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Why won't my truck radio turn on?
I bought a new radio for my truck because my old one wasn't staying on. I spliced all the wires and it wasn't turning on. I used a test light and I have power going to the yellow wire on the plug that goes into the radio. I also have a good ground connection. What other reasons could my radio not power up?
2 AntwortenCar Audiovor 5 JahrenWhy is my engine bogging down?
I have a 2000 Saturn SL2 and it has like 118000 miles on it. I bought it a year and a half ago with 108k. For the last few months when I first accelerate it will bog down and I will have to push the gas down considerably more to get it to accelerate. I put a can of sea foam in the gas tank a month ago and the problem went away for a couple weeks but now has come back? The spark plugs and air filter are new so it isn't those. Fuel filter or something else?
3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 5 JahrenWhy is my engine bogging down?
2 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 5 JahrenWhich mass air flow sensor should I have used for my ls1? 85mm or 102mm?
I have a 99 Camaro with an LS1 with some upgrades including heads, cam, 92mm intake, 92mm throttle body, slp lid and air induction kit, exhaust, trans, rear end, etc. I originally bought a 102mm MAF sensor to upgrade the stock MAF sensor which I believe is 78mm. I was told by my tuner that an 85MM MAF sensor would be better because a 102MM sensor would cause the car to bog down. I was told by someone else that that is BS and the tuner was just trying to be lazy because a 85MM MAF sensor would restrict my flow unlike the 102MM. Who is right for my setup? Should I have stuck with the 102MM MAF sensor, or is the tuner right in saying the 85MM MAF sensor is better? I have a 92MM Throttle Body and Intake.
3 AntwortenChevroletvor 5 JahrenWhy won't my fuel injector work?
I have a 2007 Chevy Silverado. The other day my check engine light started flashing. I changed the plugs and wires and it didn't change. I took it to a shop and they said my #2 injector isn't firing. I got a new one and installed it and it still isn't firing any gas. Why woul only that fuel injector not work? And how can I test it?
1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 5 JahrenWhat can I do about my boat insurance trying to screw me on a claim?
I have collision insurance on my boat, and last weekend I hit a log that broke the bell housing and gimble ring. I had 5 other people on board and we all heard the log hit underneath and heard it pull the lower unit out. I brought it in to a boat mechanic today and my insurance sent an adjustor out. The adjustor called me and said he sees no point of impact on the lower unit and wants me to gather service records to see if the damage could have been caused by something different. The mechanic told me that progressive is terrible when it comes to boat claims out here in Illinois and always tries to get out of paying for the claims. The insurance adjustor was trying to say that the Ujoint could have gone bad causing the damage to happen, but the mechanic showed him the ujoint was fine. The mechanic told me he knows I hit something because there is no way that damage was done without hitting something, but that "I am in a battle" because of stingy this insurance is. I have read into bad faith insurance and contacting an attorney, but also thought I would ask for any advice here. Thanks for any useful input.
2 AntwortenBoats & Boatingvor 5 JahrenWill I pass a drug test?
I smoked a couple of blunts on October 30th for the first time in 6 months. I am 5 foot 10 and about 180 pounds. I drink water a lot and work out a few days a week. I took two at home drug test from CVS the last week and passed them both. I was drug tested this morning at work, 21 days after I smoked
1 AntwortMedicinevor 5 JahrenWill I pass a drug test for marijuana?
I smoked a couple of blunts on October 30th for the first time in 6 months. I am 5 foot 10 and about 180 pounds. I drink water a lot and work out a few days a week. I took two at home drug test from CVS the last week and passed them both. I was drug tested this morning at work, 21 days after I smoked. Should I be worried?
2 AntwortenMedicinevor 5 JahrenHer depression is making her push me away. What can I do? 10 points for best answer...?
I dated a girl who is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26 for a few months this summer. She had just gotten out of a year long relationship with someone who treated her bad and was kind of a psycho. She suffers from anxiety and depression and takes medicine for them. Everything was great between us. I have had relationships longer than two years, but felt a better connection with her in just a few short months. Out of nowhere one day she said she needs a breAK because her stress and anxiety has been too much for her lately and she is taking on too much mentally. I gave her a week and then we talked a little through text. She said I did absolutely nothing wrong, and that her and the kids really like me, but she can't handle a relationship right now. She said i dont cause her sny stress, bit in the least, but she cant handle her stress. She said she would like to hang out in the future, but she's not sure when and for me to keep in touch. I gave her a little over a month of space in which I didn't contact her once. In that time, she deleted me off facebook and snapchat. I finally texted her a couple times the last couple weeks because I visited her favorite restaurant and asked how her and the kids were doing, but she won't respond. I know she's not dating someone else, but I don't get why she won't talk to me. We had a very good thing going, and I treated her and her kids right. Why will she not respond? I am almost positive it's because of her depression so what can I do?
3 AntwortenMental Healthvor 6 JahrenDepression is causing her to push me away. What can I do?
I dated a girl who is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26 for a few months this summer. She had just gotten out of a year long relationship with someone who treated her bad and was kind of a psycho. She suffers from anxiety and depression and takes medicine for them. Everything was great between us. I have had relationships longer than two years, but felt a better connection with her in just a few short months. Out of nowhere one day she said she needs a breAK because her stress and anxiety has been too much for her lately and she is taking on too much mentally. I gave her a week and then we talked a little through text. She said I did absolutely nothing wrong, and that her and the kids really like me, but she can't handle a relationship right now. She said i dont cause her sny stress, bit in the least, but she cant handle her stress. She said she would like to hang out in the future, but she's not sure when and for me to keep in touch. I gave her a little over a month of space in which I didn't contact her once. In that time, she deleted me off facebook and snapchat. I finally texted her a couple times the last couple weeks because I visited her favorite restaurant and asked how her and the kids were doing, but she won't respond. I know she's not dating someone else, but I don't get why she won't talk to me. We had a very good thing going, and I treated her and her kids right. Why will she not respond? I am almost positive it's because of her depression so what can I do?
1 AntwortMental Healthvor 6 JahrenWas I unfriended on snapchat?
1 AntwortFacebookvor 6 Jahrenhow do I determine which drill bit size to use?
My roommate and I are looking to hang a punching bag in my basement. We have to drill a hole through one of my wood boards to hang the hook from. How do we determine what size drill bit to use? Do we use the center of the nut that will go onto the bolt, or do we use the diameter of the bolt that will be going through the wood?
3 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 7 JahrenMy ex girlfriend unfriended me on facebook? is it completely over?
My ex is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26. We dated for a couple months and things were really good. One day she said she needed a break because she was dealing with too much mentally and is stressed. She said i did absolutely nothing wrong and her and the kids really like me. I know she takes medicine for anxiety so I believed she just needed some time. A week later she said she can't handle a relationship right now. I asked if she would want to get back together in the future and if she didn't I was fine with that but wanted to know where we stood. She said we can hang out at some point but she doesn't know when. And that I was free to do whatever and to keep in touch. We didnt talk for the 3 weeks since then but I would look at her facebook profile here and there. I noticed this morning that we are no longer friends. I never put any negative posts or anything aimed at her, so why would she do this? I have suspected the whole time that she was just letting me down easy and just lost attraction for me. I just don't get why she would do this when I treated her good and did nothing wrong to her. I'm so confused. If it helps I asked one of her friends a couple weeks ago about our relationship and she said she got involved with me too soon after her last relationship (basically I was a rebound).
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahrenwhy did my ex girlfriend delete mme on facebook?
My ex is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26. We dated for a couple months and things were really good. One day she said she needed a break because she was dealing with too much mentally and is stressed. She said i did absolutely nothing wrong and her and the kids really like me. I know she takes medicine for anxiety so I believed she just needed some time. A week later she said she can't handle a relationship right now. I asked if she would want to get back together in the future and if she didn't I was fine with that but wanted to know where we stood. She said we can hang out at some point but she doesn't know when. And that I was free to do whatever and to keep in touch. We didnt talk for the 3 weeks since then but I would look at her facebook profile here and there. I noticed this morning that we are no longer friends. I never put any negative posts or anything aimed at her, so why would she do this? I have suspected the whole time that she was just letting me down easy and just lost attraction for me. I just don't get why she would do this when I treated her good and did nothing wrong to her. I'm so confused. If it helps I asked one of her friends a couple weeks ago about our relationship and she said she got involved with me too soon after her last relationship (basically I was a rebound).
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 JahrenI was a girls rebound. Is there any chance we can get back together and have a real relationship? 20 points for best answer?
I met a girl on facebook like 4 months ago that I had been friends with for a year through mutual friends. She is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26. In June we started talking a little and started hanging out and eventually started dating in july after about a month of hanging out. She had gotten out of a year long relationship with a guy a couple months before we got together. She said he was a psycho and had to call the cops on him to get him out of her house. He sat in jail because he had a warrant. She would bring him up here and there but always said she hated him, he was a psycho, and she doesn't want him to get out because it will cause her anxiety which she takes medicine for. He got out a month back and a couple weeks ago she asked for a break because she is dealing with too much mentally and is stressed. A week later she said she just can't handle a relationship at this point but we can hang out sometime but she doesn't know when. I seen she put on facebook yesterday that he threatened to call dcfs on her and has been harassing her about things through text even when we were together. She got with me so soon after they broke up, I kinda realized I was a rebound. I would like to be with this chick, so if I was a rebound, can that actually work out down the road? We got a long great and just seemed to click. We would have to take things slowet, but is it a possibility? I'm doing no contact with her for the next month and gonna try again. Any advice welcome. Don't be a dick
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahrenwas I in a rebound relationship?
I met a girl on facebook like 4 months ago that I had been friends with for a year through mutual friends. She is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26. In June we started talking a little and started hanging out and eventually started dating in july after about a month of hanging out. She had gotten out of a year long relationship with a guy a couple months before we got together. She said he was a psycho and had to call the cops on him to get hI'm out of her house. He sat in jail because he had a warrant and got out a couple weeks ago. She would bring him up here and there but always said she hated him, he was a psycho, and she doesn't want him to get out because it will cause her anxiety which she takes medicine for. He got out a month back and a couple weeks ago she asked for a break because she is dealing with too much mentally and is stressed. A week later she said she just can't handle a relationship at this point but we can hang out sometime but she doesn't know when. I seen she put on facebook yesterday that he threatened to call dcfs on her and has been harassing her about things through text even when we were together. She got with me so soon after they broke up, and I was wondering if she just needed comfort because she missed him? I would like to be with this chick, so if I was a rebound, can that actually work out down the road? We got a long great and just seemed to click. I'm doing no contact with her for the next month and gonna try again. Any advice is welcome.
1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahrendoes the no contact method really work for getting your ex back? and should I use it for this situation?
I dated a girl for a few months and we broke up a couple weeks ago. She is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26. We got along great and everything was going good. At first she told me we needed a break because she had too much stress going on. She said she really liked me and i did absolutely nothing wrong but shes taking on too much mentally. I gave her a week and we talked a little and she said she can't handle a relationship at this point. I don't cause her any stress and we can hang out again at some point but she doesn't know when and that I'm free to do whatever and to keep in touch. I talked to her best friend a Lil and she said that she got out of a long relationship and got with me too fast. She didn't take enough time to focus on herself and her kids and just doesn't want a relationship right now. I have dated girls for over 2 years before but I never had such a good connection then I did with her. I really would like for us to give it another shot down the road and i have been reading about how to get your ex back and keep seeing this 'no contact' rule. Does that actually work and could it work in this situation or could it make her mad and ruin any chance of us getting back together? I'm currently a week in and am wondering if she texts me what should I do? We have cut off all communication from each other. No texts, snapchats, no liking each others posts on FB. Any advice is welcome. Don't tell me to move on because I can do that but I'd like to see what happens first
6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahrendoes the no contact rule work for getting your ex back? and what should you do if they text you during the no contact period?
I dated a girl for a few months and we broke up a couple weeks ago. She is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26. We got along great and everything was going good. At first she told me we needed a break because she had too much stress going on. She said she really liked me and i did absolutely nothing wrong but shes taking on too much mentally. I gave her a week and we talked a little and she said she can't handle a relationship at this point. I don't cause her any stress and we can hang out again at some point but she doesn't know when and that I'm free to do whatever and to keep in touch. I talked to her best friend a Lil and she said that she got out of a long relationship and got with me too fast. She didn't take enough time to focus on herself and her kids and just doesn't want a relationship right now. I have dated girls for over 2 years before but I never had such a good connection then I did with her. I really would like for us to give it another shot down the road and i have been reading about how to get your ex back and keep seeing this 'no contact' rule. Does that actually work and could it work in this situation or could it make her mad and ruin any chance of us getting back together? I'm currently a week in and am wondering if she texts me what should I do? We have cut off all communication from each other. No texts, snapchats, no liking each others posts on FB. Any advice is welcome. Don't tell me to move on because I can do that but I'd like to see what happens first
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 JahrenMy girlfriend asked for a break. can I save our relationship?
My girl is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26 with none. She suffers from severe anxiety and takes two different types of med for it daily. We get a long well, laugh a lot and her kids really like me. We have only been together a few months but everything has been fine. Last week she said she has been super anxious and stressed lately and we should take a break and that I did absolutely nothing wrong and she really likes me but she's taking on too much mentally. I gave her a week and last night we talked a Lil and she said I don't cause her any stress not in the least but she just can't handle a relationship right now. We can hang out at some point but idk when. You're free to do whatever. Keep in touch. Is it totally over or is she most likely just going nuts in her head from.all the stress she deals with from raising 3 kids on her own? Like I said we were happy together never fought and had great times together. I'm gonna give her a month of no contact and then go.from there. What does everybody think of this situation? I just don't wanna be stuck waiting for a chick that's not gonna come back to me. If she'll come back, I'll wait for her, but if not I'd rather not waste any time waiting for her.
1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahrenmy girl wants a break because of her stress. what should I do?
My girl is 32 with 3 kids and I am 26 with none. She suffers from severe anxiety and takes two different types of med for it daily. We get a long well, laugh a lot and her kids really like me. We have only been together a few months but everything has been fine. Last week she said she has been super anxious and stressed lately and we should take a break and that I did absolutely nothing wrong and she really likes me but she's taking on too much mentally. I gave her a week and last night we talked a Lil and she said I don't cause her any stress not in the least but she just can't handle a relationship right now. We can hang out at some point but idk when. You're free to do whatever. Keep in touch. Is it totally over or is she most likely just going nuts in her head from.all the stress she deals with from raising 3 kids on her own? Do u think shd doesnt want to be with me at all and is trying to let me down easy? Like I said we were happy together never fought and had great times together. I'm gonna give her a month of no contact and then go.from there. What does everybody think of this situation? I just don't wanna be stuck waiting for a chick that's not gonna come back to me. If she'll come back, I'll wait for her, but if not I'd rather not waste any time waiting for her.
3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren