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Favorisierte Antworten12%
  • Can any1 pls tell me what language the following is in:?

    "Ho ksein, angelein Lakedaimonios, hoti tede keimetha, tois keinon rhemasi peithomenoi" ??

    My guess is that it's Greek but I think it's only phonetic spelling, and very rough at that.

    I wanted to ask the Greek community but I've been absent from this site for so long I can't even navigate anymore.

    Naturally I would like to know (is someone can decipher this) it's approximate meaning.

    Any and ALL help would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you kindly.

    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 10 Jahren
  • Can a girl's hymen break as easy as riding a bike or "falling" on a men's bike bar?

    My 21 year old son is involved with an 18 year old girl. The girl absolutely insists (telling our son) that she has NOT had sex before but she is almost certain that her hymen has been perforated perhaps 3-4 years ago when she "fell" (off the seat) onto the bar of a men's bike splitting her legs apart as she slipped onto the bar. She says (to our son) that her undies were stained with blood after that event leading her to believe that she ruptured her hymen.

    Because of this virtually meaningless event we a have a huge family "issue". My wife and daughters (18 and 16) insist that, that is not possible and most girls make up all sorts of stories about bike riding, horse riding, playing sport of one kind or another can cause the hymen to perforate/break/rupture. Even some Doctors will go along with that opinion in order to lessen the stigma that may go with being a non-virgin. The male members of our family think that the girl is probably telling the truth while the female members insist that she is probably lying. For our son it is NOT a matter of whether she IS, or is NOT a virgin - he does NOT care, and for that matter neither does anyone-else in this family! It is ONLY a matter whether the girl is LYING or NOT! It is the LIE (if??) itself that's at question NOT at what it's about! To our son total honesty up-front means much, much more than a mere tissue in in a vagina. I would like to hear from a Doctor or a Gynecologist who can definitely say that is is easy to perforate/rupture/tear/break OR NOT, whether the girl is making a story up thinking that her virginity is of importance to our son. He HAS insisted that he does not care whether she is, or whether she isn't, but she insists with that story. There are thousands of blogs, q&a forums (et al) about this topic, but it's hard to believe whether it's ALL FACTUAL or manufactured by girls since kingdom come to cover-up their lack of an intact hymen. This very, very silly and meaningless argument is splitting the family apart. We would like to think that we are a progressive and well informed family on this subject but, it's obvious that our knowledge and opinions differ GREATLY. I would like to end it with a definitive reply from a responsible person. The girl in question plays tennis, soccer and jogs everyday for about an hour. Are any sports like that likely to affect the condition of a hymen? I STRESS that the girl's virginity is of NO importance to our son. If at this early stage she starts a very serious relationship with a lie then what can he expect in the future? There is NO need for her to lie by saying this or that but I believe that she is very concerned that her "virtue" may be a matter of concern to our son (or for the family) when in fact it makes no difference, but up-front honesty is very, very important. Perhaps now she thinks she has backed herself into a corner and is reluctant to change her story for fear of being abandoned by our son.

    She actually lives in a Central European country where it is HIGHLY UNCOMMON for girls of her age ( or even at 15!) to be virgins. She also insists that she has not kissed a boy before because she has never met anyone that she wanted to kiss who was willing to reciprocate. The girl is highly intelligent with an IQ of 134. That (her high IQ) also leads us to believe that she has done a lot of research on this subjects as well as having the ability to make up stories to suit her needs.

    We don't want "lectures" about the pros and cons of virginity and old wives tales about how easily a girl can perforate that useless bit of tissue. It's a matter of settling a very heated argument between family members, so we really would like an answer from a very reliable source and NOT from personal experiences because there are always an exception to evey rule. and NOR from someone who wants to defend girls' lack of "virtuosity". Today in the Western World virginity (mostly) is a non-issue it's extremely insignificant. Can three women be wrong in one family be wrong?

    Please refrain from non-factual replies as we don't want to further inflame this heated topic between "normally" very sane and informed loving family members.

    Than you kindly for your replies.

    16 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Telephone number origin?

    I received a telephone call on my land-line in AU and it showed up the call was from a 19960008546. It showed up as being from overseas. The #1 would indicate the USA but then rest is a mystery.There is no geographic area allocated to the 99 or 996 numbers as a State or Country in the 1 country code area. So could it be a mobile number from the USA, a public phone booth telephone number or a reverse charges number from the USA??

    I KNOW this question does not belong here but there is no suitable category. Maybe someone can help me here? I won't call that number back until I have an idea where it's from.

    Thanks very much for any possible help.

    4 AntwortenLand Phonesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the Psychological term/explanation for...?

    When people fall in love (?) with their partner's sibling ie. a man falls in "love" with his partner's sister or a woman falls in love with her partner's brother? Many,many years ago a friend of mine was seriously dating a very attractive young lady but dropped her and eventually married the sister. The marriage did not last and I think he did end up with the original sister. I have lost contact with that friend and could not "quiz" him. Since then I have read that, that occurrence is fairly common.Now, the "disorder"(??) interests me I'd like to know much more about it. My big questions are ; why, what is the term or explanation for it? I want to know much more on this subject. Thank you.

    2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Would a previous answer apply to me?

    A previous question asked by "True blue" and the best answer was by "serenity". The Q was:Why is my heart thinking about someone I dated only briefly over 20 years ago?

    In my case I've just gotten in touch with a close female friend with whom our relationship was absolutely platonic. Neither one of us desired to take it any further at that time. I recently found some photos of us taken some 33 years ago. I am happily married and I only just (after our initial emails) found out that she is a widow. My wife has been working overseas for about 18 months. Am I just lonely? Is it just nostalgia or is it something else? I've also contacted a former gf of some 37 years ago. We are in touch. She is also happily married with kids and and grandchildren.My wife and I also have children. I can't put the finger on just why I contacted them in the first place. Curiosity? Nostalgia? I'd like to think that there are no untoward sub-conscientious motives driving my desire to seek out old female friends. I hope that "serenity"will be able to reply as well as others.

    2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Jewish dinner ideas....Appetizers, Entrees, 1st Course, Mains and Desserts...?

    ....the rest are mostly RC Hungarians and the minority are of varied ethnicities.My biggest problem is creating a Menu for the Jewish guests. I really need some (at least 4) ideas for Entrées, then Appetizers, then 1st Course, then 2nd, Mains and Desserts. I can obtain ALL the ingredients very easily but I need to be able to write down the correct ( Authentic) Hebrew words in the ENGLISH alphabet....Then I can go to the nearest Kosher Butchers, Supermarkets, Bakeries and etc for them to supply me with what I need.Of course a Rabbi will be present to oversee the FAITHFUL and Authentic preparations, cooking and etc. I really need some Authentic names and hope that I can follow through.I know about Matzo/ Matzah Balls Soup and Gefillte Fish (Gefüllte Fisch) but I need much more ....Someone please help. I repeat I need original Hebrew names (of recipes).If worse comes to worst I'll hire a Jewish cook but I want to make the decisions and buy the supplies....Thank you very much. All help is appreciated.

    PS. for about 15 years I live in a Suburb whose residents were Jewish.I learned a lot but that was so long ago.

    4 AntwortenEntertainingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Some more translation (from English to Tagalog) for any kind person who would like to assist:?

    I would like to write the following to a Cancer riddled relative (my wife's sister-in-law/my brother-in-laws-wife).Her Cancer is Terminal but I thought I might just put a smile on her face by writing in Tagalog instead of English.

    .."Are you getting any treatment yet?

    Are you feeling worse than when I saw you last time?

    Are you getting Chemotherapy yet?

    Stay strong in body and mind and always think positive for the sake of all those who love you, especially the children.

    My thoughts are with you and you are in my prayers.

    I am sure that you will get better-only if you want to.

    May God bless you.

    My kindest regards and best wishes......"

    ......Thank you all for your assistance in this translation.Ingat.

    1 AntwortLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Would anyone like to help me with some translation from English to Tagalog?

    I'd very much like to write a paragraph or two to my father-in-law who just happens to be "home"from the USA.My wife is also there so I won't bother her for help.They have no access to the Internet so my intended words will be on a Postcard (or maybe a short letter): I know some Tagalog but I am hesitant of using it in fear of making mistakes (just as all my family(-in-law) is with English--so they'd rather rather not speak English)...Anyway what I would like to write to him is... ..."Kumusta Tatang....I sincerely hope that this Postcard will find you in the best possible health. I am sad to hear about....(name) and the complications arising from that incident .Sorry to find out about the Mango trees burning.Don't give up! Just keep the weeds down in the Orchard/Farm with any help you can afford and use the best methods to suppress the weeds and unwanted undergrowth.I still maintain that "mulching" is one of the best and cheapest methods. Look after your health and that of all the family.Kindest regards and best wishes,Your son-in-law....(name)......"

    Lahát: salamat sa iyong tulog.

    1 AntwortLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can anyone help me tranaslate the following:-?

    I have a friend in Montréal (I am Hungarian) who recently moved over there.I learned French for 6 years but have never needed to write in French since 1971.Now I am embarressed to write anything in case I make a mistake, esp. with the correct accents...What I want to ask him is. How is life treating you in Montréal? Are you working?Do you expect to stay there?....Thank you very much for any assistance.

    4 AntwortenLanguesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How to control weeds/scrub/brush cheaply in Pampaga in the Philippines.....?

    My in-laws (in their late 60s) own an orchard in one of the brngys of Floridablanca and now coz of their age and lack of funds have an impossible task of keeping "scrub"under control on their life saving (approx) 2-3 Acre property.They were almost managing when a young relative was working for a pittance with a brush-cutter 9-5 but that ended.My father-in-law could not afford anyone else-even though he now worked in the US.He installed a sub-surface watering system to all the fruit trees and wasted (?) all of his savings on the watering system and planting Mango trees-in my opinion not much profit in that-but now the orchard is over-run by scrub/weeds/brush and etc.While I was there I thought of many solutions but they are not affordable by them (nor by me)..I thought of Glyphosate but they would need 100's of litres.Even in desperation I thought of hiring a flame thrower(if available) to "cut&burn"/ "slash& burn" but then the fruit trees would burn too.The scrub/weeds/brush are now over 5-6 ft high.My in-laws don't know about mulching and won't even think of it.Surely there must be a free service available to people like them for advice in order to survive.Since I am a "foreigner"my advice is ignored.I've suggested many fruits and vegetables that will grow over there and fetch a good price (better than the over-abundant Mangoes & etc.) but they all need to be fertilized in order to be outstanding from the rest.I have a lot more to add but as is this is already too much for anyone to take serious note of.Thank you for all advice.

    Ps.So sorry but obviously what I wrote is so misunderstood.My In-Laws are so poor!My F-in'-Law works in the US as a Plumber when he is healthy and my Mom-in-Law only makes money by selling ice,rice and nothing much else except the fruits from the Orchard which might be a full Hectare or more--I cant tell and they don't know..By "Free Service"I meant advice from Gov't Agro Advice Bureaus or smthng.Had I a spare AU$5,000-10,000 I certainly could turn that orchard into a productive and self- sufficient enterprise.Lets just start by getting rid off the huge scub/weeds.brush.They are more or less broke...Worst of all I/nor my wife can help with anything more than eg.AU$50/mnth.My wife is there now and I am here in Melb.AU.Forget about putting in Goats! They will eat everything in sight including the fruit tree-barks,any low hanging branches and the younger tree trunks as well.We had goats in Europe when I was very young.If it is left like that they will lose whatever little llivelihoodthey can manage from selling a few kilos of fruit.Thank you all again

    1 AntwortOther - Environmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How to control weeds/scrub/brush cheaply in Pampaga in the Philippines.....?

    My in-laws (in their late 60s) own an orchard in one of the brngys of Floridablanca and now coz of their age and lack of funds have an impossiblee task of keeping "scrub"under control on their life saving (approx) 2-3 Acre property.They were almost managing when a young relative was working for a pittance with a brush-cutter 9-5 but that ended.My father-in-law could not afford anyone else-even though he now worked in the US.He installed a sub-surface watering system to all the fruit trees and wasted (?) all of his savings on the watering system and planting Mango trees-in my opinion not much profit in that-but now the orchard is over-run by scrub/weeds/brush and etc.While I was there I thought of many solutions but they are not affordable by them (nor by me)..I thought of Glyphosate but they would need 100's of litres.Even in desperation I thought of hiring a flame thrower(if available) to "cut&burn"/ "slash& burn" but then the fruit trees would burn too.The scrub/weeds/brush are now over 5-6 ft high.My in-laws dont know about mulching and won't even think of it.Surely there must be a free service available to people like them for advice in order to survive.Since I am a "foreigner"my advice is ignored.I've suggested many fruits and vegetables that will grow over there and fetch a good price (better than the abundant Mangoes & etc.) but they all need to be fertilized in order to be outstandingng from the rest.I have a lot more to add but as is this is already too much for anyone to take serious note of.Thank you for all advice.

