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Lv 610.706 points

♥Everything's Magic♥

Favorisierte Antworten6%

Hi my peoples! Well I'm your typical 15 year old cynical, fun, and random girl. You will see me at the P&S category most of the time, just answering questions you know lending a hand. My favorite bands are Angels&Airwaves, Cute is what we aim for, the maine, the used, and coldplay. I like a lot more bands, but it's just that they are to many of them to list haha :p We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. ~Native American Proverb Angels have no philosophy but love. ~Adeline Cullen Ray If you judge people you have no time to love them. ~Mother Teresa Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color. ~Author Unknown BTW: If you haven't read the twilight series, you need to go read it now! Lol Go Bella&Edward♥ Boo Jacob! Ps: check out my 360 also.