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hows my new song? be mean?
what do you think of my new song? be mean
3 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 8 Jahrenwhat do you think about my new song?
i just dropped this song yesterday and would love your opinion on it, be mean!
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 8 Jahrenwhat do you think of my new song?
im a 17 year old rapper, just dropped this song. no music video right now as i wanted to drop the song first, tell me how you feel about it?
3 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 8 JahrenCould you Imagine seeing this on MTV Jams?
when i made this song, i really envisioned what it would be like if it were on MTV. So what do you guys think?
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 8 Jahrenwhat is your opinion on this music video?
this is my 2nd music video, i made it for a song with my friend, how do you feel about it?
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 8 JahrenWhat do you think about the second music video i've ever made?
i am a rapper, and recently made my second music video "Switch Lanes".. what do you think of it? (i am kid berg in the video, Kid B is my friend)
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 8 Jahrentrying to transfer to a school not in my district?
i'm trying to transfer to a school that isn't in my district. the school is a magnet school so they accept people from anywhere but i want to transfer as a normal student not a magnet student.. Will i be able to do so assuming they're accepting new students?
1 AntwortPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 9 JahrenWhat is your opinion on the music video of this artist "gettin jiggy"?
A lot of people seem to like finding underground rappers, & i consider myself one, so i was curious what people thought about this music video i did, called "gettin jiggy'? feedback is appreciated
2 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 Jahrenis this a proper way to invalidate a urine screening?
i had a urine screening the other day, i would be positive if the screening went to the lab correctly, but i tampered with it. I peed about 1/7 of the cup (midstream) & mixed the rest with water & soap. I kept the color yellowed & mixed it so there were no signs of tampering. Will it come back from the lab as tampered or will they still be able to do the proper screening?
1 AntwortMen's Healthvor 9 JahrenWhat is your opinion on the music video of this artist "gettin jiggy"?
A lot of people seem to like finding underground rappers, & i consider myself one, so i was curious what people thought about this music video i did, called "gettin jiggy'? feedback is appreciated
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 JahrenHow is the first music video of mine? gettin jiggy?
i've made a lot of songs over the past year or two but just made my own solo music video this weekend, how is it?
2 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 JahrenWhat does it mean when they said i had potential?
Wisin & Yandel (two famous spanish rappers) heard my mixtape the other day, & they said " he's good he really has potential". Their manager is calling me to talk about my career path this week, but i was wondering, what do you think they meant by what they said? I'm 16 so i'm hoping that "potential" means they see me becoming something by the time i'm 20 or 21..
This is the mixtape they listened to:
4 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 Jahrenwhat is your opinion of this song i just put up?
i haven't done a video for it yet, but here's the song.. tell me what you think of it i guess?
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 JahrenWhat do you think of this mixtape? Good Vibes?
This is mine, just seeing what people think about it? It's doing alright with views & stuff not too many but here it is..
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 JahrenWhat is your opinion on this mixtape?
I made this mixtape and put it out about a week ago, tell me what you think?
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 JahrenWhat do you think of this mixtape?
I just put this out about an hour ago, i'd love your opinion..
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 JahrenDoes VEVO offer real promotion?
If you're an artist with a VEVO account, does that video get extra promotion at all?
1 AntwortYouTubevor 9 JahrenWhat's your opinion of this song?
Here's the song, leave a reply here i guess?
1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 JahrenHow important are performances to an artist?
how important are performances to an artist's career and "path" to getting big?
3 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 JahrenIs datpiff really worth it?
is "featuring" my mixtape on datpiff for a week, for $700 worth it? Apparently the potential views in that week would be over 1 million, but obviously it'll be way less. is it worth it anyway?
3 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 Jahren