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Lv 2666 points


Favorisierte Antworten19%

English, 24, Like gaming and computer based work.

  • Javascript - What is the password for this login form?

    Hello, i need expert help from javascript developers, i know login forms usually interact on the server however i need to know if there is anyone out there who can let me know the password for the following URL. letting me know the answer to this will a major help in determining if our internal developers need to do this server side as opposed to front end.

    URL ->

    Please only give the answer you believe to me right.

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 6 Jahren
  • Setting up a new VPN connection (Outgoing) whats nessecary?


    I work for a company which has internal content management systems i am told i need access to it outside of the network which is fine. I have recieved an email which basically says i need to install teamviewer which for those that dont know is an application where one person can take control of the remote machine in order to set the VPN up. But is it just me or is setting up a VPN connection a walk in the park on Windows 7 and would not require the work of an I.T Engineer. I am assuming all i need is the domain/host username and password and i am in to connect. The computer i am trying to connect to is currently on and i am thinking the host name is the static ip address of the company so like then my login details: robert followed by mypassword - click connect and i am in. or maybe this is really technical and i am just not seeing it. what you people think?



    2 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 6 Jahren
  • Bought by brand new domain name now just need to set it up...?

    I already have a website, i bought domain name and hosting from a company several years ago. a couple of days back i bought two new domain names, one .co TLD and one .land, because it takes up to 48hr to propagate its very frustrating when two days later it still does not work. I am trying to send these two addresses to the same webserver as my old site just like forwarding with a mask.

    Can multiple domain names (the ones i bought and the one i currently have) all use the same ip address (host) and the related DNS servers?

    For example i ping my site using CMD and get the ip address, this is then added into the a records within the zone settings, host = www then points to (that ip i just got from the site)

    Will this work though 48hrs later? do i need to configure anything else>

    2 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 7 Jahren
  • DNS configuration: point my domain name to another website, help!?

    Any help on this would go a long way. Please only respond if you know the answer.

    I have hosting and a domain name bought from one company. Today i bought two new domain names, i haves set up the DNS records fine, however the A records are a slightly different matter. At this point i am just trying to point the URLs to the old website so within the A records does the host (www) or (@) direct to the ip address of the server (via cmd ping hostname) or to the ftp ip address (which when type into a browser gives a cannot find server), the domain through cmd shows a blank webpage though. What ip address do i need to use?

    You'd think with such a common thing there would be loads more help but seems when you get specific no one seems to know anything other than tech support.

    1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 7 Jahren
  • promotion from a trainee to a junior?

    I have been at my company best part 3 years now. Since i have been here i have excelled in completing complex development briefs for our internal clients. Word got around of my work and management expressed their gratitude in my abilities. During this time i am a 'trainee web designer' though i am writing Javascript web apps with css3 support, colleagues are still understanding basic html 4 tags who incidentally are at a higher level... 'Web designer' there title is. Part of the problem is bad management i know but to be promoted from a trainee to a junior after making the company earn more money its kind of a smack in the chops. I have spoken to hr and i'll see what they come back with but what is up with that.

    3 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Web design coding - which one is correct?

    I am being taught HTML at work my teacher says i should write HTML code like this (below)

    1. EXAMPLE A (what i am told to do)

    <div id="wrapper">

    <img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="Homepage Logo" width="200" height="120">


    I also heard from a friend i should code like this.



    #wrapper img { width:200px; height:120px; }


    <div id="wrapper">

    <img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="Homepage Logo" >


    3. EXAMPLE C


    .img { width:200px; height:120px; }


    <div id="wrapper">

    <img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="Homepage Logo" class="img" >


    which of the above is best and which should not be used?

    any help would go along way.


    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 7 Jahren
  • CMD Command Prompt - Batch file send to text file?

    Hello, i need some help with the following command, current i have:


    cd contentspots

    for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /o:-D /b /s /a:-d') do @echo %%~tF %%F


    i need to save this to a txt file and doing this:


    cd contentspots

    for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /o:-D /b /s /a:-d') do @echo %%~tF %%F > C:\Users\myname\Desktop\export.txt


    only shows one line as opposed to all lines of the command, any help would go a long way.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 7 Jahren
  • is it like this in your job as well?

    It amazes me where i work; our team consists of ten members of staff these people work within the website department. Every day i go in, everybody is twiddling their thumbs doing precisely nothing. Honestly you'd be amazed at just how little goes on. Certain individuals have more than enough time to go and treat themselves to a coffee or a tea on a frequent basis. And yet some of these ppl keep making out they are soooo busy... 'i got a lot on' they keep saying out loud...yeah right! I think. Seriously though how can it be members of staff come in each day get paid around 25k annual to do nothing but complain about their so called work load. It strikes me if your good at talking and consequently are able to convince ppl u just don't have any free time to do anything - management here just believe that's true! Im guessing this is just this company where this happens and in the real world u cant get away with it.

    It might sound great but having nothing to do each day makes work very boring. Of course management here is pretty much a skeleton operation these well spoken individuals have fooled management into needing to recruit more ppl. These same ppl have joined recently and just can not believe how little there is to do!

    1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    quitting smoking with help from patches.?

    Patches do work i just slapped mine on my chest and feel the inclination yo spark up has been reduced better yet my concentration and thought process is still ticking despite the evening time. It is a physical feeling but its not hit but heres my question to you. Well two questions really. Why in gods name did they mix tobacco (a harmful substance) with nicotine a very addictive drug. Why not add it to a healthy herb. Here's the flip side to that. People who are hooked on smoking who say they want to quit..can quite easily use a nicorette patch to relieve the side affect symptoms instead of hoping the tobacco will continue to give them a hit. Seriously why?

    1 AntwortOther - General Health Carevor 7 Jahren
  • Javascript - Select ID within ID Path help, quick 10 points?

    very simple question but i dont know much about java script so hoping someone can help.


    <div id="ad_19767" class="ad">

    <a href=" id="WC_ContentAreaESpot_links_7_2">





    var x = document.getElementById('ad_19767').getElementsById('WC_ContentAreaESpot_links_7_2').innerHTML = 'hello';

    1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 7 Jahren
  • Issue calling inline style through javascript onclick function IE7 & IE8?

    I have a very simple javascript function as per below:

    function videos() {

    document.getElementById("add").innerHTML='<style> #videos { visibility: visible!important; margin:70px 0 0 0px; } </style>';


    This works in all browsers except IE 7 & 8 which is their a work around for this. Thanks people.

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 7 Jahren
  • Help with this Javascript function?

    Any help would go along way:

    i am trying to target a div element with a fixed id 'WC_SingleShipmentOrderTotalsSummary_td_13'

    inside this div id is a price eg <div id='WC_SingleShipmentOrderTotalsSummary_td_13'> £40.00</div>

    What i am trying to do is create a function which says if value within this id is more than 85.00 echo a success note, and vise versa if the number is below the threshold. I've spent a good few hours on this but need help. Sure someone will look at it and think; ah yes this is how you do it.


    var element1 = document.getElementById('WC_SingleShipmentOrderTotalsSummary_td_13');

    window.onload = function() {

    if(element1 > '£85.01') //threshold


    document.getElementById("contenttwo").innerHTML = 'enough';



    if(element1 < '£84.99')


    document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = 'not enough';




    <div id="content"></div>

    <div id="contenttwo"></div>


    Cart Contents

    <div id="WC_SingleShipmentOrderTotalsSummary_td_13" class="total_details">£85.00</div>

    1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 7 Jahren
  • "i can teach you how to code" umm yeah wtf.?

    At work we manage eccomerce websites. How content management system allows us to implement css, html and javascript. Problem is our 'trainer' has said to write 'code' in html4 and use basic css 2 rules. The type of skills youd learn on week 1 in any course. Javascript you say? No problem our coders visit sites like dynamic drive and stackoverflow...find a nice carousel and take the sample code and 'tweak' the functionality as they say. But they really mean trial and error it breaks or not. Problem is weve had some new starters who are supposed to be getting trained only thing is the trainer does know f all. He has no formal degree or college course that shows his level of credibility. He believes reading a couple of books hes some wiz teaching very easy code which incidentally is easy as hell to remember. Question in 2014 is it okay for web designers to use html4 and css2 despite the benefits of css3 with html5 for mobile devices.

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 7 Jahren
  • is this normal in most jobs?

    Something that has been bothering me recently and today shocked me even more so....Alll i hear from some people at work is "i got so much on", "so many small lite jobs", "i just havent had the time to get snything done because i got so much on" i suppose its clear in this case people who keep saying this to theirselves have now started to believe their own words despite thr fact of course that its a load of rubbish. I travel 36 miles to get to work, 36 back. 72 in one day. Work 9 till 5 mon - fri thats over 145 miles a week...480 a month. Its now too bad now cuz the school holidays but usually i wake up really early so i can reach work on time. But oh wait a ones actually has anything to do. They talk about being busy yet there is no actual work to do. Weve recently had some new starters who have had so little to do this morning she cried out loud in the office. Think she was so suprised there wasnt actually anything to do when she got here yet its been like that since day1

    1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Is this acceptable behavior from a colleague?

    About 10 minutes ago i made a point to the a friend of mine sitting next to me that listening to music on your earphones during office hours is forbidden..despite the fact that a few people seem to do it. I then later went on to make a few more points regarding the subject and was talking to another person who had a strong opinion on it and felt the whole concept was fine as long as you keep it to yourself... Fair enough. However 15 minutes later the girl who sits in the corner (who others have called a teacher's pet) feels the need to relay my point directly to supervisor despite the conversation having nothing to do with her. I am guessing shes just trying to score some points stabbing me in the back, wouldnt really care if this was the first instance, last night however she made an update to one of our websites, broke the functionality on the page then tried to redirect the blame back on to me trying to make out that i had not explained it correctly on the phone to her. What are your thoughts am i being unreasonable to my fellow colleague.

    2 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 7 Jahren
  • Give my machine admin rights?

    Any help on this would be appreciated; from what i can establish this is next to impossible to achieve.

    At work my machine is connected on the business network, my account has low level privildges ie execute programs, save files & basic program tweaks. Microsoft application tweaks are pretty much blocked out. Now i want to give me machine admin rights so i can do what i want, problem is i cant just give them to myself because i need to be admin to do it. I do however have access to a machine on the network which i can control remotely which does however have admin rights. Question is can i use this machine to give my machine admin rights, or is there another method i can do on my local machine to make this happen. So far i have explored endlessly to no avail. I tried to share the Windows/system32 directory but advanced sharing is blocked so thats a no. any ideas people?

    2 AntwortenSecurityvor 8 Jahren