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Lv 2303 points

Michael Simmons

Favorisierte Antworten24%
  • Can you spend PSN Funding?

    I bought a Call of Duty Season Pass earlier this year for 49.99 and I had a Visa Gift Card with exactly 50.00 on it to purchase the Season Pass. It now says (After the purchase) I have 0.00 USD in my wallet, but it also says I have a $5.00 Funding Amount. Does this mean they will give me $5 for a purchase or that I owe 5 dollars to PSN? If they are giving me 5 bucks can anyone tell me how to spend it because I want to buy something for 1.99 usd

    1 AntwortPlayStationvor 8 Jahren
  • Free Music Mixing Online?

    I've been searching for two days to find a online site to add a beat to my song, i need to finish by Monday is there a music mixer online that lets me use my own music saved on my computer? I have ION Discover Dj with the keyboard but i don't have it with me at the moment. And i cant install anything because I'm not the administrator. PS- I have a youtube account with the videos im trying to mix if that helps anything in the process

    2 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 9 Jahren
  • How to change my profile name?

    I go to the Profile information where it lets you change your name but it's not saving !!!!!! for goodness sake you don't need to update site every 5 seconds keep it simple grrrr

    1 AntwortUser Profilesvor 9 Jahren
  • What is the best Black ops class setup?

    Im Prestige 1 Level 50 ((not going to prestige again just wanted extra custom class slot))

    Anyways My pro perks that I have are Scavenger Pro, Ghost Pro, Sleight of hand pro, Warlord Pro, Tactical Mask pro, Ninja Pro, Second Chance Pro, and Hacker pro, I almost unlocked Flack Jacket and Marathon Just need to throw back 5 grenades and a few more flag captures... but what's best class setup for me??? AND I love G11 with variable scope its easier than sniping with same sniper feeling

    2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 9 Jahren
  • Cab anyone record my black ops gameplay for me?

    Its in my file share I was wondering could anyone record it and show score at the end... it's a 34-4 game on firing range using the G11 with variable scope

    1 AntwortPlayStationvor 9 Jahren