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Mom to three boys 12, 9 and a 3 year old. My youngest is my little Miracle. With his birth defect (Holoprosencephaly) he was given only a 3% chance at living. Life is hard at times but my two older boys are the best kids any parent could ask for and are great big brothers to they special brother. My kids are my life.
Number Sense decimal question, need help?
Okay I am trying to help my son with his homework and I can't remember how to do these. It's been awhile since I have. The question is: Place decimal points in these numbers ( 329 913 477 624 ) so that their sum is 519.654
You don't have to give me the answer just how do you figure it out. He has many other problems to do and the book is no help.
3 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 JahrzehntWho is the new american idol, I missed it?
9 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 JahrzehntControlling Husband and not letting me have the car keys, what to do?
My husbands dad was letting us use his Jeep (he buys a new car ever 3yrs so he won't even be using this one) because our son is in a wheel chair and needed the room. Well I was planning a vacation to NC with my kids and now my father in law said we can't use the Jeep. I don't talk to my in-laws, since my husband was arrested last year for trashing the house. They blame me for everything. My husband gets angered very easily and acts like a 2 year old child. Now I am stuck here with no car, money, nothing and my husband saying he is going to shut off everything in the house. My family doesn't have money, so they can't help me out. I am just lost and I don't believe I am the bad one here. I work part-time and spend most of my time taking care of my son who needs lots and lots of care.
6 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 JahrzehntDo you think a 10 month old should be left alone while a parent is working upstairs?
My husband was telling me that my brother in law left his 10 month old son downstairs at his parents place while he was on a confrence call with work. He had went to his parent to see if they could watch him but they couldn't so he ended up calling his mother in law and asked her to get off work early to come and get him. My brother in law makes plenty of money but was trying to save a couple bucks on daycare. He rather spend $5,000 on a new lawnmower then $2 a hour on daycare. Well my mother in law told him she couldn't get off early but would come straght to his parents house (which is 25 miles away). When she got there my nephew was down stair crying. From what it sounds like his face was beat red and looked like he had been crying for a long time. I was not happy when my husband told me but from what he is saying there aren't even going to tell my sister in law about it, my nephews mom. Do I tell her or just stay out of the mess? He could have coaked on something and then what
11 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 JahrzehntNeg. pregnancy result but bought a cheap test, could that be what is wrong?
I took the test the other day, just one day late. I had spotting a couple weeks ago, not much. I have 3 kids so I know some of the signs. I did have headaches for about a week and if someone showed me a big fat hamburger right now, I would get sick. I live in a small town and can't get to any stores right now to buy a better test. I don't want to have my husband buy one, just in case I'm not I think I would break his heart if it was neg. I just was wondering if anyone else had problems with those cheap dollar store test?
14 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 JahrzehntTo early for pregnancy testing but I just have a couple??
How many have had a pinkish discharge a week after sex and a week before your period?
6 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone know were to get answer for, test, guess the movie?
It's were the faces are removed, there are 60 to guess. I have 10 more and it's driving me nuts I am not going to sleep till I get them all. Like #1 is trading spaces and #2 is willy wonka. Help I want to go to sleep
2 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do Men need ...?
P0rn if they get plenty of sex at home?
35 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the best way...?
to keep a 2 year old cool on hot days? My son has problems with regulating his body temp. Doctor always say just stay inside. So does that mean I have to keep him in for the next week. It's going to be in the 90 and 100 for the next week.
10 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 1 JahrzehntHow do you approach a parent when you know that there child has stolen something?
I watch a friends kid last night so she could go out. Then today my kids were outside playing with their air gun and came inside and put the gun and plastic pellets on the counter. I remeber seeing them on the counter but after they left I told the kids to put it away and it was missing. I also know he was going out the back door while I talked to his mom but I couldn't see what he was doing. We have looked everywhere. What to do?
9 AntwortenParentingvor 1 JahrzehntCan anyone tell me what....?
Can anyone tell me what Holoprosencephaly is? Lets see who is smart, please no stupid answer
5 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 JahrzehntHow do you not put on weight while sitting in the hospital with a sick child?
I always seem to put on a couple pounds while my son is in the hospital. Once it was 12lbs in 2 weeks. I don't eat more than I normal would. Do I need meds or something. I know I am stressed but is there something out there i could take with out going to the doctor?
4 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 JahrzehntWhy is so hard to get along with your in-laws?
I use to get a long with but they are the type that think that they know everything about raising kids and having a family
6 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt