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  • Getting over the girl and becoming less of a wuss?

    The gf and I broke up. Well she decided for us basically. So I stopped calling and texting. No communication then started the private calls with no speaking and hanging up. No one does this but her she's done it everytime we've had issues and wouldnt speak. So I finally call her and say I would appreciate if you wouldnt call and not say anything.

    She snaps and calls me every name in the book. Then proceeds to say some of the worst stuff I've had someone who once cared about me say. I could feel my heart drop out of sheer hurt and shock by some of the things she was saying. I mean there is no chance of fixing this. But it still hurts. I think its more the words said that hurt than the relationship ending. Worst part is I actually said something back out of pure anger and hurt. Then I had the nerve to feel bad about it. I feel like a wuss cuz I actually apologized cuz I had this nagging feeling that it wasnt right. My conscience kills me. How do ppl let go so easily? How to not feel bad when ppl deserve it?

  • Is the three point shot of the Magic like the Cavs.. LeBron James?

    Truthfully if the Magic were to actually play the kno drive the ball, attempt the dunk, play man to man..the game would be a lot different. half of the magics points come from 3 is their three point shot their savior? i believe without it they would be history.

    7 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do women even know what they want??

    Well im a stud/butch if you prefer to put a term to it. And I have come to the conclusion that women are confused. As am I since I am asking this question. Now I understand women don't want a doormat. Nor do they want a as*hole. Yet they usually stray towards the as*hole direction when choosing a mate.

    For example: I met a woman and she was great at first. Treated her good. Actually listened and responded with something that made sense. Didn't bore her to death. I thought we had a decent start to what could've lasted quite some time. Then it went downhill fast and we split. We started arguing for no good reason etc. So I see her everywhere I go and got the idea to just act as if i didnt care. Walk past said hello but kept it moving. See her at events and pretend I dont. Now here she is calling me up and being all super friendly. Wanting to call and say hey when i havent heard from her in months. Smiling at me when her gf isnt looking. Now yea im confused. Whats up with that?

    6 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Okay lets try this again?

    Okay so let me re ask this. I am a female for one. And for two I asked this question being serious. I was not trying to make fun of this girl because I do care about her. And my sn has nothing to do with whether she has a problem or not so for the person that did make that comment lets be grown ups.

    So like I said I have been reading about narcissistic personality disorder and she is every bit of everything it says the symptoms are. She's up, then she's down, she'll argue with you for no reason then run away to avoid the argument, then call you two days later with a sob story to get you focused back on her. She's conceited, and thinks every envies her or is out to get her in some way. She feels like she is obligated to everything and never does anything in return. She hurts peoples feelings and could care less.

    And yes I deal with it cause i care and dont want to abandon her like all her other friends and fam. But I seriously think she has some problems.

    2 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is wrong with these femmes?

    Well it seems as of lately all I have been meeting are women that think they don't have to work. And that someone (me) will take care of them. Now if we are in a partnership I expect us to work together to make things better for the both of us. Instead I find the I want, I need, I don't have, and the I like this 200 dollar pair of boots everytime we enter a store women. Which just so happen to be the one's without a job that think life revolves around them and they should get everything they want.

    Obvioulsy it hasn't worked out since I am still single but whats the deal with that?

    They say thats just how they've always been treated someone has always given them what they want. Are there any women out there that know how to handle business and take care of themselves?

    Im sure there are but hey im venting a little. So don't take offense ladies.

    6 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it the youth or are gay people just too sexual.?

    Okay so I myself am a lesbian. Im 23 and it seems like the 18-29 year old gays/lesbians in my area are all very sexual. As in touchy, flirty, and just flat out horny. Clubs which I do attend are on a whole different level. You see girls grinding on each other. Pulling out body parts. Mouths on those body parts. Everything seems to be about sex. Even if nothing is happening. The topic of conversation tends to turn that way.

    Not that im not knocking it cause I still go to these places. I was just wondering if that was an everywhere type of thing or a youth thing. It's sort of stereotypical since a lot of straight people I know seem to think homosexuals are all about sex. What do yall think?

    6 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Detroit Who? Detroit What? Detroit Aint Sh**?

    Don't get me wrong I don't hate Detroit but, fa real what's up with all this crap yall spitting out about Cleveland?

    Cleveland is a young team? So what.

    Cleveland is inexperienced. So what.

    Cleveland only has Lebron. He's good but not alone.

    Lebron is the playmaker. He tries to involve everyone. He is the best we have but not the only. Us being a young team hasn't stopped us from making Detroit sweat. They probably thought this would be easy. Funny how our inexperienced 1 man team is whippin up something good on the supposed #1 team in the East. They barely be hanging on.

    They haven't been playing their A game? A team with so much experience you would think should be dominating right now. I guess they waiting on a home game so they can throw some bows and not get called for it.

    Cleveland may be young and inexperienced so far ahead in the playoffs but determination and a pure will to win will beat any old a** team that thinks they are the sh**.

    9 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Not Really A Question...Thoughts Are Welcome Though?

    Not really a question.

    It seems as if the LGBT community has come a long way over the years. From being in the closet to being in the Media. Movies we would definitely have not seen years ago. Adoption and marriage. Things are looking up slowly but surely.

    I remember being in school and not really being in an environment to come out. But now days girls are bringing their girlfriends to the prom. It's an open kind of deal these days. Everything isnt good and great but we have come so far.

    I can only imagine what the future will be like for the LGBT community. Thoughts?

    5 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Let's be friends? I think not..?

    Why is it that when a relationship ends the one that has ended it seems to think that it's a rule or something to say "Let's just be friends."

    Sometimes this is a good thing. But, when it's not why would someone that may still be hurt and in love want to be friends with someone that broke their heart. Only to see and pretend it doesn't feel like crap when the ex has moved on and they havent.

    I think that "lets be friends" is a cop out to ending a relationship. Instead of being honest and true about the problem, lets be friends is a way to be gentle and not so bad about ending it.

    8 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt