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  • What will my child look like?

    I have brown eyes, brown skin and straight black hair (I do have Jewish and Indian ancestry, I do live in tropical country) and my wife is German who has green eyes, pale skin and blonde hair.. What will our child look like? I'm confuse :)

    5 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hello, please help me. Can you translate this to me from English to German ;-)?

    Hallo, Ich komme aus Japaner, Ich bin Japaner :)

    Any native German speaker please translate this to me. I am a new German beginner. I would to know the translation. Google translation is 'schreklich' :)


    - The internal combustion engined automobile was developed independently by Benz and Daimler & Maybach in 1886.

    - Daimler invented the honeycomb radiator of the type still used on all water-cooled vehicles today.

    - Daimler invented the float carburetor which was used until replaced by fuel injection.

    - The "drop chassis" - the car originally designated the "Mercedes" by Daimler was also the first car with a modern configuration, having the carriage lowered and set between the front and rear wheels, with a front engine and powered rear wheels.

    - The first passenger road car to have brakes on all four wheels (1924).

    - The "safety cage" or "safety cell" construction with front and rear crumple zones was first developed by Mercedes-Benz in 1951.

    - In 1959, Mercedes-Benz patented a device that prevents drive wheels from spinning by intervening at the engine, transmission, or brakes. In 1987, Mercedes-Benz applied its patent by introducing a traction control system that worked under both braking and acceleration

    - Traction control and airbags in the European market, were Mercedes-Benz innovations.

    - Mercedes-Benz was the first to introduce pre-tensioners to seat belts on the 1981 S-Class. In the event of a crash, a pre-tensioner will tighten the belt instantaneously, removing any 'slack' in the belt, which prevents the occupant from jerking forward in a crash.

    - In September 2003, Mercedes-Benz introduced the world's first seven-speed automatic transmission called '7G-Tronic'

    - Electronic Stability Programme (ESP), brake assist, and many other types of safety equipment were all developed, tested, and implemented into passenger cars first by Mercedes-Benz.

    - The most powerful naturally aspirated eight cylinder engine in the world is the Mercedes-AMG, 6208 cc M156 V8 engine.

    - Mercedes-Benz pioneered a system called Pre-Safe to detect an imminent crash - and prepares the car's safety systems to respond optimally. It also calculates the optimal braking force required to avoid an accident in emergency situations.

    - Mercedes was the first car in the world to have Night Vision.

    I got all this in English wikipedia about Mercedes innovation :) bitte..

  • Mixed race children ;) Please help me by giving your opinion?

    I have dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and long straight black hair. And my wife (German) have blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin.

    What will our son look like?? please give me your opinion :)

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Mixed race children ;) Please help me by giving your opinion?

    I have dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and long straight black hair. And my wife (German) have blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin.

    What will our son look like?? please give me your opinion :)

    9 AntwortenWeddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone know about a University in Germany that offers Manufacturing course?

    Please tell me ;-) Manufacturing engineering!

    1 AntwortOther - Germanyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think about guy?

    Is he from South-East Asia or Brazilian, just curious?

    3 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt