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Priestess Maighread Birdsong
I am a Wiccan/Pagan Priestess as well as a Reiki Grand Master. I love helping others with my talents and have done much healing work gratis. Healing Wings
Does anyone have windows 10? and what do you think about it?
5 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 6 JahrenWhat does the Asian script on this box say?
I got this at a Thrift shop today and am very curious as to what it says. It is hexagonal and made of cedar wood.
1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 6 JahrenWhere does the surname Purkeypile originate?
3 AntwortenGenealogyvor 7 JahrenNew landlord, has NOT contacted tennants what is the law about this?
The apartments we live in have just cleared escrow on the 29th of April. We want to pay the rent and have some issues with ants and pluming. We found out about the sale when we contacted old landlords and they say it isn't their problem anymore. What is the law on this??? How long can the NEW landlord keep us in limbo???
3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 7 JahrenWiccans: How to deal with a Wiccan who blatantly breaks the Wiccan Rede?
Being Wiccan Clergy I was thinking, what if it came to my attention that there is a person calling themselves a Wiccan who is doing HARM to other?. Wiccan Rede: Do as you will with Harm to none! How should this be dealt with?
7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 JahrenWhat sort of groups/orognizations are there for Pagan Americans?
2 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 8 JahrenDid I find Fairy folk at Carlsbad Caverns?
Check out this pic on my FB page...
1 AntwortMythology & Folklorevor 8 Jahrenmy download speed is 0.35 upload speed is 0.06 is that bad? what to do to fix it?
2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 8 JahrenPagans/Wiccans and witches: What to do if a neighbors cat comes up missing and YOU are the only witch in town?
I just moved to a very small town in Texas. The neighbor lady came over a week or so after we moved in and asked if we had seen her missing cat. I looked all around the property including our laundry-room which is in a shed out back of the house. that was over a week ago and it just hit me... I am a Wiccan/witch what if she suspects me? Now I do not go around town waring a huge pentacle or a black robe with a pointed hat and have not told anyone that I am a witch but neither have I purposely kept if a secret. I have a small fairy medallion with a pentagram on it which I ware from time to time. And of course my name is all over the internet. Any advice on what I can do if this is the case, (that she thinks I did something to her cat. Because I am a witch?)
5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren1:45pm PST Ning sites seem to all be down! What's up with that?
Phoenix Rising Reiki
United Paranormal International
Maggieland these are all NING sites. I cannot access them is there some sore of problem???
1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 8 JahrenNow that the state of Washington has gay marriage, what sort of ceremony will be most popular?
Will people get simple civil marriages or opt for something else...
Like theme weddings that are primarily Pagan, Christian, Jewish or what have you???
(I have been duly ordained as a Priestess and I would like to perform marriages for those who have been sadly neglected for so many years)
3 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 8 JahrenIs this group official, "Hereditary Knights Templars of Britannia"?
6 AntwortenRoyaltyvor 9 JahrenOn FB how do I get access to incites about my page once I have 30 likes?
I have a Facebook page for Phoenix Rising Reiki...
How do I get the incites once I have made the 30 likes required to open the access to these incites??? Help me please?
1 AntwortMySpacevor 9 JahrenIs there an alternative to Paypal?
It seems as if Paypal ans a monopoly on online payments. Is there another competing company that can do the same thing? Shouldn't there be?? I have had issues with paypal and have had friends and contacts who have also.
1 AntwortYahoo Shoppingvor 9 JahrenI heard that every state has a site where one can go to find if they have money owed to them, is this true?
If so where can one find a listing for the various states? This was a news story on the local News here in south-east Washington state, not just some gossip.
1 AntwortOther - US Local Businessesvor 9 JahrenWhy are my videos running slow and clicking and skipping? I have charter cable internet?
Everything else is running fine. what's up and how might I fix it???This is mostly for the online videos like Youtube and stuff.
3 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 9 Jahren