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Why is there no defragmenter on the Xbox 360 for the hard drive to limit the slow down?
2 AntwortenGames & Gearvor 1 JahrzehntWhere did the term "Chip on the shoulder" come from?
7 AntwortenHistoryvor 1 JahrzehntHow can you be dehydrated and still have the urge to pee?
2 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 JahrzehntDid bucket seats lead to the feminist movement?
When the bench seat was taken out of vehicles and replaced with the bucket seats there was a connection lost between man and woman since they were no longer connected as one on the seat.
11 AntwortenHistoryvor 2 JahrzehntenIf a smurf is chocking what color does it turn?
17 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 2 JahrzehntenWhy cant humans love like dogs?
A dog loves unconditionally it doesnt matter if your fat skinny black white red yellow bald stupid smart smelly or ugly they just love wouldnt the world be a better place if we could learn from that?
10 AntwortenDogsvor 2 JahrzehntenWhy is life like this?
Death must be easy cause life is hard leaving us emotionally physically and mentally scarred.
8 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 2 JahrzehntenWhat makes one religion more valid than another?
If religion is about becoming a better person through the teachings of religion than why is it that there is so much strife. If a person can get morals and hope and faith in a religion different from somebody elses than what makes that wrong. Why are there so many fights and hatred amongst eachother when the teachings on the basic principals are the same? Why cant people just let people believe in what they want to believe if it gives them hope and faith in something better?
9 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 2 JahrzehntenWhat is unmarked bill?
I hear it all the time in movies and tv shows and they want money unmarked bills what does that mean every dollar has a serial number on it and can be traced are they just talking about tracking devices on the money or does it really have to do with the money?
6 AntwortenCreditvor 2 JahrzehntenWhat seperates us from the animals?
Many people believe that the freedom of choice is what seperates us from the animals as they live off of instict, and some would say that its our emotions that seperate us from them but I say it is humor which seperates us from animals as they dont understand the puns or catch lines of jokes. They lack the critcal thinking skills needed for humor, what do you think?
23 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 2 JahrzehntenWho would you take?
Your stopped at a stop sign and at a bus stop you see three people. The girl of your dreams, your best friend, and an old lady dying, you only have room to take one person in your car who do you take?
12 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 2 JahrzehntenWhy do birds suddenly appear?
15 AntwortenBirdsvor 2 Jahrzehnten