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Lv 2672 points

Dana S

Favorisierte Antworten12%
  • How long did it take you on Clomid or in general to get a BFP?

    2nd round of Clomid 50 mg the first cycle 100 mg this cycle. I tried to chart my temps but got sick and was running a fever (So, I don't even know if I O'd) I always have a 28-29 cycle, like clock work. I have been feeling AF coming for a week with cramps but NO bleeding. I'm on cd33 now and still haven't seen AF and keep testing with a BFN.

    Has anyone gone this long and still got BFN's? I'm wondering if I'm late due to the Clomid. Last month on the 50 mg I still had a 29 day cycle.

    Any help?

    1 AntwortTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Please help Clomid users!!!?

    This is my 2nd round of Clomid. First month was 50 mgs day 3-7. 2nd month was 100 mgs days 3-7. I didn't get to do much BDing due to some personal problems. So, I didn't plan on anything happening this month.

    I only BD on CD16 and then again on CD23. So, I though I totally missed my fertile point.

    I have a normal 28-29 day cycle. Todays CD 31 and no period but I have been having some cramps. Any chance I'm pregnant or did the Clomid cause my period to be late? Last month I only took the 50 mgs and my cycle was 29 days like normal.

    (I started out charting my temps but got a sick...with the flu.......that's 1 reason there hasn't been much BDing)

    2 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • CD 27 and no ovulation on Clomid ...need advice?

    I have been TTC for 2 years. (Not really trying to hard...just hoping it would happen) I started taking Clomid 50mg last month. I used clearblue easy digital opk from days 10-22 and never got a positive. I had to bought a kit for $30 and had to end up buying another. (1 Test strip gave an error) I NEVER got a positive and gave up after day 22. I normally have an exact 28 day cycle. Tomorrow is day 28 and I am cramping like I'm going to start and feeling tired.

    Did I not ovulate at all? I'm confused....if I don't ovulate why do I still have a VERY NORMAL period?

    1 AntwortTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • CD19 on Clomid and still no ovulation...need help?

    I took Clomid on CD3-7 50mg. I have been using the Clearblue Easy digital Ovulation Kit since CD10. I have not got a smiley face yet :(

    Is it still possible to conceive if I ovulate this late in my cycle?

    I normally have a cycle of 28-30 days.

    2 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • CD16 on!!!?

    As mentioned above...I'm on CD16 on Clomid. I took the Clomid 50mg on days 3-7. I'm on CD16 and have been testing with using the Clearblue easy digital ovulation tests. I started testing on CD10 and still no positive. I have normal 28 day cycles, never miss my AF. Is there still a change I'll ovulate? What days did you ovulate on Clomid?

    All the doctor told me was test starting CD10 and I should O between 12-15.

    2 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • TTC for years...start Clomid tomorrow....any advice?

    I am 27 and have never been able to conceive. I have been actively trying for 2 years. I start Clomid 50mg tomorrow days 3-7. Any advice? I've heard Clomid makes some people really Moody. Anything thing I can do to prevent this?

    3 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I am starting Clomid next month...need help and advice?

    Next cycle I will start Clomid 100mg for 5 days. I have never taken Clomid or ever been pregnant. I have been TTC for almost 2 years without success. Does anybody have an advice before I start? Any success stories? How long did it take you to conceive?

    3 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What disorder do I really have?

    I am 27 now but over the years I have been diagnosed with many different things. I was diagnosed with depression at age 14. They started me out on Celexa. After taking Celexa for about 2 years they changed me to Paxil. After taking Paxil for a few years I was changed to Zoloft. All of the different medications make me feel horrible. I have been diagnosed with everything from depression to just having anxiety. I don’t always feel depressed it comes and goes throughout a day. I am only taking Zanex as needed now. I feel really anxious more than depressed. Does anybody have this problem? What causes it? I feel like I’m always going to have a panic attack. Is there any medication that will help anxiety without making you feel "doped" up?

    6 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I am wanting to start selling cell phone cases at flea markets. Where do you buy them wholesale?

    I am wanting to find a place to by wholesale. Anyone know of a good place to buy from?

    5 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What can I eat on kidney dialysis? I need professional advice.?

    My uncle was on dialysis 10 years ago before receiving his kidney transplant. Now his body has rejected the kidney and he's back on dialysis. He don't remember what and when he can eat. (He hoped this day wouldn't come) I have been doing research and found that he can't eat foods high in phosphates, potassium, and sodium.

    Are dairy products ok in moderation? I told him to use soy milk. Is this ok?

    He remembers that before he could eat anything he wanted either before dialysis or after. Does anybody know anything about this?

    He won't be able to see a dietian for a few weeks. Please help me!

    6 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can you use any Verizon phone on PAGE PLUS?

    Does anybody know anything about the Page Plug? Can you use any Verizon phone? I'm looking at getting the unlimited plan for $39 a month. Anybody have this? You like it or dislike it?

    2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I've already decided on taking Human Growth Hormone. Where can I get it online?

    I've taken it before and it offered great benefits. The doctor no longer practices that I use to see.

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anybody know where to get HGH near Chattanooga, TN?

    Or injections I can order online?

    3 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it possible to be OCD and BDD?

    I have know I'm OCD for about 13 years. I'm 27 years old now and have compulsive thoughts. I have the normal symptoms such as compulsive showering and hand washing. I also check things over and over until the point I have anxiety attacks. I have been reading about BDD. I've always been obsessed with my stomach. In the last few years I've had 2 colon surgeries which left a HUGE DEEP scar all the way down my stomach. NOW I OBSESS OVER IT! I don't want anybody seeing it or even when I go to the bathroom it makes me sick.

    Is it possible to be OCD and BDD? Is their treatment for the 2 combined?


    2 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When P dollars is invested at interest rate i, compounded annually,?

    When P dollars is invested at interest rate i, compounded annually,?

    for t years, the investment grows to A dollars, where A=P(1+i)^t. Find the interest rate i, if $240,000 grows to $277,830 in 3 years.

    3 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Find the rational zeros of f(x) and then the other zeros?



    Other: ________

    I know how to find the zeros but don't understand the difference between rational and other?

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Find the vertex, line symmetry of the quadratic function?


    The x-coordinate of the vertex is______

    The y-coordinate of the vertex is _____

    The equation of the line of symmetry is x=_______

    The maximum/minimum of f(x) is ________

    The value f(1/2)=(3/2) is

    a. Manimum

    b. Maximum

    This is really confussing to me....can anybody help?

    3 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt