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Can you suddenly stop taking iron supplements?
I was taking iron supplements to increase my ferritin levels and it's been 3 months and my ferritin levels are back to normal. Can I just stop taking the iron pills?
2 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 3 JahrenWhat is the meaning of dadhiyal in Hindi?
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 4 JahrenHow do you say "I can't speak Farsi" in Farsi?
3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 4 JahrenIf I drink a unicorn frappuccino will I turn into a unicorn?
11 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 4 JahrenHow do you say "mixture" in Urdu?
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 4 JahrenWhy am I always the first to text?
Whether it be with my friends, a date, or whoever, I am always the one who texts first.
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 4 JahrenWhy does this guy talk to me and liked me on Tinder, but doesn't want to go out with me?
So I met this guy on Tinder. He was really friendly and we have been texting everyday for three weeks. He was really nice, so I thought it was time to ask him out on a date. He said that he doesn't go out on dates because he spends all his money on his motorcycle. He said that he doesn't have the money to take me out on a date. I told him that I would pay for my own stuff, but still he refuses and said he didn't want to. I don't understand why he was so friendly and is on a dating app if he can't go out on dates and doesn't want to. What are your thoughts?
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 5 JahrenWhy do I never get asked out?
I'm a19 year old girl. I'm going to be 20 in a few months. I haven't been asked out since 7th grade, which was seven years ago. I've never had a boyfriend either. I don't mean to sound conceited, but many people (boys and girls) compliment my attractiveness. They say I'm pretty and cute. A couple of boys have liked me. Some guys even come up to me at work and tell me that I'm pretty. One guy came up to me at my work and said that I was "beautiful". Some guys even ask me if I have a boyfriend. I have a very introverted personality, but people say I'm very nice. I try to be friendly and kind with everyone. I talk to lots of guys too, yet still I don't get asked out...
3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 JahrenDo you think a person has to be assertive for a fast food job?
5 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 6 JahrenAm I going to get fired?
Hello. I work at a theme park and I accidentaly forgot to come one day. I've been working for a month. When I first read my schedule it said that on sat and sun I have to work from 11-7. I guess my supervisor added some hours on Friday from 2-7. When I read it, I didn't see a schedule for Friday. I went to work today at 11 and they told me to go home and that they'll call me. Apparently I still have a schedule for Sunday. I also had to go to a doctor on Friday anyways, since I was having trouble hearing in my left ear. Do you think they'll fire me?
2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 6 JahrenHow come this girl gets such good grades?
There's this girl in my Calculus 2 class and she always gets top grades. At the beginning she did not understand how to complete problems with derivatives and integrals, something we learned in Calculus 1. Also I asked her about a problem from one chapter, and she seemed to not understand the concept at all, even though she got the right answer. I even talked to her about some problems from a previous chapter and she totally forgot how to do them completely only a few days after taking the test. And she got the second highest score on the test! So how is she doing this, if it seems like she does not understand the concepts?
2 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 6 JahrenWhy does my teacher think I'm a slacker?
I am taking a Physics class... My teacher for some reason thinks I'm a slacker. I've been getting B's on his tests... I'm always paying attention and I always turn in my work. It's just that sometimes I don't understand the problems, and he assumes that I don't care about this class. What should I do to convince him otherwise?
3 AntwortenTeachingvor 6 JahrenIs having 2 W's on your transcript a really bad thing?
I'm going to a community college in California and I was planning on using the TAG program.
3 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 7 JahrenWhy is my rabbit always hungry?
I feed my rabbit like 3-4 times a day and he's still hungry all the time. I give his pellets, vegetables, occasionally fruit..
4 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 7 JahrenHow does South Korea have such a strict standard of beauty?
I may be wrong, but from what I've read South Korean society has a very clear-cut idea of what an ideal woman and man looks like. How exactly does that happen? Who created the standard? Are you considered ugly if you don't fit the ideal? Sorry if I offend someone, I'm just curious...
5 AntwortenKoreavor 7 JahrenWhat does it mean when someone calls you innocent?
A lot of people call me innocent. Should I take this offensively?
3 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 7 Jahren