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how can i lift my breasts?
after having my baby my breasts sagged a bit , and i don't like that , they don't look the same as they used to be. do you know any thing i can do to lift them up other than a surgery say an excise a cream any thing ?
please help
10 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehntmy breasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I'm 33 weeks pregnant , my breasts got a lot larger than the way they were be4 my pregnancy my question is would their shape go wrong if i breast fed the baby like going down or something? and would they go back to their normal size when i stop? please tell me
12 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehntdo you think it is so much wrong if you like both sex?
7 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehntwhy i feel my husband away from me?
me and my husband married few mounths ago after avery romantice and sweet love story my family was against this marriage yet we kept triying till we had the most lovely wedding ever with the family blessing. the time we were together in was like a dream came true yet for a while now i feel he is getting far from me hes not the same careing person not the same loving husband i wish if i could know why, i never changed with him i still love him in the even more way than be4 and take care of him so much i dont wish our love and marraige to ends like any other one yet that is really hurting me so much and when i tell him he just says no u r making all that i dont kno what to do can any one help me???????
18 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnthow can a woman be the best woman in her husband's life?
12 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt