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Anyone here use KickitBack to get cash back on eBay purchases?
I want to know if anyone here has joined this new special offer to receive cash back from KickitBack,
If you have, has it worked for you?
If you never heard of it use the link to check it out.
It doesn't seem like much but if your like me and look to save ever dollar to keep up with the rising cost of every thing I think it would be to my benefit, I plan on doing all my shopping for the holidays this year on eBay .
1 AntwortPersonal Financevor 1 JahrzehntWhat would you do if you booked a campsite at Del Vickio's Deerfield Park and never got refund?
Back the beginning of July, my fiancee booked a 3 day weekend to watch Nascar up in Watkins Glen, NY.We had to cancel out, but did so in an appropriate manner of 2 weeks.I spoke to the propritier of this campground as well as my Fiancee, we got no where, she lied to us, said we had the wrong number, told ud that we had to wait to the end of August til her records were straight,did not return any phone calls,she lied the qwhole time and I am pretty pissed off!!
The name of this Campground in Watkins Glen ,NY, is called Del Vickio's Deerfield Park,these people ripped me off of $144.00 plus the bank fees I had to pay,What would you do? I already tried disputing it though my Visa card through my bank, but its too late, any dispute transactions were supposed to be done within 60 days, thats why that woman told me to wait to August, she knew that would happen.
I could drag her @ss to small claims court, where it will cost her alot more. we live 3 hours away, so she will have to pay for my gas,round trip and my time lost from work. That means one day of traveling up to watkins Glen and back just to fill out the paperwork at their town clerks office, and another day when the actual court hearing will be, this woman is biting off more than she could chew.
Any other ideas how to get my money back?
4 AntwortenCampingvor 1 JahrzehntOpinions on wedding gowns please, pics included.?
I plan on getting married in a year or so and have found several gowns online that I fell in love with.Now take into consideration I will be a third time bride, and am fifty now. I have always dreamed about getting married in a pink gown, but found some other gorgeous gowns in ivory as well.I am almost five seven in height and have a slender built at127 lbs.I don't plan on wearing a veil, as I did that before, but maybe just a small tiara or a small pearled crown.
Also this will be an outdoor wedding in the summer months, I chose these particular gowns because they weren't too fluffy, ruffly and had too long a train for an outdoor wedding.
I will include a photo of me, but I will wear my hair up in loose curls, not as you see it in my photo. all opinions of which would look best on me would be appreciated.
This is me, I' fifty
And here is me wearing my favorite color pink with my hair pulled back.This will give you some idea of how pink looks on me.
The pink gown
The Gwenivere ivory gown
The Vera Ivory gown
This one is a replica of the top one except it is a halter style.
This one is Called the Rita
25 AntwortenWeddingsvor 1 JahrzehntWhy can't she spend time with her son?
My BF has 2 kids, the girl is 18 and the boy is 14, it seems like my Bf's ex does not want to spend any time with her own son. He's a great kid and I feel like she constantly tries to bring him to our home because her life is just too busy and she does not want to be a responsible mother. her job hours are from 9 to 5, yet she never gets home til 11 or 12 O'clock almost every nite. Just last week she toddle off to the jersey shore with her bf and her daughter, and her daughters best friend, she didn't even ask the boy if he would like to go, but yet would take a stranger along before she would take her own flesh and blood, it is eating away at me inside, I want to say something to her, but the just bite my tongue, but I am only the live in girlfriend ( 8 years now). She no sooner gets home from work this evening around six pm and she was already on the phone asking my bf what he was doing, mind you she never asks me, as she does this all the time, its like she has a sick sense, my Bf told his ex that we would not be around tonite because we are having a rather large barbecue Saturday and have to get some food shopping done, her response was" well I thought I would drop him off", then she said" well i guess I have to take him to my mother's house", this woman is a piss poor parent and not once this summer did she do anything with her boy, this urks me to no end, the fact that she does nothing with him and she only uses him for a meal ticket ( Child support ), I love this kid like my own, we have done so many things with him this summer, camping, went to Nascar, hiking, fishing, visited many places and took him with us on a few trips, why can't she just be a "Mother"? I wouldn't mind but we just had him for a whole week, and already she;s looking to take off and dump the kid off again on us. When he's with us he's a good kid and fun to be around, we always have fun together, but I feel at this point in time, she needs to spend some time with her son before he goes back to school next week, what do you think? Should I say something nonchalantly to the mom the mom the next time she calls?
Another thing that bothers me is she is always complaining that she never has any money, but constantly shops at the best stores and is trying to take my bf back to family court for more money, now she wants 350 dollars a week, she doesn't deserve that especially because she always spends it on herself,I know because the boy tells us that he doesn't see any of it and he's the one that told us that mom is never home till real late, she's too busy with her bf and the bf don't even like kids. Too bad for her, she spread her legs and made these children, she needs to step up to the plate and grow up and take responsibility and be a parent.I did my mommy thing years ago, now its her turn!! What would you do ?
4 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 JahrzehntHow come receipts for food at convience store read as "gas"?
We live in the state of NY, right down the road from our house is a local gas/convenience station. My Bf and I just went in the other day and asked the Hindu fellow behind the counter, " why is it that very time we go to purchase snacks, food and everything but gas, does the receipt read gas?" I find this very annoying and I think what they are doing is illegal, I like to see my receipts specify exactly what I purchased,( itemized) for my own personal information. Is there a website or phone number where I can contact someone to see if this is an illegal practice?
2 AntwortenOther - US Local Businessesvor 1 JahrzehntCan someone clarify child support taking my money if I marry my bf?
I am living with my BF of 8 years now, we are very much each others soul mate ,he finally got his divorce from his ex in April. I make pretty decent money and have the excellent health benefits, I work in a school 21 years. Anyway, my bf is under obligation to pay child support and he does owe a small amount in arrears which he is paying. We live in the State of NY, if we get married can child support come after my wages?
I heard that if someone has prior child support obligations, like before someone gets married, that child support can not touch my wages, is this true?
6 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 JahrzehntWhy do people Buy big motorcycles?
I just don't understand it and probably will never, why is it that people go out and buy the biggest motorcycles that they could find, never have rode one a day in their life and expect that they can handle a big bike?
Is it for the sake of having the biggest baddest bike? I have seen and heard about this way too many times, people end up getting hurt because they were too overconfident and impulsive when choosing a bike for the first time.It seems kinda dumb, why wouldn't they start out with a smaller bike and then when they feel confident and experienced enough they could always upgrade later on?
I myself bought my very first bike last year, I bought a 1985 Honda Rebel 250 cc from an auction on ebay, I feel confident enough , next year I am going to upgrade and get something a little bigger with a little more power, that will have given me 2 years driving experience on my rebel, anyone who is contemplating on getting a bike for the first time, a rebel makes a great starter bike.
17 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 1 JahrzehntHoe do I delete my yahoo 360 site?
I have had a yahoo 360 social site now for 2 years, where does it say how to delete my profile and does anyone here know how to delete it? I finally decided to leave, its getting pretty dead in there, for one reason yahoo won't even allow you to send any animated graphics, I could understand naughty comment tags, but cute little dogs or bunnies, lets get real here yahoo, it has lost all its charm.
5 AntwortenYahoo Profilesvor 1 JahrzehntMy BF lost his liscense,if he gets caught driving my car, can I lose my liscense too?
He had a conditional license and had gotten a ticket, not a speeding ticket though, but if you have a conditional license and you get one ticket, doesn't matter what it is, they take your license away for good. To make a long story short, I have heard that if he should get caught driving my vehicle, that I can get my license suspended too, is this true?
7 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 1 JahrzehntIs my boy friend crazy,or should I let him continue?
He's has spent countless hours setting up websites, I love what he has done with it all, but I don't get much time with him anymore.
Is this going to be worth the efforts
3 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 JahrzehntAre turnkey websites That simple ?
Do you have to be a computer geek to set up a turnkey website?
What are the special tools you need?
1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 1 JahrzehntRejected from site for hidden content in my blog?
Could someone please help me here, I had recently wrote a blog and was looking for traffic from a well known site.
I was rejected for having hidden content ...could it have been the gadgets I used or the outbound links?, theres no hidden links or anything like that I don't even use pop ups
Please help I need to get the content off and try again
1 AntwortOther - Internetvor 1 JahrzehntShould I get rid of my Staffordshire Bull Terrier?
The reason I am asking is because we own 3 dogs, one American Bull Terrier, who's very old and mellow, the other two are my Staffordshire terrier Harley, and we also have a Black Mouth cur Hound.The problem is that My little Harley(Staffordshire Bull Terrier) keeps picking fights with our Black Mouth cur hound Abigail. Harley always initiates a fight with Abigail, for no reason, Abigail doesn't want to fight, as a matter of fact, she shakes and is terrified of my little pit. But when Abigail is provoked, she won't back down, and ends up hurting Harley who is half Abigails size. Is this a distinctive characteristic of the Black Mouth Cur Hound?, seemingly a mellow ,loving and obedient dog, but yet when, backed up against a wall, she comes out with a fierce vengeance .I know it would be hard to believe a hound winning out in a fight over a Pit but it is true. We love all 3 of our dogs, should I give it another try to keep the 2 separated?, or buy Harley a muzzle?
13 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy do I hear clicking sounds when opening up an e-mail? and how come it takes so long to download it ?
everytime I go to open up an e-mail. i hear constant clicking sounds and why is the beta version taking so long to load an e-mail?
7 AntwortenInternetvor 1 Jahrzehnt