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  • Please translate these sentences from Arabic to English?

    1. Hada filipini haywan

    2. Howa shuf kuloo baden maapga

    3. Aiwa haywan

    1 AntwortLanguagesvor 5 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    What exactly is this gadget?

    What is this gadget?

    I need links/images that will support your answer too. Thank you!

    1 AntwortOther - Electronicsvor 7 Jahren
  • How much should I sell my autographed Taylor Swift RED CD for?

    I won a hand-signed RED CD by Taylor Swift in a contest. I am thinking of selling it. How much should I sell it for?

    Please, no troll answers. Serious answers only.

    2 AntwortenCountryvor 7 Jahren
  • What does this Arabic sentence mean in English?

    Anta Esma Ana Kalam yala engla haywan

    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 7 Jahren
  • Is it OK to still sync music to my iPad even if it says "not charging" when plugged into my laptop?

    So I was about to sync music from iTunes to my iPad mini when it said "Not charging". I have tried different USB ports on my laptop, but it's still the same. I was wondering if it's still safe to sync music even if it says "not charging". I'm worried that it could cause problems on my iPad because of the incompatibility of the power source while syncing. I'm not going to charge my iPad thru the laptop. The only time I will be plugging in my iPad to my laptop is when I sync music. Thank you in advance!

    1 AntwortMusic & Music Playersvor 8 Jahren
  • Is it OK to still sync music to my iPad even if it says "not charging" when plugged into my laptop?

    So I was about to sync music from iTunes to my iPad mini when it said "Not charging". I have tried different USB ports on my laptop, but it's still the same. I was wondering if it's still safe to sync music even if it says "not charging". I'm worried that it could cause problems on my iPad because of the incompatibility of the power source while syncing. I'm not going to charge my iPad thru the laptop. The only time I will be plugging in my iPad to my laptop is when I sync music. Thank you in advance!

    3 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 8 Jahren
  • black or white iPad mini for a guy?

    i'm giving my boyfriend an ipad mini for his birthday. what color do guys prefer, black or white?

    2 AntwortenPDAs & Handheldsvor 8 Jahren
  • black or white iPad mini for a guy?

    i'm giving my boyfriend an ipad mini for his birthday. what color do guys prefer, black or white?

    3 AntwortenOther - Electronicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Is it OK to give my boyfriend an iPod Touch 5th generation this Christmas?

    Should I? We've been together for more than three years (turning three years and two months this October, to be exact), and I really want to make him happy this Christmas. I've been planning to buy myself a pink iPod Touch 5th gen for Christmas, and I'm wondering if it's OK to give him one too (another color, of course). Money it's not much of a problem (I can modestly earn the money for both iPod Touches before Christmas comes).

    He has always been an iPod Touch fan. He loves apps, games, everything that comes with it. He has an iPod Touch 3rd and 4th gen before, but I think he is sharing it with his sister now, and I have to say the new iPod Touch certainly is way better than the previous models. Also, he bought his iPod Touch second hand, and he hasn't experienced buying or opening a new one. I genuinely want him to be happy.

    The reason why I'm wondering is, maybe he'll think it's too much. I don't know if he'll freak out or be appalled by me giving him an iPod Touch. So the guys' opinions will be highly valuable now...what do you think? What might be your reaction/feeling/thoughts if you were on his shoes? Also, if you think that getting him an iPod Touch is OK, what color would you suggest?

    I would deeply appreciate it if you can help me out on this. Thank you so much in advance.

    7 AntwortenChristmasvor 9 Jahren
  • Is it OK to give my boyfriend an iPod Touch 5th generation this Christmas?

    Should I? We've been together for more than three years (turning three years and two months this October, to be exact), and I really want to make him happy this Christmas. I've been planning to buy myself a pink iPod Touch 5th gen for Christmas, and I'm wondering if it's OK to give him one too (another color, of course). Money it's not much of a problem (I can modestly earn the money for both iPod Touches before Christmas comes).

    He has always been an iPod Touch fan. He loves apps, games, everything that comes with it. He has an iPod Touch 3rd and 4th gen before, but I think he is sharing it with his sister now, and I have to say the new iPod Touch certainly is way better than the previous models. Also, he bought his iPod Touch second hand, and he hasn't experienced buying or opening a new one. I genuinely want him to be happy.

    The reason why I'm wondering is, maybe he'll think it's too much. I don't know if he'll freak out or be appalled by me giving him an iPod Touch. So the guys' opinions will be highly valuable now...what do you think? What might be your reaction/feeling/thoughts if you were on his shoes? Also, if you think that getting him an iPod Touch is OK, what color would you suggest?

    I would deeply appreciate it if you can help me out on this. Thank you so much in advance.

    1 AntwortMusic & Music Playersvor 9 Jahren
  • Your top 10 Bath and Body Works scents?

    I am planning to invest on B&BW products, and I would like to know which scents are the best. Since I will be relying mostly on the most picked scents, I only have just 3 requests for you to aid in my shopping:

    *please rank the scents from 1 - 10, 1 being the highest and 10 being the last among the bunch

    *please describe the scent, like how it makes you feel, when do you like using it, how it smells like, others opinion about it, etc.

    *please only cite scents that are still available, not those that aren't manufactured anymore (I like cotton blossom but they don't make it anymore..)

    Thank you very much beauties! :) <3

    2 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 9 Jahren
  • Where to find Bath and Body Works in the Philippines?

    aside from Landmark in Trinoma :)

    2 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 9 Jahren
  • how to save money after all those christmas shopping?

    ok, so i might have bought too plenty of gifts. how do i get to recover from all those expenses? i paid them in cash, so no problem on credit card debts.

    1 AntwortYahoo Shoppingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how to save money after all those christmas shopping?

    ok, so i might have bought too plenty of gifts. how do i get to recover from all those expenses? i paid them in cash, so no problem on credit card debts.

    3 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i have trouble applying felt tip eyeliner.?

    any tips?

    1 AntwortMakeupvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • best cream eye liner stick? covergirl liquiline wont twist up!?

    covergirl liquiline is great, but i would like one that's in a twist up design.

    4 AntwortenMakeupvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • best eyeliner? not pencil, but like covergirls liquiline blast?

    i've been planning to buy CG's liquiline blast because it's not pencil, just like a soft cream stick at the tip, but i've read reviews about it and it says it doesn't twist up or sharpen, so you only get to use it 4-5 times. i like a twist up pen for easy application and as good as CG's, if only it was a twist up! thanks!

    3 AntwortenMakeupvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how to make him come back to me?

    he broke up with me yesterday, but i still haven't texted him. i looooooove him so much and i want to get back with him. i don't want to appear needy and desperate. but i really do want him to come back so badly!!!! d*mmit! pls help....

    8 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt