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My dad had heart issues and died in January and his wife is still having a difficult time. She's telling us it's our fault that he died.?
She doesn't clean her house and she doesn't have food (she's not able to go grocery shopping, she doesn't understand how to shop for groceries ) we have tried to help her but she's getting worse. She's driving everyone crazy, so now we are staying away from her.
She's not taking care of the dog,she doesn't remember to give the dog water and she forgets to buy dog food I do take her dog food but she forgets to feed the dog .
3 AntwortenFamilyvor 5 JahrenLately I've been shortness of breath just from walking short distances. I normally can walk 3-4 miles without a problem. Why?
I went to a cardiologist, but he said nothing was wrong.
Should I get a second option?
1 AntwortRespiratory Diseasesvor 5 Jahrenwalking up a short hill. Cause shortness of breath and mild chest pain. Had stress test it good and had heart Cath and that's good. Why?
Since the stress test is good and the heart cath is fine, what can be causing this?
I do have a heart murmur.
I'm 45 years old and Female.
1 AntwortHeart Diseasesvor 5 JahrenWrist pain, I had a heart catherization through my wrist 5 days ago it's hurting more now then when I had it done. Should I be concerned?
I was surprised that it didn't start hurting until 5 days after the heart cath was done.
Good news was that my heart arteries are good.
1 AntwortHeart Diseasesvor 5 JahrenStrong heart murmur,lack of energy and little short of breath. Reasons?
2 AntwortenHeart Diseasesvor 5 JahrenPick a number didn't between 10 and 80.?
6 AntwortenMathematicsvor 5 JahrenWhat traffic law irritates you the most?
Mine is drivers that don't yield to pedestrians.
8 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 5 JahrenI need to write a petition about the police not enforcing traffic laws. I need help,what do I put in it?
The police will not enforce traffic laws. Drivers can run stop signs,drivers don't need to use turn signals and drivers don't need to yield to pedestrians.
3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 JahrenI have been having hot flashes,headaches and sometimes black floaty things in my eyes.any ideas on why?
I'm 42 yrs old. Last week I had a MRI and it showed I have a bulging disc in my neck. I don't think that has anything to do with it. I have to have MRI's every 4-5 years due to seizures,however I haven't had any seizures in over 8 years.
2 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 8 JahrenHow do I turn off Add-ons?
1 AntwortAdd-onsvor 9 JahrenSharp stabbing pain left side right below ribs.Any advise to why?
have been a little constipated the last couple days. But why should that make it hurt at the ribs? did fall a week ago. 41 yr. old
1 AntwortPain & Pain Managementvor 9 JahrenHow can the fat pad in your knee get trapped in the knee joint?
1 AntwortInjuriesvor 9 Jahren