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Favorisierte Antworten16%
  • How can an individual become fit to work as an anesthesiologist?

    Hello, from my past experiences I have determined that I would most likely love to work as a physician, therapist or even a psychologist. It has come to my decision that my first goal would be to become an anesthesiologist. I have thought long after these past eighty weeks about my future and what it takes to be in-listed into a good college, then medical school and so on. Much of my free time consists of viewing articles, essays and quotes from many people ranging from literature to science. In this time I also do research on anesthesiology. I know they consist of many hardworking people that cherish themselves in chemistry, reading comprehension, biology, medicine and so much more. However, over the course of a few weeks, I have not been able to topple my greatest difficulties in school -- getting over mathematical equations. It has been very hard for me to score good grades in studies relating to Algebraic systems, like chemistry or even Algebra itself. I have not given up though. I have still made my decision and I am eager to do whatever it takes to do just this. I can manage to score above a 3.5 GPA if I put most of my effort. My grades in the past have not been that pleasant, though I am defiantly not determined to fail nor am I determined to give up. I have known up until now what faces me in this choice, and if any anesthesiologist or assistant wants to give me advice, I will take it being it motivational or judgmental towards my decisions. I wish to have a better life one day, for my future family and I. I wish to complete many generous things, such as opening up a charity to which I have promised myself for a while. Anesthesiology also opens up many financial opportunities, though I am not greedy and I do not want to go in just for the money as it seems many teenagers in my state tend to look forward to, sadly! Well, thank you for reading. I will continue the motivation and skill I need. All answers will be recognized! :)

    2 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 9 Jahren
  • 2.4 GPA for a Sophomore?

    I would like to get some feedback on this... though I'm not too proud whatsoever. I am a very good student with a firm grasp in what I want to do in life, however, our school has changed the curriculum from a 40/60% grading scale (Homework, classwork 40% and Test, Quizzes 60%) to a an 20/80% grading scale. I was very skeptical at first, though I assumed it to be much easier. As I entered the third or fourth week, it started to change. I went from having a 2.9 GPA and almost reaching my goal, to a 2.6 GPA because I got a D on ONE test! It was ridiculous, though I wasn't going to give up. I reviewed for the test and met up with the teacher at lunch three times to learn the material and retake the test. I still managed to fail. I don't really believe this curriculum shows how much the student understands the work, even so if they point out that it makes good studying habits. Besides the point, I am a bit fed up and also a bit discouraged. What can I do to make sure I stay above a 3.0?

    1 AntwortOther - Educationvor 9 Jahren
  • Running tips for beginners?

    I will be starting to jog, run and sprint very soon. What are some great tips on running for maintaining stamina, diets and other things of that nature?

    Experienced to intermediate runners would like to give some input?

    1 AntwortRunningvor 9 Jahren
  • What are the best tips and tricks to obtaining a high GPA (3.0 or higher) for High school?

    I'm a average student at this point but I am a very smart, and proficient student into my work. I often work and then slack off, or not even try the effort. I do not preform as I can possibly handle though. For instance, I can finish homework on time, but I choose not too. It's some habit. How can I overcome this?

    Next year, although, I have taken two honors classes and a few sports-related things. (I hope to run track, go exercise over the summer, etc.)

    Over the past 8 months, I've become a bit wiser and I'd say well more educated. I was very into work the first semester, then I grazed by the second, and now up until the end of winter in the third I got a 2.4 GPA, then we are into the last quarter. I have never thought as these GPA's as "good" even so a 2.5 GPA is a C+ or C. How can I preform better?

    I am far into interest into work now and into getting a good education. I've been looking forward to pursing a career into becoming a anesthetist, phycologist, therapist, or even a teacher.

    Now, I'll get to the point. I'd like to increase my GPA to a minimum of 3.2.

    I will sadly say this year my GPA was only the highest as a 2.5, but since that I am a freshman I do have time. I would like to get a 3.5 to 3.7 (If possible). Since I have honors classes, it will provoke me into doing more work that will be given to me. Even so, stretching more effort will be an option. I have had regular classes that were easy this year, but have bad teachers and students. Since I will have some honors classes they are bound to have students who will actually want to learn and cooperate with the teacher. I really do hope to make a grave effort next year to accumulate at 3.1 + GPA and I will accept any type of motivation, advice, or even answer. Thanks for reading and I will soon be able to get back to your answers. :)

    P.S. I'm a Freshman in Highschool

    1 AntwortOther - Educationvor 9 Jahren
  • Minecraft help with 1.6.5. Unlicensed copy?

    I just bought the game for $21.80 and now I would like to set up a server and play with friends. But, my Minecraft app on my computer keeps infoming me that I still own a "unlicensed copy."

    1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • PS3 mic shows no notifications?

    I have this old wireless PS3 mic from 2010 and when I had it the first I did it used to pop up a notification for battery life, even when I muted it it said muted. I just would like to have it do it again just for more of a good concept of when I need to charge it.

    1 AntwortPlayStationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Easiest way to fix NAT type for Black Ops?

    How can I fix my NAT type for my Black Ops gameplay. I understand my NAT type is moderate but I want it to be open.

    1 AntwortPlayStationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My Black Ops copy keeps freezing. ?

    It freezes frecuently, and I need help.

    5 AntwortenPlayStationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I keep getting kicked out on BFBC2?

    Whenever I play Battlefield Bad Company 2 I always get connection lost. Please help me its happening every 5 to 10 minutes I play a match.

    1 AntwortPlayStationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are there any BFBC2 PS3 players?

    I'd just like to know because I would like to get more people playing this game?

    2 AntwortenPlayStationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help me find this Bob Marley song?

    I was on Pandora Radio when this one Bob Marley song came up. I accidentally skipped it! I wanna buy it! But I dont know the name of the song. Here's the lyrics I heard:

    Whoa whoaaa ya ya ya ya. Then dadun duadun dadun then. Please I need that song! Help me Bob Marley experts!

    3 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Will their be a third map pack for MW2?

    Stimulus Package, Reasurgace Package, will their be a third. The most reasonable will get a easy 10. Leave you comments below! :D

    6 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Not reciving texts/calls from my phone. Need help!?

    My phone is able to send people messages and call people but whenever they call me it goes straight to voice mail and when they text me I don't get it. I need some help.

    7 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I stop all this depression and fighting...?

    Please no hate comments... This is serious. Like all this stuff is happening... I can't cry anymore because I cried alot this week. My moms like,"I wish I could just go..." and my dads always cussing. He has serious anger issues. My brother's kind of a ***** and he's on no ones side... and i'm stuck in the middle... my mom already took away my PS3, screamed like a metal patent, and when I said,"I prayed for forgiveness!" She said,"Oh please..." little atheist *****. And my dad screamed in my face 3 or 4 times. I get scared shitless and I feel like he could just stab me or strangle me when he does it. My brother started it. I think my parents could get a divorce... I try to say sorry, but no one forgives me even when I really mean it! They say,"The damage is done Kevin." or some stupid stuff like that! It's horrible... I don't remember a good time with them... All this fighting... my best bet is to put myself up for adoption...

    4 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm changing my PSN name help me which one to pick! Easy 10 points!?

    Ok. Tell me honestly, which one you like the best and I will put it as my new PSN name!





    5 AntwortenPlayStationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I got a wallpaper app and wanted to know if I was paying for them?

    I got the backrounds app and wanted to know if you pay for the pictures you get just wondering because I do not want a big bill. It was a free app but I was not sure.

    2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Keep getting signed out of Playstation Network every 10 to 15 minutes. Help!?

    It's probably not my router, we had problems with the internet before but we got a new router late October. My connection is wireless. And it's the same old Error:200AD23. Is their a solution to make this stop? P.S. This just started happening this week.

    2 AntwortenPlayStationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need help getting the Twitter app?

    Okay. I am on iTunes and I just made a Twitter. I just want the NORMAL Twitter app. No Twitterific or anything like that just the normal Twitter app. So, post a link to the app store or somewhere to help me with this. Thanks.

    1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who else things Verizons Motorola Driod is a peice of crap?

    I got a iPhone3Gs and all I hear on these Verizon Wireless adds are about the Motorola Droid with competitive advertising. iDon't, Droid Does is really starting to tick me off. Listen Verizon. Apple and AT&T are going to rule the market in the next decade with new phones that are years ahead of the Competition. Just like they are now. And are going to put you out of Business. Stop your uncreative advertising and get the facts right. Apple makes way better products there, more sophisticated, better looking, And more reliable. Who's with me?

    1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt