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On Adobe Dreamweaver, how can I get my web page to adapt to the different resolutions on visitor's browsers?
I can't stand it anymore!!! I have read and tried several different ways to get my web-site to automatically shrink down when visitors are using a low resolution. It still requires horizontal scrolling. I know a way exists. Help.
1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone know about the Smokehouse area in Louisville, KY?
Im thinking about taking a job in that area. Is it a good/bad neighboorhood? What are the schools like? Any info would be appreciated.
1 AntwortOther - News & Eventsvor 1 JahrzehntPOINTS FOR LIVING IN LOUISVILLE, ky!!!!!!!!?
I need to know about the Smokehouse area. Can you tell me anything you know about it? I'd appreciate any info.
1 AntwortOther - Sportsvor 1 JahrzehntHEY LOUISVILLE! TELL me ABOUT SMOKEHOUSE!!!!?
I'm thinking about taking a job in the Smokehouse area and need to know if its a crap neighboorhood or not! Any info would be much appreciated!
1 AntwortOther - US Local Businessesvor 1 JahrzehntPLEEZ HELP! I need info from Louisville, KY residents!?
I need to know as much about the Smoketown area. Is it a dangerous neighboorhood? I'm thinking about taking a job that would put me in that area fairly regularly and I'm wondering how risky an area it is.
1 AntwortOther - United Statesvor 1 JahrzehntTroy Aikman is the worst commentator?
No matter how bad the pass, how horrible the play, he takes up for the quarterbacks. Its almost comical how he creates these scenarios in which it's the WR's fault, or the OL's fault. Every now and then, fine. But every play in which the QB's look stupid, he blames someone else. He must've been a real ****** to play with (It aint my fault coach!). GO EAGLES! THIS YEAR'S NFC EAST CHAMPS!
10 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 JahrzehntWhat's the harm in leaving lock-in hubs locked on my 4wd?
I've always heard that its bad for them, but never could get an answer as to why.
8 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntHow much of a risk are cyber predators for teens and kids online?
I'm writing an article on cyber predators, and I'm doing research on the subject. I've found a lot of horror stories about web creeps, but I've also found some sites that say that the epidemic is vastly over exaggerated. What do you think?
10 AntwortenInternetvor 1 JahrzehntWho thinks it's still too soon for all these 9/11 movies and TV shows too be coming out?
I don't know if it's good for the thousands of people who just were traumatized 5 years ago, to have to be bombarded with previews and ads depicting the very thing that changed their lives negatively. I guess it's just another way of cashing in on the misery of others. What arrogant prick writer or director who wasn't even there, think they can accurately reproduce the worst tragedy on domestic soil the nation has seen since Pearl Harbor? It seems like, to me, that one movie was made and then BAM! That opened the gates some Hollywood co**sucker was like, "ALL RIGHT PEOPLE! THE TIME HAS COME! NOW WE CAN MAKE OUT SH**TY MOVIES AND TV SHOWS." When will the end come. When will people quit going to these inacurate, crap movies?
16 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntPhiladelphia @ Houston this Sunday. Will the Eagles cover the spread?
Eagles -6. I just hope they win! I think the Eagles have a chance at the NFC East title. At least a wild card bid. What do you all think of the Eagles this year?
4 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 JahrzehntDo you drive worse when the cops are behind you?
I think it's just because I'm always looking in my RV mirror, or maybe I just pay more attention to the minor weaves and driving mistakes. I hate it when they get behind me.
8 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 JahrzehntWhich will do the most for mankind? Medical technology or medical science?
I separate the two by (ex. medical technology is the new artificial heart, medical science would be diagnosing and treatment of desease.)
3 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 JahrzehntDo amish women shave their armpits/legs?
There always covered. Anyone got some inside info?
13 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 JahrzehntHey WHITIES! If someone called you a "CRACKER" would it offend you?
It doesn't offend me, but nothing really offends me. Is it even considered a racial epithet? How come there isn't a term that infuriates white people the way....well I'll just leave it there. CRACKA AZZ CRACKA! No don't get mad, I'm white. Its all good.
20 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 JahrzehntAre you trying to help people with their questions or just trying to get to Level___?
Or are you a comedian? MAKE ME LAUGH FUNNY BOY!
8 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntIs that black guy from the Aleeve commercial Cleveland from Family Guy?
I know "That black guy" is vague. On the commercial, he's talking about playing beating his son at basketball. I heard it the first few times and said to myself, "who is this guy? I've heard that voice." Sure sounds like Cleveland. I realize that very few of you will know what I'm talking about.
1 AntwortTelevisionvor 1 JahrzehntWho's started a four day weekend today?
hooray for you! What are you gonna do with it?
5 AntwortenOther - Holidaysvor 1 JahrzehntOverly aggressive drivers or overly cautious drivers; who causes more accidents?
I know it's easy to say overly aggressive, but think about it. How many times have you said that person is going to cause and accident when someone was doing 35 in a 55, or taking an hour make a turn? For me, I've said that way more times for overly cautious drivers. I've said it about someone zooming past 4 cars doing 95 in a 55 too, but its just not as common. Maybe it depends on where you live.
9 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt