always check if everything is okay, before I check out. However, this time it was not possible because I was in a hurry.

    When I got home, I saw that 1 CD was broken, but not marked as damaged. Libraries charge fines when items are damaged.

    Now, I am very concerned that I might have to pay a fine for the idiot, who borrowed the CD before me and damaged the CD. That would be so extremely unfair.

    Should I report the damage to the library or should I don't say anything?

    Do I have to pay the fine for the other person, who damaged the CD?

    What is the best way to solve this problem, without being ripped off?

    1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wo TV Serien Legal Runter Laden?

    Ich möchte gerne all Folgen von der TV Serie "Sturm der Liebe" haben. Es gibt leider nicht alle Folgen auf DVDs. Vielleicht würde es alle Folgen zum runter laden geben.

    Gibt es Internetseiten, wo man legal Serien und/oder Filme runter laden kann. Ich denke an legales Kaufen, entweder pro Folge oder noch besser Flatrate Monatstarif z.B. Mitgliedschaft zahlen.

    Wo gibt es so etwas?

    Welche Erfahrungen habt ihr mit legalem Serien / Filme runter laden?

    1 AntwortSonstiges - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Versichertes Paket Verloren, Wie viel Entschädigung, Weltpostvertrag Rechte?

    Nach dem Weltpostvertrag wird angeblich die “Wertgebühr” nicht entschädigt.

    Was beutet “Wertgebühr”?

    Wie viel Euro Entschädigung muss die Post zahlen?

    Nur Warenwert oder auch Porto und Versandversicherung?

    - Postpaket, Paket bis 20kg, von Deutschland ins Ausland verloren gegangen

    - Transportversicherung bis 500 Euro Güterschäden

    Warenwert: 437 Euro

    Porto: 32 Euro

    Versandversicherung: 13 Euro

    Gesamtverlust: 482 Euro


    Kapitel 5 Haftung

    Artikel 34 Haftung Der Postverwaltungen. Entschädigungen

    4.3 Ist für den Verlust, die vollständige Beraubung oder die vollständige Beschädigung einer Wertsendung eine Entschädigung zu zahlen, so hat der Absender oder, je nach Lage des Falles, der Empfänger darüber hinaus Anspruch auf Erstattung der entrichteten Gebühren und Abgaben. Die Wertgebühr wird jedoch in keinem Fall erstattet; sie verbleibt der Einlieferungsverwaltung.

    1 AntwortRecht & Ethikvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How Much Time to Respond to Defendant's Reply to Response to Motion for Summary Judgment?

    Federal Court - Civil Case – Personal Injury, Slip & Fall

    I have questions about motion deadlines.

    - April 30, 2009 Defendant filed a Motion for Summary Judgment

    - May 21, 2009 Plaintiff filed a Response to Motion for Summary Judgment

    - June 11, 2009 Defendant filed a Reply to Response to Motion for Summary Judgment

    - The judge has not ruled on the motion yet.

    Is there still time for Plaintiff to respond to Defendant's June 11th reply, to defend against Defendant's misrepresentations, allegations?

    What is the deadline to respond to this June 11th motion?

    Where can I find the law, court rules regarding summary judgment motion deadlines?

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is Estrogen Total Serum - 97 pg/mL - Normal for a 18 Year-Old Female?

    What is the normal estrogen range for young females? Is 97 pg/mL normal for a 18 year-old female?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where Can I Find Boxing Statistics - Arm Length, Weight, Size, Age?

    I want to find statistics about arm length, weight, size and age of the boxers Wladimir Klitschko and Ruslan Chagaev. Where can I find these statistics?

    4 AntwortenBoxingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Cannot See Yahoo E-Mail Message Text With Mozilla Anymore, Just Internet Explorer Works?

    I always used Yahoo e-mail with Mozilla-Firefox, and it worked fine. Since today I have problems with Yahoo e-mail. When I click on an e-mail, the e-mail message text does not appear. I can only read the e-mail message with Internet Explorer. I prefer Mozilla.

    Does anybody have the same problem?

    Why do I have this problem?

    What can I do so that I can read my Yahoo e-mails with Mozilla?

    5 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Mailvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Word Text + PDF File, Put Together in 1 PDF File?

    I wrote text in Microsoft Word. I also have a PDF file. I want to put both documents together in one PDF file. First the written word text, then following the PDF pages. Is there any software for that? Maybe free software or free trial?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt