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Lv 55.303 points

nicole c

Favorisierte Antworten25%
  • are there yahoo front page archives?

    I read an article that was featured on my yahoo front page yesterday about keeping your favorite jeans lasting longer but I can't find it today! I wanted to share with someone, but my history is cleared everytime i close my browser. Is there an easier way to find it than just using the search engine??

    2 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is this guy interested or not?

    The bottom line is that i met this guy a month ago and we spent every friday night hanging out since then and conversed at least once a day (through either text message, fb chat, or phone calls). he really seemed interested in me until about two weeks ago when he wasn't trying to make a plan to see me. But i got tickets to this thing and invited him two fridays ago, and he said yes. we had a lot of fun (he thought so too), but the next week he wasn't really being very chatty.

    I asked him when would i get to see him again and he said he wasn't sure because he had to go see his mom that weekend, go to a wedding the next weekend, and play golf with his dad at some point "so we will see". That really made it seem like he wasn't very interested, but he put a picture of us up on facebook so i though maybe he is still interested, just busy. But the next day (last friday) his facebook status was "who's down for a drink tonight?", and i saw him online so i said hey and he ended up telling me he was on the other side of town about to meet up with some friends. Then i noticed he had removed his status, so that was weird. We didn't talk the rest of the weekend (i wanted to see if he would want to talk to me). Now it's monday and I'm dying to talk to him. It seems like he’s not interested, but he just put that pic of us up. He just seems so hot and cold all the time, and definitely seems different than he did the first couple weeks we were talking/hanging out. I guess it has only been a month. Am I making a big deal out of nothing? Should I text him, or just wait for him to get in touch with me?

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • why does my dog rip the stuffing out of everything?

    she's destroying everything...pillows, dog toys, dog bed...anything with stuffing! She used to be bad about it, but she stopped a while back. She'd have an episode every now and again, but lately it's everyday! i went to the store and was gone not 10 min, and when i got back she had ripped the stuffing out of my pillow. it's like she was waiting for me to leave so she could do it! how can i get her to stop???

    3 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • taking the gre and applying to grad school...?

    do you think i have enough time to take the GRE, get 3 letters of recommendation from professors I haven't talked to in years, and apply for grad school by January 15?

    1 AntwortHigher Education (University +)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • do you know what cosmetics website this is?

    i can't remember the website but i stumbled upon it about a month ago. they have high intensity loose eye shadows and you can get small samples of them for around $3-4 and if you want the full size they will credit the money you spent on the sample towards your purchase. i think that when they come out with new colors they don't name them and the people that try them out get to suggest the name, and then they pick one and credit the person who named it. can't seem to find my way back to it! does anyone know what website it is?

    2 AntwortenMakeupvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what type of star (pentagram) is this?

    how do you describe the difference between the above style of pentagram and the one in the linke below? does it have a name or special dimensions associated?

    3 AntwortenEngineeringvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • working out, eating ok...not seeing any results?

    5'0, 140 lbs...size 8/10. i need to lose 10-20 lbs. I've been working out for 4 months pretty regularly.


    sun - cardio -2 miles run/speed walk/uphill walk (treadmill)

    weight training - chest/shoulders/abs

    mon - rest day

    tues - cardio - 4 miles run/speed walk/uphill walk

    weight training - back/legs/abs

    wed - rest day

    thurs - cardio - 4 miles run/speed walk/uphill walk

    weight training - biceps/triceps/abs

    fri - cardio - 2 miles run/speed walk/uphill walk

    weight training - chest/shoulders/abs

    sat - cardio - 4 miles run/speed walk/uphill walk

    weight training - back/legs/abs

    nutrition (some days I eat out for lunch and I cheat on the weekends):

    breakfast - 3/4 c special K

    snack - fruit

    lunch - 3/4 c special K

    snack - carrot or celery sticks and ranch dressing

    dinner - chicken/vegetable with rice or pasta

    snack/dessert - popcorn or chocolate covered almonds

    i only drink water, but i may intake a bit too much sodium.

    what else do I need to do? should i enlist the help of a personal trainer?

    6 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • which is more gramatically correct?

    I hope you made the right decision Daniel.

    I hope you made the right decision, Daniel.

    4 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Which straightener should i get? HAI or Sedu?

    I need a straightener that isn't too damaging to the hair (I use thermal protectant in my hair already) that also does a good job curling. So i've got it narrowed down to these two:




    I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with the Sedu, but I just wanted to see what other people think.


    2 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • are diamond earings an appropriate gift to accept from a male friend?

    My birthday is tomorrow and a co-worker/friend who I invited to my birthday party wanted to get me a gift since he couldn't make it. We haven't been friends for very long, maybe a month or so. He dropped the gift by my desk, and left before I opened it. Once I got to it I saw that there was a book and diamond earings in the bag...with the extended care plan papers which included the reciept (he spend about $300).

    Should I return the earings to him? I feel like this is way too much, and even though he knows I am in a relationship, I don't want him to get the wrong idea about our friendship.

    Is this just a nice gesture or something more?? We work in a place where he could easily afford this, but it just doesn't seem right. Please help!

    14 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is it still fashionable to wear dresses over jeans?

    tunics are in, i know...but what about a longer dress (mid thigh)?

    8 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • where can i find a new decently priced quality mountain bike?

    I want a mountain bike to ride the trails on, but i don't know the first thing about finding a good one. plus i don't want to spend too much. i'm female. 5'0.

    4 AntwortenCyclingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can i highlight my hair 3 days after dying it?

    I know it's damaging to your hair to color and highlight it, but is it safe to highlight my hair 3 days after dying it? am i better off waiting, and how long should i wait? i'm not going to get it professionally done because i want copper highlights, and they always make them blonde!

    1 AntwortHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • help me pick a name for my new baby cat!?

    i just got a black kitten with white paws, a white tip on his tail, and a white chest/chin. got any creative name ideas (i mean outside of the obvious socks, boots, oreo, etc).

    oh yeah, it's a boy!

    13 AntwortenCatsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can you translate selena's "como la flor" into english?

    in case you need the lyrics:

    Como La Flor - Selena

    Yo se que tienes un nuevo amor

    Sin embargo, te deseo lo mejor

    Si en mi no encontraste felicidad

    Tal vez alguien mas te la dara


    Como la flor (como la flor)

    Con tanto amor (con tanto amor)

    Me diste tu

    Se marchito

    Me marcho hoy

    Yo se perder

    Pero ay, como me duele

    Ay, como me duele

    Si vieras como duele perder tu amor

    Con tu adios te llevas mi corazon

    No se si pueda volver a amar

    Porque te di todo el amor que pude dar


    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • help me find this bumper sticker - my other car is a motorcycle?

    i saw a bumper sticker on a car today and i want to get it for a friend. it said "my other car is a motorcycle"

    can't find it anywhere! can you help?

    1 AntwortOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • email address associated with my blackberry?

    how can i figure out what email address is associated with my blackberry pearl? is it the email address I set up, or the email address that is associated with emails i send from my phone?

    and if it is the address, how can i change it to a different email address?

    1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • help me find this nailpolish color?

    I'm looking for a nailpolish that is a yellow-orange color, pretty and bright for summer!

    something that looks close to those colors. any help is appreciated, i can't find one anywhere!

    5 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my macbook keeps disconnecting from my network?!?

    After I did the most recent updates for my macbook my internet connection seems to go crazy. sometimes it will disconnect and reconnect on a loop, and when i restart my computer it is fine. It seems like it happens most often when the macbook is running on battery power.

    Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, and what i can do to fix it? I've only had it for about a month, and this was not happening before the last update I did.

    1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • communication in a long distance relationship?

    how much communication do you think you should have in a long distance relationship? everyday? every other day? for how long each day? does an IM or a text msg conversation count the same as a phone call? and does it vary depending on how long you've been together? just wondering what your opinions are.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt