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Aloof guy,expects nothing in return,enjoys peace & prefers to remain calm,likes to answer & sort out queries not only over Yahoo Q&A Web page, even in life while we come across bunch of strangers with strange situations,apart from a sinking ship of friends called 'FRIENDSHIP',rather believes in taking up every moment of alleged "LIFE" with courtesy & honours the term 'respect', a sought out word for all.
How to kill roaches and their nests without boric acid or baking soda ?
I've tried boric acid+flour+sugar mixture, I saw their gang having it yesterday, haven't seen them ever Since,
May be they realised it was meant to decease them...
Suggest another strategy to kill them..
3 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 5 JahrenDoes the room in which we meditate carry vibrations ?
Generally, I meditate at the top of my appartment,
However, some energy around me is aking me to do it in my room...
What will happen if I do so, in terms of spiritual benefits ??
4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 5 JahrenIs telekinesis real ?
5 AntwortenParapsychologyvor 5 JahrenDoes self restraint, tolerance, patience,composure and silence convey the message across, without reaction or communication on your part ?
Imagine someone speaks angrily with you,
He/She uses profane language to address you,
He/She disrespects you or uses the most disrespectful language..
He/She tries to insult you around everybody...
You don't react or display any response,
You don't answer his questions by turning your face away...
You remain calm, relaxed, silent with your body standing still and fearless, as if it doesn't make any difference to what he has to say, ask or speak..
What do you think would happen to that person ?
Would his moral judgement and his impression of you really change ?
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 5 JahrenDoes meditation create sort of aura ?
5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 5 JahrenDoes meditation retain muscle strength ?
7 AntwortenEtiquettevor 5 JahrenWould photo editing via android apps annoy your friends ?
Imagine you have an app that uses pictures to wish someone good morning, birthday or happy anniversaries......wouldn't this make them feel awkward, exasperated or embarrassed, if we used their snaps to drop them similar wishes ?
2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 6 JahrenIs .ISO file a bootable extension ?
I have borrowed Window xp pro 64 bit from a friend as he transferred the same through his external USB hard disk drive.
Now although I have it as .iso file, I doubt If I could form a bootable windows Xp disc out of it.
Please assist with your valuable advise...
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 7 JahrenWhich one of the following 3 statements is correct ?
1) Type of skirts...
2) Types of skirts....
3) Types of skirt....
3 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 7 JahrenCan any software convert & compress mp4 to avi (simultaneously) ?
I've endless large files which are occupying the HDD, Please suggest a solution. Something that saves my time by both conversion & compression.
6 AntwortenSoftwarevor 7 JahrenPlease explain the difference & the correct answer..?
What's the correct answer to the following statement.
"I wish I _ more hair."
The options are a) Had Or b) have.
& please explain why had if its not have
why have if its not had ????
1 AntwortSpecial Educationvor 7 JahrenDo teeth dreams change our hormones in any way ?
My Cousins keeps having fantasies & dreams of her teeth ; she sees that her teeth are gonna fall & vanish permanently, would this change her hormones in any fashion ? Do you believe that this might happen in future while she isn't sleeping ???
2 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 7 JahrenWhich one of these two sentences is correct ?
1) British Council was founded in 1934.
2) British Council founded in 1934.
Please help me know & understand the grammatically correct statement out of these two.
7 AntwortenTriviavor 8 JahrenIs this sentence correct ?
It was me who saw spicy ones in a shop I bought oats from.
4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 8 JahrenCan anybody assist me to recall a legal word ?
I've been trying to recall a word over my memory, it ain't coming to my mind yet.
Well the interpretation of the word is that the criminal is imprisoned & he is released over custody for awhile only if we pay money & provide Guarantor who guarantees that accused one won't do it again..
1 AntwortLaw & Legalvor 8 JahrenPlease rectify the following sentences,shell out grammatical errors & suggest a best way to write it..?
The things that you get instantly never last long,
The things that last long never come instantly.
1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 8 JahrenWhat is it that we can't ever calculate ?
The velocity of light can be calculated, what's the other element which can't ever be ?
4 AntwortenPhysicsvor 9 JahrenWhat are swiss timepieces ?
1 AntwortOther - Beauty & Stylevor 10 JahrenWhat's a designer jewelry ?
4 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 10 Jahren