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  • Microsoft Excel: A drop menu to load different sets of data?

    I have a load of worksheets, each with same tables and layout. Each worksheet represents a different part of the city and have a different set of values (lets just say price of products).

    For customers to see how much the products are in their part of the city, they'd have to scroll through a load of worksheets at the bottom of the screen.

    Is there a way to create a main page with a drop down menu which customers can select and then it will automatically load the relevant worksheet/table of values?

    The table has formulas so that customers can just input the quantity and it tells them the price etc.


    4 AntwortenSoftwarevor 6 Jahren
  • How to fix Garage Roller Shutters.?

    The roler shutter was already installed when I moved in and had been working fine until a couple of my friedns broke it. (One pressed the 'down' button whilst something was holding it up) - the result, the garage door slammed down and now does not go back up.

    I believe its a "seceurosmart" brand - only because I found the manual by chance and it looks identical. The only difference is the buttons on the motor section is facing up rather than down and access to it will be out of sight but reachable.

    Im guessing the roller shutter (or the curtain) is not properly connected to the guide rails on the sides - much like chains of a bike.

    Anyone know how to go about fixing this?

    the manual can be found here:

    Many thanks

    4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 6 Jahren
  • Cheap group accommodation in hampshire/south england?

    Looking to book a venue for a suprise party in late feb 2015. Was wondering if there are anywhere that accommodates 10-20 people and is reasonably priced (about £20-£30pp).

    I have found David Donald Centre which is the right price and lcoation but just wanted something a bit more confortable.

    Many thanks

    2 AntwortenOther - United Kingdomvor 6 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Hole in my ceiling from Chimney leak?

    We moved into a new house only to discover a hole in the ceiling of the airing cupboard. This was caused from a drip (once per 2-3 seconds in heavy rainfall). It may be important that the drip seems to be falling from the centre. I have had a roofer since recovering my chimney and said that it should be now water tight. He also said that the rest of it looked fine (i.e. the brickwork, flashing etc).

    However, the drip has not gone away.

    Our house is from 30's, our chimney is shared with our neigbour and has four holes (2 per side). Both ours is sealed. One of theirs is capped with the cowl and the other apparently is just open according to our roofer. However, when we were trying to look at the problem (roofer looking down my chimney and me looking up, we couldnt see each other as something half way up was blocking the view. Its hard to describe, its like a sheet of material but is semi transparent (can see daylight semi-coming through when my chimney hole was open and then went dark when we covered it again. He then tried dropping some bits of brick/mortar down and it did reach to my but it didnt sound like it came straight through and also was some time delay, albeit minor.

    If it's not my chimney, could it be that water is collecting in my neighbours and then seeping through the brickwork to my side. Collecting at the middle of the mysterious material and dripping from there?

    1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 6 Jahren
  • Samsung Galaxy tablet to connect with HDD?

    anyone know a simple way to connect a portable hard drive to the galaxy tab 3 (10.1) so it can play files directly off it?

    1 AntwortAdd-onsvor 7 Jahren
  • Samsung galaxy tab to read portable hard drive?

    Anyone know a cheap simple way to plug a hard drive to a galaxy tab 3 (10.1) so it can play vdeos and music etc directly off it?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 7 Jahren
  • Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830i, wont turn on - shows battery charging.?

    The phone was once dropped in water but was taken to a shop and was fied (not sure if important)

    It ran out of battery one day and now it just wont turn on. When I plug it in, it shows the battery charging and goes to fully charge but no button combo makes it turn on!

    have tried:

    1) taking battery out, plug usb to laptop, put battery back in

    2) plug usb in for 3 seconds, take it out.

    both seems to be the most populr fix methods but both failed for me! :(

    1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 7 Jahren
  • Name of a retro/old school beat em- up game featuring a clown as a character maybe?

    After the name of an old school (90's) beat em up which had about 10 charcters, one of which I'm convinced was a clown.

    Also, this is a major long shot but another old shcool one Im trying to think of is one I can only remember one character - some alien/monster type thing -possibly looking like a predator type thing which had claws and a move involving him spinning and drilling! :)

    2 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 7 Jahren
  • Using gamecuibe save files on wii without homebrew?

    All the mehtods I have found requires homebrew and apps. Is there any way I can use my gamecube save file without the need of homebrew?

    2 AntwortenNintendo Wiivor 7 Jahren
  • Homebrew for Japanese Wii?


    I have got a Japanese bought near release date and played for about a year and then has been collecting dust.

    Only really just came across the homebrew side of things and wondered if anyones got any tips or advice for homebrew-ing a Japanese Wii - firmware probably bew lower than 4.3


    1 AntwortNintendo Wiivor 7 Jahren
  • Chinese sand/clay pots on electric hob?

    Im looking to buy a sand/clay pots but all I have in my kitchen are electric glass hobs but worried as some online comments suggest this may damage the pots.

    I can't find any definitive answers online so thoguht I'd try my luck here.


    2 AntwortenEthnic Cuisinevor 7 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Garage condensation/damp proofing help!?

    I have a detached garage (approx. 43ft x 10ft), breeze block walls, concrete floor and a timber trusse with a proper tiled roof. There is only about a 300mm gap between my garage to next door garages so exterior works are restricted.

    During the winter months, I have a fan heater to heat the place whilst I'm in there. There is carpet (only in the area in question) on top of the concrete floor and I noticed water was through. I lifted it and found that a small layer of water was collecting on the surface. This spreaded in places as shown in picture. The worst area was between the tv unit and coffee table where mould/slight signs of fungus (also behind the TV unit) was growing.

    After I ripped 90% of the carpet up, it seemed to have slowed and stopped.

    Is this condensation? Or water seeping up from the pourous concrete floor? It is only the floor that is noticably wet so maybe not condensation? But after I ripped the carpet up and moved the media unit, the water problem seemed to have slowed down hence it seems like it was a ventilation problem.

    If so, is there any way I can prevent this from happening or ideally, can I lay something like garage rubber mats as I would like a nice surface instead of bare concrete.

    Also, the previous owner have left a few tins of anti-slip paint; will this help seal the floor? I am looking into floor sealants or epoxy paints but not sure if this helps as I dont know if its water seppage or condensation.

    4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 7 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Mould/Damp proofing in garage?


    I've lived in my new house with a very large garage as a man cave for nearly 2 years now. Only since the winter just gone, did I notice the carpet section of the garage was getting wet. I lifted it and there were very shallow pools of water on the surface. I also noticed on one wall behind the media unit, just where the wall meets the floor, mould was growing. I have since removed the carpets, the water problem seemed to have gone and no mould growing back.

    However, I want to do something in case it comes back this winter.

    I noticed the at the bottom of the wall where the mould was, there is a small section of what appears to be painted flashing against the floor. SOme of this as lifted slightly. Does this need sealing or something?

    I 'think' its a single skin structure (concrete breezeblocks) with concrete floor with timber trusses and a tiled roof (though noticed the soffits are just thin wooden planks with tiny air gaps)

    Thanks for your time!

    4 AntwortenDecorating & Remodelingvor 7 Jahren
  • crazy martial arts movie name?

    Someone mentioned a film for me to check out but forgot the title. All I can remember him saying is it was about people getting body parts transplanted (not sure if limbs were cloned or harvested) and had over the top power and thus has loads of ridiculous deaths in the film.

    I think the movietitle started with a k or q sound and may be Asian.

    It's a long shot but I've tried googling everything!

    1 AntwortMoviesvor 7 Jahren
  • Cooker hood fan weak, how to fix?

    I have an overhead cooker hood fan system, similar to this one:

    I've just bought a paper filter and a foam filter to replace the existing but noticed when I opened it up, the fan or suction is not very powerful. I held up a small bit of cling filml near it and it only gently suck towards it - I would have thought on full power, it wuold be dragging it away from my hands.

    Is this normal? Or do I need to somehow service it?

    Many thanks

    1 AntwortDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 8 Jahren
  • Cooker hob filter. Paper and/or foam?!?

    I had the pleasure of trying to clean the cooker hob of our new house for the first time and upon opening the initial metal grill mesh thing, I noticed there was a paper filter and a foam filter.

    From researching, most sites just say use either paper OR foam but not many mention to use both.

    Now do I use one or the other? Or do I get both still?

    Many thanks,

    the cooker hob is a built in unit similar looking to the Hotpoint HTN41.

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 8 Jahren
  • Possible to create an interative flow chart with microsoft office?


    I only have the standard microsoft office as its for work and I was wondering if it is possible to create a flow chart whereby people can be presented questions, click on an answer which takes them to another set of questions and so on.

    Just a one page flow chart would be reaaly long and confusing.

    may thanks

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 8 Jahren
  • Spider found in human chest/lung?


    Not sure if I was dreaming about this but Im sure there was a story a few years ago about someone with a lump on their chest and turns out to be a spider inside them.

    anyone know anything about this or something similar to this/.

    many thanks

    3 AntwortenOther - News & Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • La spa hot tub wont start?


    I have a la spa 2007 series m class.

    I've just drained, cleaned and filled my spa up again. Turned the power on and set my temperature, but jet buttons don't work, in fact no buttons work apart from temperature ones.

    I think Ive had this once during the winter but left for a few days and decided to work again.

    There is three flashing dots or decinamls on the display screen.

    I've got a few people coming round hoping to use it in a few days, please help!

    Thank you

    1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahren
  • How to make a conservatory more liveable?

    Im sure this is a common problem and I have googled it to death. But our conservatory is a tad too cold to stay out there in winter and way too hot in summer (in fact, it melted a bag of candles we had and some spilled onto the carpet).

    We have a 4ft x 3ft conservatory, solid walls on both sides, low wall at the front with the UPVC windows and doors and a plastic polycarbonate roof

    So far, fitting a proper tiled roof and curtains seem too expensive for us (we are trying to avoid anything over £1000).

    The other options I found are:

    1) Suspended ceiling (hang cheap, light ceiling tiles off existing roof)

    2) Somehow fit a plasterboard as a new ceiling with insulation above it

    3) Fitting these fancy solar films

    My worry with each is its fucntion and potential problems like damp and mould.

    Does anyone actually experience or have done anything similar to the above?

    Many thanks

    3 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 8 Jahren