    6 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • National Identity Card(s)?..Which card is considered as the National Id. Card of the Philippines?NBI?SSS?Pstl?

    A relative is filling out a form for an Australian Visa and one of the questions seems rather ambiguous to her:..."Details of Identity card or identity number issued by your government"..(ie Philippines')... "eg.National identity card" and she asks me for clarification but I cannot help and it's extremely difficult for her to contact the Australian Embassy in Makati and here(Australia) they have no idea which card number is required.So, basically which card is considered as the National identity card and used as a valid ID when a person does not have a Passport but has an NBI,SSS and Postal...Any help is much appreciated.

    5 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone have a contact address for the Eurotel Hotel in Las Piñas City,Metro Manila?

    I Know it might be a dump but I need a very cheap(approx PHP900/night) in Las Piñas preferably near an SM or Robinson's and/or Brngy Pamploma.A clean room,clean sheets and hot and cold running water.I'll need it for more than ten days and I really can't afford to pay much more than that in 3-5* Hotels.I've stayed at the Peninsula a few times,The Renaissance,The Dusit and others in Makati but it's a sheer waste of money when really all I need is a place to sleep.I have relos in Las Piñas,Cavite and Sta Cruz but it eventually costs more to stay with them than in a cheap hotel and I don't feel comfortable with them.....I was there only about a month ago went pas the place several times but did not go in to ask for business card etc., coz I did not think that I might need it in the near future and that they seem not to have a Web site..Salamat.Any help is much appreciated.

    4 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Could any1 tell me what d pre-requisites to obtaining R.Pilipinas Citizenship or d prerequisites for migrating?

    My wife is a Filipino and I am considering migrating there in the future with a view of owning my own Restaurant and living (in my own home) there semi-permanently.As I believe; at this stage all my/our properties would have to be in her name.Am I correct?What are my options?Any assistance is much appreciated.Thank you very much.Cheers

    1 AntwortImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Could any Filipino help me translate the following which is either in Tagalog or ka Pampangan :"kabaligtaran"&?

    ......"...patnubayan ka ng Panginoon natin." This is what my wife wrote to me she thinks I understand it.I have an idea but I don't want to disappoint her by letting on that I am not sure about what she said.My excuses if this is in the wrong category.V.much appreciate any assistance.Cheers

    5 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is Baloney/Balonie/Balony & etc. as in a Sandwich? ?

    I feel embarrassed to ask being a chef but I've never been to New York so I don't know what kind of a "cold-cut" it is.I've always imagined it to be either a German style "Press-wurst" , "Mortadella di Bologna" or Italian Sopressa Salami ..If it is a cold-cut of any type can anyone tell me the ingredients?..Thank you.

    5 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Grovers Disease:Relief??Alternative Medicine??

    My sister is suffering from this affliction.Just wondering if anyone might know of some means of obtaining relief from this condition.Apparently there is no cure for Grovers.My sister lives in Australia so I'm thinking that surely there must be something available to treat this condition elsewhere in this world.There must be Doctors,Med students,Nurses,Alternative Medicine practitioners and so forth occasionally reading these pages(?) who might have some helpful info.

    2 AntwortenMedicinevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Grovers Disease:Relief??Alternative Medicine??

    My sister is suffering from this affliction.Just wondering if anyone might know of some means of obtaining relief from this condition.Apparently there is no cure for Grovers.My sister lives in Australia so I'm thinking that surely there must be something available to treat this condition elsewhere in this world.There must be Doctors,Med students,Nurses,Alternative Medicine practitioners and so forth occasionally reading these pages(?) who might have some helpful info.

    2 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Grovers Disease:Relief??Alternative Medicine??

    My sister is suffering from this affliction.Just wondering if anyone might know of some means of obtaining relief from this condition.Apparently there is no cure for Grovers.My sister lives in Australia so I'm thinking that surely there must be something available to treat this condition elsewhere in this world.There must be Doctors,Med students,Nurses,Alternative Medicine practitioners and so forth occasionally reading these pages(?) who might have some helpful info.

    1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt