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Favorisierte Antworten21%

My name is John and I have worked on Q&A sites for several years. I have also been, and still am a moderator on some. My Questions & Answers are available for anyone to read and have not been labelled as 'Private'. Please feel free to browse the answers I have given to others. My aim is to try to help those who have need of answers to questions and to provide help and advice to those who have personal problems. Although some may not agree with the answers I give I will answer questions truthfully, objectively, diplomatically and I will never intentionally resort to abuse, neither will I use foul language or try to belittle anyone at YA. I will also try to answer questions to the very best of my ability. I am a 62 year old male and have gathered a great deal of education and experience during my life, especially from the 'School of Life'. I am happy to receive personal messages from anyone at YA who need help or advice. John (Poseidon)

  • Nuns (Penguins)?

    Many years ago Nuns (Penguins we affectionately called them) were constantly seen walking down the street but now we never see one in public.

    Does anyone know why and is it the same in your country?

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 11 Monaten
  • UK Members of Parliament?

    There are 650 elected MPs in the UK Parliament.

    We have a General Election in the UK next year.

    What percentage, or how many of those do you consider honest, truthful and have the nations best interests at heart?

    Also what percentage to you feel got elected for what they can get?


    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 6 Jahren
  • Genealogy - Exact Dates?

    I have just joined Ancestry.Co.Uk to research my roots and although I can find basic information about my ancestors I cannot find exact dates for births, marriages and deaths.

    All I find is the quarter of the year the event took place, the name of the person, the district, the volume and page the event was registered in.

    There is no actual dates given.

    Is there any genealogy sites that do furnish this information or do I have to pay a tenner in order to get a copy of the actual certificate of birth, marriage, death etc?

    Any help will be appreciated.

    4 AntwortenGenealogyvor 7 Jahren
  • How to convert 3D MKV movie files to 3D MP4 files?

    Is there any software which will convert 3D MKV files into MP4 3D files to view on my TV?

    Preferably free to download.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    3 AntwortenMoviesvor 7 Jahren
  • Is it right that the British MPs should be an 11% plus pay rise?

    According to the media The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) are to recommend that MPs should be given a pay rise above 11% later this week.

    Bearing in mind the nurses are only likely to receive a 3.7% rise and the Civil Service given a measly 1%.

    Other public sector workers are likely to, or have already been given pay rises far below the 11% plus MPs are expected to be recommended.

    Do you think that morally the Government should not accept this rise if it is offered?

    If they do it will only convince me that MPs care nothing for anyone except their own financial welfare. This is something I have suspected for a long time.

    If the Government does get offered this way over the top rise and accept it I for one will be starting a campaign to force them into giving it up and I hope all those who agree with me will join me.

    Are you with me?


    PS - In another report it has been found that 1000s of people who have full time employment are still living in poverty.

    2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 7 Jahren
  • The Existence Of God!?

    I am interested in your thoughts on this two part question.

    a) If it was proved beyond any doubt whatsoever that God did not exist would the world become even worse that it is now with crime and hate becoming uncontrollable?

    b) If it was proved beyond any doubt that God does exist would the world become a better place with hate, crime and war becoming a thing of the past, all faiths living together in harmony and the human race would become tolerant of each other?


    16 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • War Of The Worlds DVD?

    I am looking for the War Of The Worlds version DVD with the head of Richard Burton superimposed on the screen as a CGI which I believe was performed onstage.

    If anyone knows I would appreciate the info as to what the exact title is and if it's available on DVD, preferably in Blu Ray.

    I have looked for this but there are quite a few versions and I am not sure which one.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


    1 AntwortMoviesvor 8 Jahren
  • Was Angelina Jolie right?

    Angelina has recently had a double mastectomy which is a very major operation.

    The reason she had this is because she has been told there is an 84% probability of her eventually contracting breast cancer and she decided to have this horrendous operation in order to cut down the risk of contracting the condition.

    Do you think she was right to have this operation?

    I feel that she was wrong for two reasons:

    1) There is still a 16% chance that she will not contract breast cancer.

    2) The fact that she has had the operation, even though it may cut down the risk, it does not guarantee that she will not contract it.

    What do you think?


    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 8 Jahren
  • Changing Windows 8 Taskbar into XP Taskbar?

    With Windows 7 I could change the Taskbar to emulate the Windows XP Taskbar.

    Can I do the same with Windows 8 and if so how?

    Either a quick instruction on how to do this (if possible) or a link to a site with this information will be greatly appreciated.

    I have done a search for this info but cannot find anything, which seems to suggest it can't be done.

    Thank you all.


    4 AntwortenSoftwarevor 8 Jahren
  • Is the US TV Series Cold Case available on DVD?

    Does anyone know if the US TV drama series 'Cold Case' is available to buy on Region 2 DVD

    I have searched everywhere but they do not appear to be available

    Any help will be really appreciated


    7 AntwortenDramavor 8 Jahren
  • What do you think of the new Yahoo Mail Format?

    We have apparently been 'forced' to use the new Yahoo Mail format with no possibility of continuing to use older versions if we so wish.

    I am wondering what subscriber think of this new format.

    For my part I do believe that it has some very good features, for example it appears that we are allowed to manage our 'Trash' box and empty it as and when we like, rather than Yahoo automatically emptying it about every 24 hours. How many times have we sent an email to our trash box but found a couple of days later we needed to refer back to it only to find that Yahoo had discarded it.

    A couple of things I find a pain is that it took me a while to get used to it and instead of being able to click the 'Back' button I have to click the 'Inbox' button which takes me back to the complete list of emails received.

    Another problem I appear to have is that if I type an email address in the box but discover a typo I cannot simply highlight the address and amend it, I have to delete the whole address and retype it.

    Your thoughts on the new Yahoo Email format will be appreciated.


    4 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Mailvor 10 Jahren
  • Has My Email Address Been Hijacked?

    I am getting emails from friends etc, asking why I have been sending them emails with no more than a link to a website.

    There is no way I am doing this nor would I ever do it.

    It seems that my email address could have been compromised by some imbecilic moron.

    My PC protection is Windows Security Essentials Anti Virus program, the Windows Firewall & Lavasoft's free Ad-Aware program.

    If my email address has been hijacked can anyone please offer any suggestions about what I can do about it?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.



    5 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Headphones Which Work Independent from the TV Audio Socket?

    I have just purchased a Samsung 50" TV & find when I plug my headphones into the audio socket it mutes the sound from the TV.

    My Panasonic TV did not do this & I could use my headphones without muting the TV sound & I could alter my headphone volume to the level I wanted & at the same time the volume could be controlled separately on the TV via it's remote control.

    I am looking for a set of headphones which will allow me to listen to the TV independently from the TV sound system without having to plug the headphones into the audio socket on the TV & therefore muting the sound which prevents others from hearing it. The headphones will hopefully have an independent volume control.

    Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.

    The reason I want these headphones is because I am hard of hearing & wish to be able to use them to listen to the audio without having to turn the TV volume up so high & disturb others.


    2 AntwortenTVsvor 1 Jahrzehnt