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Lv 2955 points

Lizzie M

Favorisierte Antworten6%
  • Told him I'm pregnant, told me he couldn't have kids?

    It was a one night thing. He's 17, found out i'm pregnant, told him, text me saying he 'can't have babies...'

    I havent slept with anyone else?

    I plan on keeping it, but i'm moving back home in three weeks, so I guess i'll just leave him to it. I don't really know what to do, i feel embarrassed for telling him, for getting that response.

    & blablabla, I know, unprotected sex is the devil

    16 AntwortenOther - Pregnancy & Parentingvor 9 Jahren
  • drunk texted on Tuesday, have not opened phone since...?

    Went out drinking with a couple of friends tuesday night. About 11pm we were all smashed. One of my friends took my phone, and decided mass texting all the guys who are not related to me asking them if they wanted to have sex would be hilarious. I text a couple of them back saying "oh my god, ignore that", and my phone died that same night. Too afraid to turn on my phone right now for fear of the replies.

    2 AntwortenFriendsvor 9 Jahren
  • does pressing the "purchase" button before accepting a payment on EFTPOS machine make a difference?

    That is, pressing the purchase button before swiping the card and having the purchase accepted, etc?

    1 AntwortOther - Business & Financevor 9 Jahren
  • Metallic taste - pregnancy?

    Too early for AF, but while drinking water had the strongest metallic taste in my mouth,I thought there was metal that had been sitting and soaking in my glass or I was bleeding or something - it wasn't the water or the glass because I had been drinking from it and it was very sudden, and no blood. I haven't really had it since, some very very very light metal taste but hardly noticeable, though I've been drinking a lot of lemon and honey tea. Since it's not really recurring (right now), is it still a possible symptom? I know it's not a be-all end-all kind of thing and I won't be able to tell til AF but it would be good to have opinions from other women who have had similar symptoms etc, it would be almost 2 weeks (but not quite) since conception if I am, so I was thinking it might be too early, though I've heard from other women that have had it happen to them earlier?

    1 AntwortPregnancyvor 9 Jahren
  • When to call 999? Pressure in chest, swollen wrist/vein area...?

    I've phoned NHS Direct and i've spoken to several different people already, there's slightly (very slight) tingling in my left arm/hand sometimes accompanied by pain, and there's this pressure in the left side of my chest. The people at NHS classed me as an urgent case and I was going to see a but the nearest one is about 20 miles (or so) away- I don't live in this area and I can't drive and they said I might as well just wait til tomorrow to go to the local doctor which is a 10 minute walk, but I'm feeling really anxious and kind of scared. Should I call my mother to pick me up and take me to a hospital back home which is about an hour away? I dont think this classifies as a 999 case, but I was just wondering... any help is appreciated

    2 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 10 Jahren
  • Rented room out - no lease?

    My father rented out the guest room in my parents' house, long story short, the tenant has become unbearable and my family can't sleep at night because he and his long-distance girlfriend have loud speaker-phone calls going from when he comes home at 5-6pm to 2-3am, and the walls are thin. The only way I can get to sleep is by taking sedatives, because it's made my insomnia worse. Also the fact that even though he's been told several times not to, he still lets our cats out, still leaves all the lights on wherever he goes, and still leaves the kitchen when he's left the stove on the highest heat. And also, when closing the door to keep our cats in, he opens it again and tells them to go out. He did this yesterday, and because of all these factors - and more, we've decided to kick him out.

    He pays monthly, but has no lease. We were planning on giving him one month's notice to move out, is this enough?

    4 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 10 Jahren
  • Is it okay to change my tattoo design last minute?

    I have two weeks until my tattoo appointment, and I'd like to change the design.

    I'm quite impulsive so I kind of went to the tattoo shop, spent half an hour working on a pin-up girl tattoo and booked an appointment for two months later.

    I'd like a pin-up girl, but not yet. I have something more personal & a complete design (made for me) that I'd like to get instead.

    I know I shouldn't have left it so late, but I don't want to be regretting my tattoo and thinking "what if i had gotten...". I have been thinking about it A LOT.


    Want to change my tattoo design, have two weeks left 'til tattoo appointment, is this okay?

    6 AntwortenTattoosvor 10 Jahren
  • Neutered male cat peeing inside again?

    He was neutered little over three and a half months ago. Since he was born, we've trained him to go outside to do his business, but recently (like three weeks ago) he's started to pee inside again, at the old spots where he used to when he was a kitten. The neighbour cat likes to hang out with my two cats since they were babies, and he's come into the house twice in the past two weeks, could that be it? He hasn't pooped in the house, only tried peeing like everywhere - even in the bathtub. He's two years old.

    Should I take him to a vet, put litter down, what?

    6 AntwortenCatsvor 10 Jahren
  • Jobcentre - TNG, new flexible deal blablabla?

    I'm going away for a week, and have a temporary (two weeks) part time job when I get back, only 15 hours a week, so not that much. I'm wondering when I sign off to go on holiday and do a rapid re-signing after my short-lived job, does that mean I can stop going to TNG? It's kind of a waste of time, and of all the interviews I've had, I got them all myself without their help.

    I plan on joining the army in 6-7 months time, and don't want to be unemployed during all of that time, but TNG hasn't done anything for me; even the "course" they put me on was terrible, nothing was learnt about job finding, it was mostly them talking about themselves.

    End of rant, can I stop going to TNG or am I stuck there 'til I find employment before going to the army?

    1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 10 Jahren
  • 40 pounds in 12 weeks/3 months?

    I'm 5'2, last time I weighed was a week ago, at that time I weighed 225. I go running 6 days a week and eat less than or up to 1200 calories a day, What I want to know is, is it possible to lose 40 pounds or more in 3 months?

    1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Good restaurants in Bury St Edmunds?

    It's my birthday later in the week & we're going to Bury, my first time going there and everyone I know doesn't know the area too well. Any help would be appreciated?

    6 AntwortenOther - United Kingdomvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • facebook wall post not deleting?

    I had to post one comment several times before it even showed up, but then it disappeared again and I thought "wtf?" so I posted another and neither will go away.

    1 AntwortFacebookvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Moving to Manila, personal trainers?

    Planning to move to central Manila/Makati area at the end of the year, and want to get back in to shape, any personal trainers or good gyms to recommend?

    5 AntwortenPhilippinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how do i cope...............?

    earlier this year, my kitten was hit by the neighbours car and died. last week, my eldest cat has gone missing? how do i cope with these losses? i dont know what to do.

    10 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 'Swiss Roll Curl' Fringe?

    I've been looking around for a how-to for this (the look where the fringe looks like it's held up with a roller), not sure what it's *actually* called, but would appreciate how to do this!

    2 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Tattoo cost in Philippines?

    I'm wondering what a large tattoo (half arm, lots of black ink) would cost there?

    2 AntwortenTattoosvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • panic attacks..................?

    about three months ago i've started convulsing, not breathing, feel like im choking and shaking, are these panic attacks? it seems like i have them a lot.

    2 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Laptop not charging properly?

    I just got my laptop back from being serviced a few weeks ago, for the same problem I'm having with it now; it isn't charging properly. I got a new charger, and the charger is working fine. It was working fine a few days ago, but now whenever I put the charger in, the battery sometimes says 'plugged in and charging', but then it stops and doesn't charge at all.

    Do I have to bring the laptop back in for service?

    This is really frustrating me.

    1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How much would this tattoo cost?

    I'm re-asking since I didn't give an example or details :)

    Something like this:

    5 AntwortenTattoosvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Converting FAT32 from NTFS?

    I don't know if it would be good to convert to NTFS?

    Would I lose all the data I had if I converted my hard disk to this?

    What are the pros and cons of converting?

    7 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt