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Lv 32.226 points

lexi c

Favorisierte Antworten13%
  • Name of the website that had musical Email greetings?

    There used to be a website that had musical Ecards of popular songs. Do you remember the website? The already made up tempelete would play a few seconds of a song.

    Ecard = Card sent through email. 

    Other - Internetvor 1 Monat
  • $150.2M what does this mean?

    I was never taught this... How much money is 150.2M and how much money is 23.89M?

    I dont understand why there are decimals..??

    2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 7 Jahren
  • Difference b/t Catholic & Baptism?

    Hi everyone!! I am a little curious on to what the difference is between Catholic and Baptism. I have been a Catholic all my life but have been wanting to change church, not religion. Honestly, I get a little bored when I am an a catholic church. I actually feel the holy spirit more when I am at home watching mass on tv. My love for Jesus will never change, it can only grow. Can some one give me some input, comments, suggestions. Anything will be great. God bless :)

    8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • My left boob/nipple hurts.?!?

    My boyfriend was licking my boobs, no sucking was involved. The right one felt good but the left one hurt. When I apply any light pressure to my left nipple, it makes my boob hurt.

    Any suggestions, comments, opinions?


    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 8 Jahren
  • He just wants to miss me?!!?

    So my boyfriend and I live together. We don't fight about anything except one big thing, the fact how he doesn't make me feel apreciated, doesn't make me feel like his girlfriend. I feel like I'm just his roomate sometimes.

    We've fougt bout this before and we get good and then we fight again. So today I packed my back pack in front of him,(enough for 2 days) and he didn't say anything. 40 min later he calls and wanted to know where I was cause he wanted to know I was safe. We talked about our problems, again, but this time he mentioned something "I just want to miss you." I asked him to explain, but he wouldn't.

    I am so confused on what this could mean. So where do u think we stand? Any advice or opinions will help. Thanks.

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren

    What is a good male enhancement. I don't have trouble gettinng turned on. I just want my d*ck bigger.

    8 AntwortenMen's Healthvor 8 Jahren

    He was a virgin when I met him and I had some experience of my own. He sucks in bed. He can even finger me good. Almost everything he does sexually sucks, and he doesn't even last long. I tried showing him how he can improve and giving him tips and stuff but he won't learn. Is there anything I can do to fix this. We plan on getting married and everything. Agh what should I do?

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • How to block people on facebook?!?

    How can I block people on facebook that are not my friends? How to do it through the andriod system through my phone. Thanx. :)

    5 AntwortenFacebookvor 9 Jahren
  • What does it mean when u dream about a baby?!???!?

    in the past few days I have been dreaming about babies or toddlers. I've had multiple dreams. They are not mine in the dream but I treat them as if they were my own. In 2 of the dreams I dreamed about 2-4 kids. Last night in my dream the baby was actually mine and my boyfriends. I have heard before that when u dream babies it means new biggining. But could it be this since I am have multiple dreams of all these different babies. We don't have any kids, and we do want one but me and my boyfriend now that its not the rite time. We live together.

    So what could these mean? I would greatly appreciate everyones oppinion. Thanks.

    2 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 10 Jahren
  • Happy ending massage!!?!?

    Is there such things as happy endings masages for girls?? I soo want one.

    3 AntwortenOther - Local Businessesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help, my A** is bleeding!??!!?

    I'm a girl and had annal sex with my boyfriend about a week ago. Ever since then, when I go to the bathroom and do number #2 it stings a little bit. But I notice when I wipe, there a little bit of blood. Is this normal? Is this ok? why is this happening?

    Ps. I started my period 2 days ago and is a little irregular. (Idk if this helps)

    7 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the website to the Disney hub?

    I work for Disneyland. Umm yea Does anyone know what the website(s) are. (preferred answer from a cast member)

    Corporationsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If i smoke once, how long will it stay in my system?

    Will i pass a drug test within the next day?

    5 AntwortenRespiratory Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt