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Favorisierte Antworten33%
  • Is this legal? UK?

    Our company recently got rid of a cleaning company. The director of this cleaning company is now demanding full contact details of our new cleaners. He wants to hand the details to his legal team, to make sure we wont employ any of their ex employers. I can understand the reasoning but this person is so rude that I am not willing to hand out the address. Thank you for reading!

    9 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 7 Jahren
  • Do I really have a tax code? (UK)?

    Hi everyone! Here is the situation, I just started a new job and handed in my P45 but I never heard anything back from HM Revenue regarding a new tax code, neither did I pay emergency tax on my first wages. Now I also found out that my colluege never handed in a P45, neither did she fill out any other relevant forms. However, on my payslip is a tax code... I do find this a little strange! I could obviously ring HM Revenue to see whats going on but if my employer lets us work off the books (which was my inital thought) then that might call for trouble.... Thats why I would like to get some infos first. I dont want to be in trouble with the tax man! (So far I have not earned enough to pay tax by the way, but I should have a tax code regardless)

    4 AntwortenUnited Kingdomvor 7 Jahren
  • Can you get spam, i.g. links in Yahoo conversation folder?

    I am wondering if you can get links send into that folder automatically without being on those sites, where the links come from. I really know somebody can help...

    2 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 9 Jahren
  • Can somebody explain the Y! Conversation folder to me please?

    As far as I know it shows messages from the Yahoo Messenger but I have got no Yahoo messenger but this folder came up on my I pad and its not empty either. Can you get spam in there? The contents of the Y! Conversation folders are 3 usernames, followed by numbers and letters and links and it doesnt make any sense to me unless somebody is up to no good.... If you would use a different messenger would it still show up in the Y! Conversation folder? If I need to explain all this a little more then please let me know. Thank you!

    1 AntwortOther - Yahoo Productsvor 9 Jahren
  • Are there any experts on Y! Conversation folders out there?

    I have a querie about this folder. As far as I am aware this folder shows messages from the Yahoo messenger, but if you dont have a Yahoo messenger and this folder all over sudden shows up ( on I Pad) , shouldnt it be empty?

    Also what does it mean when this folder shows a username, followed by numbers and letters and then a link? Does it mean some other messenger has been used? If I need to elaborate this more then please let me know. Thank you!

    1 AntwortOther - Yahoo Messengervor 9 Jahren
  • Can she take the kids back to the UK?

    My friend is getting divorced from her rather unpleasant husband. He is in the Forces and they are currently based in Germany. She started looking for a house in the UK as she cant stay in Germany (her and the kids are British and they are non official residents in Germany obviously because they are only there with the Army). Now her hubby told her that she wont leave Germany with the kids. Im pretty sure that she can legally leave with them but because their Welfare Team is not giving away anything to help her with any kind of information on this matter she isnt sure and obviously she does not want to something illegal. Anybody knows anything about this matter?

    7 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 10 Jahren
  • Can she take the kids back to the UK?

    My friend is getting divorced from her rather unpleasant husband. He is in the Forces and they are currently based in Germany. She started looking for a house in the UK as she cant stay in Germany (her and the kids are British and they are non official residents in Germany obviously because they are only there with the Army). Now her hubby told her that she wont leave Germany with the kids. Im pretty sure that she can legally leave with them but because their Welfare Team is not giving away anything to help her with any kind of information on this matter she isnt sure and obviously she does not want to something illegal. Anybody knows anything about this matter?

    4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 10 Jahren
  • Do you have to stay at Bastion for at least 5 days? (British Army)?

    My other half is ment to come back home soon from his deployment. His replacement should already be on his way to Afganistan but he is not and now I was told that everyone who first gets to Ganners will have to stay at Bastion for at least 5 days. Is that true? Im wondering because if that is the way it works then my OH will not make his flight back :( Well not on the date he is supposed to come back.

    1 AntwortMilitaryvor 10 Jahren
  • Is this normal after being to the dentist?

    I went to the dentist this morning and had some anesthetic which made half of my nose go numb. Shortly after I left I started sneezing which still hasn't stopped and my nose is constantly running. Is it just because its irritated by the injection or could it be some kind of an allergic reaction?

    1 AntwortOther - Health & Beautyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anyone know this about bingo?

    My sons school started bingo for the parents. We get a big strip which is made of 6 little strips with 3 lines on each little strip. Well i know you can win with one line in so many numbers or 2 lines but what is a Full House? 3 lines on one little strip? And what is Snowball? Yeh guess im the only one who doesnt know lol but thanks for your help!

    1 AntwortOther - Games & Recreationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why are some religious people so small minded?

    If you have a look at Judaism, Islam, Christianity and Jehovahs then its a historical fact that Judaism is the oldest religion (even though most Muslims don't agree) and the rest just followed up because some people had the idea that the creator of Judaism got things wrong. So each religion group is now arguing because they all think THEIR God is the only true one. Why cant you guys just accept that there are different believers? Why cant you just say that your religion feels right for you and leave the others alone? Nobody really knows the truth (because if they did there would only be one religion) so therefore be more open minded. Only because you accept other religions doesn't mean you are a traitor

    19 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is God (Allah, Jehovah etc) just another dictator who causes confusion and misery?

    I know this sounds a bit harsh but in the end there are many things which are the same. Whether its Saddam, Hitler, Fuyugani etc it still ends up like this

    They thought their way was the only "true way" of dealing with things, so does God.

    They made "rules" that had to be followed so does God.

    If you were not obedient then it would have had consequences, God is the same.

    If you were different to what they thought was perfect, you were worth less, God thinks so too (only worship the true God, who ever he is)


    No wonder there are so many "holy wars", dictatorship doesn't work

    11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is this called religion-ism?? and why is it ok?

    Its a bit strange that everybody complains about racism or sexism etc but it seems for religions its all fine. But if you compare it then people should realise that there is a lot in common.

    Racism = some people believe one race is better than the other

    Sexism = one sex is better than the other

    So how come that a God can say that a certain believer group is better than all the rest??? Isn't that all wrong and some kind of bullying too?

    10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can a woman who has lost a part of her whom still have kids?

    Either the natural way or with help of treatment?

    4 AntwortenOther - Pregnancy & Parentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A smoking pass to get cigarettes? If so what about an eating pass for obese people?

    Britains gov wants to introduce a pass for smokers that costs 10£ a year and without this pass you cant buy cigarettes. Well if the 10£ would go towards the health insurance of the smoker then fair enough, but to fill debt holes caused by the gov is not acceptable. But anyway what about all these obese people (and i mean those who are fat simply because they eat too much and too much unhealthy foods, not those who gained weight because of some disorders), should they get a pass aswell each year to be allowed to purchase junk food? They have a lot of health risks which cost NHS a fortune too and they give their offspring a bad example as 8 out of 10 kids of obese people are also overweight! Whats your opinion?

    21 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What causes muscle spasms in the oesophagus???????

    I know i will need a scope as i found out today but the doctor didnt answer me this question and it worries me. So does anybody know what could trigger the oesophagus to cramp up? In my case it happens about every 3 weeks and lasts up to 3 days, sometimes quiete often and sometimes only a few times. It started about 8 weeks ago and it usually gets worse during the night especially when i lay on my back. Any ideas anybody? Thanks!

    2 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What causes muscle spasms in the oesophagus???????

    I know i will need a scope as i found out today but the doctor didnt answer me this question and it worries me. So does anybody know what could trigger the oesophagus to cramp up? In my case it happens about every 3 weeks and lasts up to 3 days, sometimes quiete often and sometimes only a few times. It started about 8 weeks ago and it usually gets worse during the night especially when i lay on my back. Any ideas anybody? Thanks!

    2 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Which religion, in your opinion, is the most misleading?

    I mean religion is an excuse for a lot of things nowadays but they are not all true, its what people make out of their "holy books". So which one is the most misleading religion in your opinion? Please give some reasons too. (And people, Im on about religion and they misleading ways nowadays so please dont state facts from 200 years ago!) Thank you!

    35 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can i do this?

    My sons passport ran out but we will get posted soon. As he has a german passport im not sure how long it will take to get a new one. We are in the UK now and will go to Germany next month. If the passport wont get sorted could i take the old one with the birth certificate and pass through security at the airport?

    5 AntwortenAir Travelvor 1 Jahrzehnt