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  • Females in the military under infantry ranks?

    Based on recent investigations, there have now been various reports of a widespread problem in the military of men permissibly and impermissibly taking photos of nude and half nude females. Since I was raised as a military brat, I have always thought it naive to allow females in the infantry with young, testosterone laden infantry men.

    I'm not asking for the ideal, but rather the realistic. Most men believe women should be allowed to do anything a man could do...but should the military allow it?

    4 AntwortenGender Studiesvor 4 Jahren
  • Is it reverse discrimination to say NBA Hawks owner was being racist?

    Even the news and Democrats talk about the race breakdown of virtually everything under the sun, but apparently in this case, he was trying to beef up his white fan base instead of black fan base. For that, everyone is calling him a racist. How is this different than the norm of calling a team "not diverse enough" since it is the white fan base that he is working on?

    2 AntwortenBasketballvor 7 Jahren
  • Any Christians find Purpose Driven Life as a Christian book?

    I hear a lot that Purpose Driven Life is a Christian book because it was written by a Christian pastor, Rick Warren. Do any Christian consider the book to be Christian?

    I read it and thought it completely anti-Christian. It is a perfect book for "new age Christianity" but that isn't Christianity. It is human secularism mixed with watered down Christianity. Same as the Gnostics mixed Greek neo-Platonism philosophy with Judaism and Jesus.

    Just wondering if there is a large base of people that do consider it Christian. If you do, would you consider yourself a "new age Christian" like his church?

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • George Zimmerman Trial: which network did you watch?

    1) Which Network did you watch?

    2) How did you feel about their coverage?

    3) What would have your verdict been?


    1) CNN 45% of the time, HLN 45% of the time, FOX and MSNBC 5% of time. (News junkie)

    2) CNN was the best coverage (though I usually think they are biased, and though the anchors were certainly biased, until the verdict was read it was fair. HLN, that network should be brought up on charges. If you are an attorney, you can't skew the law like they did...or willful omission of facts. FOX, had virtually my thought process on the matter. MSNBC always biased, nothing new

    3) Not Guilty. Sad that a life was taken, but I always stand by self defense. I don't fight so this could have been me. Both made bad impulsive decisions, but Zimmerman's wasn't criminal. It still is very sad.

    1 AntwortMedia & Journalismvor 8 Jahren
  • Christian to Christian: Does God assess sin on cities and nations as well?

    Throughout the OT, we are shown the anger of God toward the non-submissive humans, but we've also seen cities and even nations toppled over. Obviously "sin" is assessed to the individual (and on the subsequent generations),but is there a possibility God also assesses sin and punishment to cities/nations or is this the result of the aggregate sin of the individuals in those cities/nations?

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Atheists: Do you agree with the social message of Jesus?

    This question is not concerning whether you believe he existed, or the deity or miracles aspect. I am looking for clarity on whether you agree with the social message ascribed to Jesus.

    1) Loving everyone

    2) Not taking revenge on things done to you

    3) Applying mercy to law (ie, mitigating factors, being merciful versus strict legally)

    12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Any US citizens for curtailing the violence in the movie industry?

    I was listening to radio broadcasting today that had brought up the recent movie theater shooting. This was a conservative talk show, and the conversation was a rebuttal to the few Democrat voices during this election year that are now calling for gun control.

    Anyways, the question is do you

    1) Do you think the portrayal of violence in movies has led to a increase in gun violence?

    2) Do you rather think it is some other factor?

    3) Do you support more gun control?

    3 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 9 Jahren
  • Which Human migration model is more favored?

    I have always learned Africa was the "cradle of civilization," and many mass migrations up and out. However, Wikipedia seems to have a chart that shows otherwise. Instead, they show what seems to be China instead as the first civilization, followed by migration by sea. (This is also interesting, since it differs in the sea route which now doesn't show the Bering Strait as the contact with the Americas. Instead it shows large civilizations in the southwest of South America,and a route up into Central America to North America.)

    Which is accurate???

    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 9 Jahren
  • Did the Particle Accelerator (results just released) mimic the Big Bang?

    I understand the results showed that the predicted boson was there, and they think many more bosons might also be there too (they don't know yet if it is Higgs), but my question is did this Particle Accelerator act to recreate the Big Bang, or just observe the interaction of particles in everyday life?

    3 AntwortenPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • 99 Ford Escort: At start-up, the area that hold the timing belt makes a loud rocking noise, then goes away?

    As I start the car, there is a loud noise (rocking sound right around the area of that long belt that snakes around the engine. The car does this for around 3-4 minutes, then the sound goes away. Is this a danger to drive my car? Should I replace the timing belt? The car has 95K miles on it, recently had an oil change. Thanks

    4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 Jahren
  • How to FREE remove Security Shield 2011 virus?

    I have the green version of the Security Shield virus/malware. I downloaded PC Tools Spy Doctor after reading a lot about it, only to find out after 2 hours of dowloading it and updating it, that you have yo pay for the service. (Yes, is really just a scam too).

    Anyways, is there a way I can remove this virus for free. I don't have a lot of computer savyness, but if there is anything you know (for sure), please help me!

    4 AntwortenSecurityvor 10 Jahren
  • Which Jack Ryan movie is your favorite?

    These movies are Tom Clancy movies, like Clear and Present Danger, Patriot Games, Hunt for Red October, Sum of All Fears. (Usually starred Harrison Ford)

    Which movie is your favorite, and did I miss any?

    2 AntwortenMoviesvor 10 Jahren
  • What do you think of the TV show Fringe on Fox?

    I just watched part of it. I was under the impression it was just like XFiles, but from what I watched, it is the dumbest show. The show is about FBI agents that have obviously never seen an actual agent. They wear plain trendy shows, have no professionalism, unshaven, and the guy agent was in the office with a beer in his hand...then the other officer said "Get up, You're driving."

    This show has insulted my intelligence! X-Files was leaps and bonds better than this.

    What do you think?

    1 AntwortDramavor 10 Jahren
  • Current or ex-Eli Lilly Pharma Sales Reps: Some advice on interviews?

    I am looking for people with experience working with Eli Lilly as a pharmaceutical sales rep. Have an upcoming interview, and would like to ace it!

    2 AntwortenMarketing & Salesvor 10 Jahren
  • Is Rep. Weiner lying about the twitter picture?

    --He dismissed the tweet about Seattle from a week ago (said it was huge coincidence)

    -- He keeps changing his stance on the picture

    -- He admitted to deleting the picture...said he was able to get in someone else's page to locate and delete the picture. Said there was no password on that page

    ***** Now CNN is trying to dismiss the doing the story and then asking us if it really matters? It sure did when the conservs where caught doing stuff like this.

    7 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Did any cult remain from the original Vestile Virgins of Rome?

    We know that a Roman Emperor had the flame of the Vesta extinguished around 394AD. (Strangely, the fire was supposed to always be lit, with the thought of an extinguished flame meaning an end of Rome...which happened like 20 years later)

    But my question is Did any of the remnants of the Vestile Virgin remain?

    1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When did Roman togas change?

    When you see pictures of ancient Rome, you see the togas that are slung over one shoulder. When I look at the pictures from the time of Justinian (for instance), they have changed to a toga clasped at the shoulder. I am wondering if anyone knows the general time when this was changed.

    1 AntwortHistoryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why did Emperor Julian (Roman Empire) fail to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem?

    Emperor Julian of the Roman Empire tried to reestablish the pagan system of worship in Rome (after Christianity had become the official religion), including rebuilding the Temple. It says he did this to prove the Bible wrong. How do you feel about this, and is there an official reason why he tried twice to build it and fail both times?

    4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt