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  • Can I remove a friend as a family member on facebook without him noticing?

    Ok my friend and I did that stupid thing where we make each other brothers on facebook. I wanna remove it though. Will facebook notify him?

    2 AntwortenFacebookvor 9 Jahren
  • Do the TSA body scanners give you cancer?

    My family and I are taking a trip to chicago and i've never flown before...i'm kind of nervous about the body scanners because i've heard that they give you cancer. Is this true? And if it is, is there any way i could NOT go through the body scanners?

    5 AntwortenAircraftvor 9 Jahren
  • I'm a closeted atheist and i made my mom sad.?

    Ok, like the title says, i'm a closeted atheist. My mom is a very religious woman and she and I got into a little theology conversation. I began asking a lot of skeptical questions hoping that i could perhaps ease my way into telling her i'm an atheist...big mistake! I had basically eluded that god was evil and she got very upset and started crying. This made me realize three things:

    1) She will be very upset and sad if she ever found out I was an atheist, she would blame herself and feel ashamed.

    2) I'm an asshole for worrying her about this (she's sick and has a lot on her mind right now and the last thing she needs is for her son to tell her that he's an atheist)

    3) I'll never tell her i'm an atheist. The whole reason i want to tell her is that it would give me peace of mind, but not at the cost of greatly upsetting my own loving mother just so i could feel contempt. Seeing my mother get as upset as she did made me realize that it would be selfish and cruel of me to come out as an atheist to her. It would hurt her feelings, estrange our relationship, and most likely give her depression (which would also make me depressed aswell.)

    So here I sit, wallowing in the shame of what i've just done. Does anyone have any thoughts/advice to give on the subject?

    BTW: I posted this in the LGBT section because of the similarities in the coming out process that atheists share with LGBT folk. I know a lot of LGBT people have faced a similar situation to mine and i thought i would recieve better answers here than on the spirituality&religion section because i might get trolled by christians.

  • Dreading going to college.?

    I'm going to college this fall. The college is about 2 hours away from my house and is in a small town.

    I have NO idea what i want to major in, believe me, i've given it so much thought and nothing at all interests me. I've been homeschooled since the 5th grade so I have no friends or social skills of any kind, i'm really awkward when people talk to me. I wind up stuttering a lot and looking like a fool. I don't have good looks at all and I have very low self esteem. I'm really nervous about falling behind and not being able to keep up with my classes. I went to orientation a few weeks ago and the reality of it all just hit me and now every time I think of college it makes me feel sick. Does anyone else have this problem? What should I do?

    3 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 9 Jahren
  • Is it ok to look at porn in college?

    Yeah I'm a pervert but I need to know. My college has a policy against downloading porn and obviously I'd be looking at porn in the privacy of my own room. So would it be ok if i just watched porn videos online or looked at pictures or something? I'm not into weird pedo sh*t or anything illegal and I'm 18.

    5 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 9 Jahren
  • Should I buy a laptop for college?

    I'm already bringing my desktop PC to college with me, and I have an iPhone which i could use to take notes in class. My parents are convinced that I need a laptop for college, are they right?

    5 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 9 Jahren
  • Should I tell my family I'm an atheist?

    I became an atheist around two months ago, after being an agnostic for about a year. I'm 18, homeschooled, and live in the bible belt. My family is southern baptist, my little brother already knows but was very nice about it and he agreed to keep it a secret from our parents. Like most closeted atheists, I'm afraid of what my parents will say or do. But it gets more complicated because I'm afraid of adding stress to my parent's lives. My mom teaches my little brother, she has to take care of the house, and recently she was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder that causes her great pain. She's also stressed out that I'll be going to college in a few months. So my question is: Should I come out to my parents? Or would it be selfish on my part to add to the stress of their lives? How do I tell them?

    14 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Should I tell my family I'm an atheist?

    I became an atheist about two months ago, after having doubts about my faith nearly a year prior to my deconversion. I live in the Bible Belt and all my family and friends are conservative christians. I'm 18 years old and homeschooled. There are mainly three reasons why I don't come out to my family.

    The first reason is because my parents will absolutely freak out. They would be very upset, which is understandable. But the main reason is because my mom is sick, and she's already stressed out with coping with her disease and trying to be a homemaker and teacher, so I feel that confessing my atheism would only add to her troubles.

    The third reason is that I don't want my family facing social ridicule from other people at their church.

    People would gossip and blame my parents and act like they were bad parents for letting their son become an atheist. I don't want my family to pay the price for my actions. So initially, should I even reveal my atheism to them? Is it worth it?

    11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Help with choosing a college because I'm a closeted atheist?

    I'm a senior in highschool and an atheist. My family doesn't know i'm an atheist and if I tell them the sh*t would hit the fan. There are two colleges i have in mind: one is in my town and has a good japanese program (which is what i want to major in) and the other is farther away and has a mediocre japanese program. If i go to the farther away college, i could be open about my atheism and wouldn't have to go to church, but if i went to my local college i would probably still have to go to church and my family would most likely want me to continue to come to the church we already go to. What in the world should i do?

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Problem with choosing a college because I'm an atheist.?

    I'm a senior in highschool and an atheist. My family doesn't know i'm an atheist and if I tell them the sh*t would hit the fan. There are two colleges i have in mind: one is in my town and has a good japanese program (which is what i want to major in) and the other is farther away and has a mediocre japanese program. If i go to the farther away college, i could be open about my atheism and wouldn't have to go to church, but if i went to my local college i would probably still have to go to church and my family would most likely want me to continue to come to the church we already go to. What in the world should i do?

    13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • I think my mom is going to divorce my dad?

    My parents have been married for 25 years.

    I'm a senior in highschool and for the majority of my life, my dad has been a workaholic. He spends no time with my mom, my little brother, or me. We rarely do anything with him, when we do spend time togeather we only go out to eat or go to a movie. We never talk to eachother and I try to initiate the conversations but he isn't interested. Its the same way between he and my mom. She tries to talk to him but he either snaps at her or ignores her. He had a bad temper all the time and often snaps at us. She's threatened him with marrige counseling many times. He's attended a special marrige class for men at our church and even though he says he'll change. He usually goes back to his old ways in a few days. My mom is very lonely, and since she has no one else to talk to, the task usually falls on me to comfort her and to try and reassure her than my dad does love her...but even i'm doubting that now. He seems so cold and distant from all of us and he's been that way for years! Are my parents getting close to a divorse?

    6 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahren
  • Homeschool issues? How do I deal with the isolation?

    I'm a senior in high school and I've been homeschooled ever since 4th grade. At first I loved it. I didn't have to deal with bullies anymore and I could learn in a different style. But now i'm actually regretting homeschooling all these years because i've realized than i'm about to go to college and i have little to no social experience AT ALL! I'm very socially awkward and i try to act normal around people but they can all tell that i'm weird. I'm basically cooped up in my room studying all day and i dont really go outside much. I only have one friend who lives far away and we only keep in touch over xbox, and he always tells me about how fun his life is and how many friends he has and it makes me feel even more lonely. I basically have no friends besides him, never had a girl friend. Never even really talk to girls...i try to make friends at church but they all just ignore me, i try to be as friendly and nice as possible out in public. I really regrett not going to school, i want to have a fun life with friends, sleepovers, going to movies, etc... But its too late now and i've wasted my chance to be a happy care free teenager. Instead i've become a miserable, socially awkward, isolated, homeschool kid

    6 AntwortenHome Schoolingvor 9 Jahren
  • Skyrim: Best Enchantments for Dragon Scale Armor For a Stealth?

    What are the best enchantments for dragonscale armor for stealth type characters?

    Where would I find the enchantments?

    2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 9 Jahren
  • Did the iranian contra scandal really happen?

    I know it happened by my retarded friend needs convincing, can you good people please show him proof so i can stop arguing with him about a historical fact?

    3 AntwortenHistoryvor 9 Jahren
  • I REALLY suck at math!?

    Whenever I try to study my mind wonders, when I look at too many numbers and equations my brain just kinda turns off. I'm really behind in math and my finals are tomorrow, i'm trying to study but i'm just not getting it! I know my teacher will be very dissapointed.

    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 9 Jahren
  • I'm very behind in math and finals are tomorrow!?

    I'm taking algebra 2, and i basically didnt study for a while because i was so busy with my othe classes, so finals are tomorrow and there's roughly 2 chapters that i havent done, and i'm not even sure if i understand the last chapters i've done! So is there any tips to help me Not completely fail the finals

    2 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 9 Jahren
  • Any tips for the ACT math and science sections?

    What are the most important things to focus on when studying for the math and science sections on the ACT?

    1 AntwortStandards & Testingvor 9 Jahren
  • We found a stray cat, and couldnt leave it out in the cold.?

    It was in our garage, it's a little kitten. It doesnt have a coller and way very hungry. We cant keep it because our retarded dogs would attack it. But we've managed to give it a nice kennel and a blanket w/ food and water and we're keeping it in out bedroom. What do we do? Call animal services?

    6 AntwortenCatsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why cant i grow a beard.?

    I have a really hairy chest, arms, and legs and i can grow a thick beard on my neck but it never grows on my cheeks or around my lips. I'm 18 years old. So what can i do?

    2 AntwortenMen's Healthvor 10 Jahren
  • My Christian friend told me that I was going to hell because I liked other world cultures WTF!?

    Ok, i'm a senior in highschool, my friend Matt is also a senior. We're both christians (well i'm not a christian accourding to him) I was telling him about how much i like learning about world cultures and religions. Keep in mind that learning about another religion isn't the same as converting to it. My "friend" matt hates muslims with such a passion that in previous conversations he told me that he wished we would kill all the muslims, even women and children. So, despite being really freaked out by his genocidal hatred of muslims, i try to educate him about islam. I tell him things like "Not all muslims are terrorists, many have the same values as christians" etc... So he blows up in my face about how i'm going to hell for "loving muslims over christians"

    (Those are his words not mine, I love everyone equally, as we are all God's children) A few days later he tells me that my love for other cultures, besides america and christian cultures, is going too far. And that he's worried that i'm "straying away from the flock" He says that i dont support christianity and america if i dont agree with the war on terror, he tells me that i'm not a real christian! But when i tell him that jesus says "Love your enemies" "Turn the other cheek" and "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you" Matt states that jesus only Meant for christians to treat other christians that way, and that those teachings dont apply to other people.

    In my opinion Matt has got to be the most bigoted, narrow-minded, genocidal, warmongering, hypocritical, ignorant freaks i've ever met. So whats your opinion? Am I right or is Matt right?

    21 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Jahren