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Favorisierte Antworten5%
  • How do I get rid of ticks in my yard?

    We have one area of the yard where we always see ticks. What can I do to kill them?

    4 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there a place in the world I can send my stained clothes?

    I donated some clothes the other day to goodwill. I still have huge bags of stained up clothes that goodwill doesn't want. I don't want to throw them away because, other then being stained up, they're fine. I've already made plenty of rags. There has got to be a poor place on Earth that would like to have them. I see half-naked kids with no shoes running around on TV, wouldn't they like to have some old clothes and shoes?

    5 AntwortenOther - Environmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Will my chicken eggs still hatch?

    I have them in a homemade incubator. My light went out and the temp dropped to about 80 for about an hour. When I fixed it, it shot up to almost 120 for about 10 minutes. I now have it regulated at about 100-102. Should I consider the eggs done for or do I still have a chance at hatching some? They are about a week old.

    3 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should I put the baby chick with the older ones?

    I know chickens like to be with their flock. Well, my baby chick (2 months old) is the lone survivor of some predator as of yesterday. I have an older flock in a different area. Should I put him with them so he can have friends? The problem is that they are mean to him. Is it better to be picked on and have a flock or be not picked on and be by himself? If I put him in the mix, will they eventually stop picking on him? He's much smaller then them but will eventually grow bigger (he's a standard RIR and they are bantams).

    2 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there such a thing as a "hawk resistant chicken"?

    A hawk keeps taking my chickens! They're really small now (young bantams). But after reading all about how to protect them from hawks, I learned that they regularly take full grown hens. I can't imagine a hawk taking a Jersey Giant or some other huge chicken but can they? Is there a breed that I could have that are more "hawk resistant"?

    2 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When you have a cookout around a fire, what do you sit on?

    I always think of bales of straw or logs but my husband (he's from the city) laughed at me when I suggested straw. Am I just weird or is this a country vs. city thing?

    5 AntwortenOther - Dining Outvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • People from countries with socialized medicine, do you like it?

    Is there a long waiting list for surgeries? What problems are there?

    4 AntwortenOther - Europevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What happened at the end of Days of our Lives today?

    I missed from "Amazing Grace" on.

    4 AntwortenSoap Operasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Will my dog stop jumping the fence and running away when I get her fixed?

    she's about a year and is scheduled to get spayed next month

    10 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How long did it take for you to get your period after having your baby?

    My baby is 9 months old and I still haven't got my period yet. I do nurse, but I've been feeding her food also since she was 5-6 months. I have 2 other kids and I got my period when they were both 6 months old. Should I worry yet or is this normal?

    3 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Math Question(Please help)?

    How do you make this work by inserting sets of parentheses? Please help. This is driving me nuts

    -10 - -4squared divided by16 divided by -2times 8 + -3squared=10.02

    1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should I not go onto Facebook?

    I went to login on facebook today after not using it for a week. I googled it and it says "this site may harm your computer". As long as I don't download anything, is it ok to get on my page?

    4 AntwortenFacebookvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can I get 2 12 oz cans of tuna through wic?

    My husband went to the store and the only cans they have are 5 oz. We are allowed 24 oz. He got 2 12 oz cans. They wouldn't let him get them. They told him he could only get 5 oz cans. How can you get 24 oz worth with 5 oz cans? Is WIC messed up or was the man at the store wrong?

    3 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What kind of bedding is best for an outside dog?

    We have straw in the doghouse now. I heard that blankets aren't good in the winter because they can get wet and freeze so we got the straw. Now I'm hearing straw isn't good because of mites and other things. I've heard cedar chips are good, but I wouldn't think they would be as warm. Straw is hollow so I would think it would be the warmest. What's the best bedding to keep my dogs warm in the winter?

    9 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can I get a great workout from swimming in under 30 minutes?

    I have 2 herniated discs and I LOVE to run. The doctors say I can't run anymore :-(

    What workouts can I do that give me the same sweaty, red-faced feel good feeling that I get from running? I like biking, but I have to do it for hours to get the same workout that I get from running 20 minutes. I'm looking for an aerobic exercise that is fine on my back and that I can do in under 30 minutes. Any suggestions?

    1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What should a 5 year old boy be told about his deadbeat dad?

    My sister got pregnant while visiting California. She lives in Illinois. My nephew has only seen the sperm donor twice and doesn't remember either visit. The guy has never sent one dollar and doesn't ever write or visit (she has went to him twice). My nephew wants a dad so bad, understandably. He knows the guy's name and has seen a pic. He's been asking about him. What should she tell him? I think she should tell him the truth. Ex., "I picked a bad guy for your dad, I'm sorry. You are a great boy and he's doesn't know what he's missing. You didn't do anything wrong at all, he's just not a very good person. But you have other men in your life to do "guy" stuff with if you want. Like your uncles, etc." She thinks she shouldn't say anything bad about him and let her son make up his own mind as he grows up. I totally understand that line of thinking if he saw him everyonce in awhile. But because he's not in his life at all, I think my nephew needs to know reality instead of questioning why the guy's not around. Any suggestions on what should be said?

    12 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why didn't you breastfeed?

    My first kid never latched on so I pumped for 8 months. I did nurse my second and third kid though.

    After all the studies and doctors saying how beneficial breastmilk is (tons of health benefits, increase in IQ, cheaper, more convenient, bonding, etc.), why do some women still choose formula? Just curious.

    32 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt