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Lv 58.683 points

Lily Sugarcane

Favorisierte Antworten31%

18 - f - Germany pls answer my questions theyre mostly homework which i am just too lazy to do thanks guys for doing my homework awards go out to all of you

  • Has multiculturalism helped radical tendencies in the Muslim community?

    do you think multiculturalism changes or has an effect on the radical tendencies within the Muslim communities? if yes, how?

    and how does it stand in contrast to Muslims living in their own quarters, secluded from other in their own "parallel world"?

    idk man we had a talk about this in class today and i heard some wacky stuff, i just want to know what you guys here are thinking about this so yeah would be great if you added your comment to this thanks uvu

    2 AntwortenOther - Social Sciencevor 8 Jahren
  • Graffitti - art or vandalism?

    hi yahoo folks :)

    today i had a conversation with a friend about graffitti and street art in general. we had a discussion about whether its a good way or not to perform art, having it publicly everywhere and while some creations might be considered art by some theyre utter trash and ugly for others. Whos to decide about that; about whats gonna stay and what needs to be cleaned away? And who is responsible for it, to take care of it, to clean it away? If the perpetrator themself is never caught should the owner of the demolished good or the police/state be responsible for it?

    i dont know i thought it was a pretty interesting conversation we had, we both didnt really have fixed stances in this one, but im sure you guys here have some interesting things to say about this too, right? :J

    4 AntwortenOther - Arts & Humanitiesvor 8 Jahren
  • Do you think that cloning should be allowed to guarantee parents healthy babies?

    Hi :)

    So we had this discussion with a friend about cloning and if it was alright to allow cloning, so that parents would be sure their children came to life perfectly healthy.

    There are two sides of this: one would be to avoid disabilites and diseases (like, if it runs in the family that e.g. all the males have prostate cancer), would it be okay in that case for a couple to clone in order to avoid this disease? And the other would be a..."fashion" thing for the lack of a better word; to have their kids look exactly the way the parents want them to look, e.g. brown hair, blue eyes with a dark tan or something. Is there a difference; should it be made that only people with a "proper" reasoning are allowed cloning? If yes, what is considered a proper reasoning? Who decides and all in all is it morally/ethically right to do this, to change the course of nature with all this artificial/scientific knowledge?

    Please let me know what you think about this

    Thanks (:

    1 AntwortBiologyvor 9 Jahren
  • How can you reduce your carbon footprint?

    So, hi everybody!

    This is for a little speech/presentation I have to prepare and my full topic is

    How can you reduce your carbon footprint? Would your method work for other people too?

    I already thought of a couple pros and cons, like eating less meat would reduce our footprints, but you can hardly stop people from eating meat, also if (just hypothetically) people would stop eating meat, many who worked in the meat industry before would then have no job anymore.

    Or travelling less, e.g. for vacation, you spend your time somewhere in your area and not idk somewhere in Thailand, which is really far away.

    ...I could list some more but well, I'm actually here to ask you. Maybe you have some different ideas I haven't thought of yet and it'd be really great if you'd tell me about them!!

    Thanks a lot,

    Lily :))

    2 AntwortenOther - Environmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Help with tumblr background please!? I'm going to cry!!?

    I just got myself a tumblr account and there is this picture I so totally want in the back ground but I have no idea hot to put it in there? It says something about html-templates and I have no clue in coding html and css and what not.

    Please help me!...somehow.

    This is the picture:

    If you answer...would you please come and check here again, if I have any more questions later?

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 10 Jahren
  • Who of you will watch Eurovision tonight?

    For those who don't know: the Eurovison Song Contest (ESC) is a music festival where every year artists from 25 different European countries competein the final. Whole of Europe is then allowed to call or message for their favourite performance and that's how the winner will be decided. Tonight is the grand final of the ESC 2011, including specialites such as: A.D.D. twins from Ireland, huge-*** hats from Moldova or an Estonian Katy Perry.

    I can only recommend watching this, it's always funny. I live in Germany, where this years contest takes place and I will definitely tune in!! You can go and watch it on their website, via live stream. Live stream begins 9 p.m. European time, which would be about....3 p.m. in North America, I guess? But I really don't know if there are any country restrictions, but I don't think so.

    So excited, though Germanys imo.

    9 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Opinions on Raptors/Nets?

    Anybody watched the game? Was damn long, right...3 OTs!!

    Right now I am soo disappointed and listening to the post-game stuff makes me even more sad. I think I'll just go to bed now, don't wanna do anything anymore today. It's late anyway.

    So, what are your opinions on the game?

    Did you see the end of the 3rd OT?! Like,...ahhh!! Annoys me, that Bargnani!


    3 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Moving my period? Any advice/ideas?

    So next Monday, the 28th I have a Volleyball tournament against another school in my town and Monday is also the exact date I expect my period to come. And I don't want to have to play on the first day of my period, because I always have this horrible cramping and I'd feel really uncomfortable overall, because I feel I'd leak or whatever.

    So I want to make my period come a few days earlier, like Friday/Saturday, to get the worst part over before the tournament. Any advice on how I can make that happen? WITHOUT taking pills or any kind of medicine, please.

    Thank you! (:

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why am I even asking this?

    I'm just wondering how you gyus come up with all those LeBron nicknames. Surely they've got somemeaning, don't they? Like, LeCrab, LeQuit or my personal favourite....LeBRICK?!

    Enlighten me.

    5 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Mobbing und Gegeninitiative?

    Hallo (:

    Wir sollen zum Thema "Mobbing" in der Gruppe einen Vortrag vorbereiten. Ich habe mich auf das Gebiet Gegeninitiative "spezialisiert". Habe schon meine Recherche gemacht aber mir ist aufgefallen: obwohl es an (fast) jeder Schule/jedem Arbeitsplatz Mobbingfälle gibt, die ganze Gesellschaft (mehr oder weniger) darüber diskutiert, wird trotzdem nicht viel dagegen unternommen.

    Meine Frage an Euch: Warum denkt ihr, dass so wenig dagegen getan wird, obwohl es ein so weit verbreitetes Problem ist? Oder denkt ihr, dass ich mit meiner Vermutung total falsch bin?

    Danke :)

    4 AntwortenSoziologievor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • To all who really know their politics!!?

    I really want to know what's going on in US American politics. Like, the two parties, "who" are they, who are their main supporters, what are their aims, how much did they achieve.

    But I only want serious and UNBIASED answers from people who are actually able to talk like a normal human being without having to call supporters of other political views any kind of names!!

    I just want to learn a little more about US American politics. I'm a teenage girl from Germany, so we don't really get much information about the background of all that political drama that's going on.

    Thank you and please, answer my other question, if you'd like (Can violence be a justified way of achieving political aims?);_ylt=AnYlF...

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can violence be a justified way of achieving political aims?

    What do you think about this?

    Compare Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

    The first was all about having a dream, and everybody being together in peace, while the other was certain that you won't be able to achieve equality by just - quote- "sitting down".

    Are there any comparable situations like this one? And what do you think about either side?

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anhänger der Martel'schen Kirche?

    Gibt es hier Leute, die sich der Göttin Martel bekennen?

    Wenn ja, was haltet ihr von den Desians und was von Cruxis?

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualitätvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who are the people on the "communist party" picture?

    Like, I recognized Karl Marx, Mao Zedong and Stalin, but who are the other two guys? The one with the yellow tie, and the on behind him with the star on his chest, who's raising his cup?

    Thanks alot! :D

    3 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anzahl der H2O-Moleküle?

    Am Freitag haben wir im Chemieunterricht diese eine Aufgabe gestellt bekommen und dann auch gemeinsam verbessert. Nur das Problem ist, dass unser Lehrer irgendetwas total verhauen hat und das ganze Ergebnis total unrealistisch war. Er meinte, dass wir am Montag, in der nächsten Chemiestunde gemeinsam die Aufgabe nochmal rechnen und verbessern werden, aber so lange will ich nicht warten. Ich habe versucht es selber zu errechnen, aber ich komme nicht weiter. :/

    2) In einem Wasserglas befinden sich 200 g Wasser.

    -> Anzahl der H2O Moleküle?

    Ich will nicht von euch, dass ihr mir die "Hausaufgaben" macht (weil es nämlich gar keine Hausaufgaben ist, ich finde es halt einfach nur interessant), indem ihr mir einfach das Ergebnis gibt, sondern würde ich euch bitten, mir auch eure Lösungswege zu zeigen, damit ich es auch verstehen kann.

    Vielen Dank im Voraus :)

    3 AntwortenChemievor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wie zieht man "doppelte" n-te Wurzeln?

    Als Vorbereitungsaufgaben für die kommende Schulaufgabe am Donnerstag (wünscht mir Glück!!), haben wir von unserer Lehrerin Übungen mit Wurzeln und so bekommen. WIe das funktioniert weiß ich schon, aber hier steht eine Aufgabe, die ich nicht verstehe:


    (also 3. Wurzel von 4.Wurzel von 64)

    Ich will nicht, dass ihr mir die Aufgabe löst, da lern ich ja selber nichts davon, ich will nur dass mir jemand erklärt wie man das macht!!

    Bitte Leute!! und danke ;)

    4 AntwortenMathematikvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Creating a peaceful world? (need your opinion)?

    I want to write an essay about ones role and duties in creating a peaceful world and I wanted to know about your opinions.

    Like, how do you imagine a peaceful world


    what can you do to make this vision of yours become reality?

    Please leave me an answer, if you have time of it. Thanks :)

    1 AntwortCommunity Servicevor 1 Jahrzehnt