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  • How to raise money to self publish a cook book for charity?

    Gathering a list of ideas on how to raise enough money to cover the costs involved in printing a cook book to sell for charitable purposes. We're not a charity, the book has been compiled by us and will be printed by us to supply to charities to then sell for profit. We don't really wish to fill the book full of advertising though we may have to. To sell inserts instead we would have to bag each book individually and feel it may make it unattractive to potential buyers - even if we provide a sample to flip through. Not sure on that one.

    Any ideas?

    Oh and definitely not interested in getting finance for it.

    2 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What script to allow people to comment on articles on my website?

    I've been writing articles for an article site for some time and would now like to start writing articles for my own site. I don't want to have articles I've written on another site and just link people to them.

    For instance, I have an Editor's Rant section in mind and would like people to be able to leave comments below. I don't want to just use a seperate blog for each section hosted on another site. I want people to be able to leave comments on the articles on my site, I'd like it to fit into my site so people won't navigate away from it.

    Should I look for some kind of blog script for each section? Does this make any sense? :P

    No Java solutions pls!

    1 AntwortOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Would you buy a cookbook that didn't have photos of the meals?

    Just curious. My favourite cookbook is from the '70s and has no pictures, it's rare to find and sought out by many (Day to Day Cookery). It's filled with fantastic recipes with a simple layout.

    I personally don't care whether a recipe book has pictures or not though I'd like to hear what others have to say on the issue.

    22 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anyone had hypnosis for fear of needles? If yes please share!?

    I know hypnosis does not work on everyone. Have a second spinal done in December for the delivery of my second child and frankly the thought of another needle in my spine is freaking me out. I have a terrible fear of needles in general and have unfortunately injured several doctors and nurses throughout my lifetime out of pure panic. With my first child I was that desperate for the pain of labour after 21 hours to end, this time round the Caesarean is planned rather than an emergency and I desperately wish to be awake for the sake of my partner so he can be in delivery with me to see/hold bub for the first time. If I'm under general anaesthetic he can't be in surgery with me for obvious reasons.

    Argh it sucks and I'm looking for any sensible advice please!

    2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Parents & caregivers - how much is too much for a school fund-raising item?

    What do you conceive of as being the highest fair price for a quality item sold by schools as part of a fund-raiser? Something that keeps giving, not just chocolates or raffle tickets.

    Is $15 too much?

    3 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Buy second hand clothing by the Kilogram??? (Brisbane, Australia)?

    Hi there. I've heard from several people that in the past they had sourced second hand clothing from warehouses and paid by the kilogram. I can't find any warehouses like that in Brisbane and I've called all the Opportunity Shops head offices and they say they don't have such a place!

    Does anyone know if these places are still around? I'm looking to help those on and under the poverty line with bulk clothing donations as prices in Opportunity Shops these days are in general - scandalous!!!

    1 AntwortFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is this brass Cornish Piskie item for? What was it's purpose?

    I found this at an Op-Shop and bought it for my partner as he is from Cornwall. I've asked around and searched a fair bit on the internet though I just can't find out what it was made for? Just to be clear, I'm not wondering about the Cornish Piskie but what the items purpose was. It has the makings of a doorknocker but why the little bowl in front? I've looked underneath and it doesn't have a hole for anything to attach to - my partner thought it might be from an old fireplace kit and belong on the end of a fire poker but there is no way to attach anything to it. Can someone help me identify this lovely item?

    1 AntwortMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Gamester182 - where is the evidence that Science proved the existence of Jesus?

    You made this claim here:

    Where is your proof for your extraordinary claim?

    We'll overlook the other mistakes, would really like to see the evidence of science proving that Jesus existed though, I must have slept through not only the day it was announced but since then until now when I read through your question details.

    Trolls aren't terribly funny, that some people actually believe you isn't funny at all.

    12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Looking to buy official model of the Enterprise OV-101?

    Wondering if any of you lot might be able to help me to find one?

    Either pre-assembled or not is fine.

    2 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Australia - GST on home grown and slaughtered meat for private consumption?

    Under GST laws in Australia do we have to pay gst on meat from animals we raise and slaughter for our own consumption. I've read this in various places over the years and heard this also from various people. Is it actually true?

    If it is true then what is the legal justification for doing so. Answers like "cos the govt is greedy" are not what I'm looking for whatsoever.

    1 AntwortAustraliavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is it in some religions that being gay means you will be sent to hell?

    There are an astonishing amount of animals that have been observed to have sex with the same sex, does that mean god gave them the choice and they have gone against him? Why would he design them in such a way? Is homosexuality only allowed if you're not human? If so, why?

    This isn't a stab at your beliefs rather I am just trying to understand why it is ok for the rest of gods living creations on earth (the ones that can have sex and aren't hermaphroditic) though not for us?

    26 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If Adam & Adora transformed into He-Man & Shera at the same time would they telefrag each other at Greyskull?

    Gives me a wee twinkle in my heart remembering the old days of the original DOOM.

    5 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why do our poloticians get so many breaks?

    Trying to understand why our pollies in Australia get so many breaks, not having to pay for fuel, generous super, tax funded credit cards (the treasurer receives one for 60k I believe), some receiving apartments on lease with no rent to pay....the list just goes on.

    Why is it that they get these amazing breaks? Not having to pay for fuel would save them a packet, though poor us - average hard working Aussies are paying devistating prices. Would they actually do something about it if they had to fork out for fuel like we do?

    Basically I just don't understand why it is this way. The government is not a company, they work for the people supposedly, so why should such a HUGE portion of tax payers money (and it really is huge) go into funding these mind blowing breaks for people who are supposedly working for/representing us? It really seems so odd. Us poor sods and those that run their own businesses are what keeps the taxes coming in.

    Looking for answers, not complaints.

    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt