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What are These Flowers?
I had a friend ask me what these flowers are. Normally, I m pretty good at this, but my Head is in a fog.
3 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 3 JahrenDo these Stitches look infected?
They were done last Wednesday, so almost a week old.
2 AntwortenSkin Conditionsvor 3 JahrenSuggestions for a Chapter title.?
I need suggestions for a title of a chapter, for a web novel I am writing.
t needs to encompass the ideas of "The start of a Journey" as well as "changing your pathway in life" or a "heading in a new direction"
I was originally going to go with "A Journey of a thousand miles", but that does not really bring it all together.
Anyone have any ideas?
2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 4 JahrenIf Time is defined as the movement of Matter (or definable points) through space, does Time stop at 0K?
Since "Time" can be defined as a measurement of the movement of a definable point through "Space", would that mean that at 0K, or rather at the point of which all movement as ceased, then "Time" for those particles has stopped?
5 AntwortenPhysicsvor 4 JahrenSynonym for a small flame used to light another fire?
I need a Synonym for a "small flame used to light another fire", like a bundle of kindling or the flame of a match. but in a more symbiotic meaning.
1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 4 JahrenFree Desktop Planner program with alarms and notifications/reminders?
Anyone know of a Good, Free Planner program for Windows that comes with Event scheduling and Reminders/Alarms?
The only thing I can find are digital calendars, and those do not really meet what I am looking for.
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 4 JahrenDo you need a License/Permit for a small scale bacteria Culture Lab?
So there is currently a Scholarship I am looking into, and for my submission I want to submit a paper dealing with useful genetic changes in different Substrains of methane producing Bactria.
I'm able to get some older equipment really cheap through some connections, enough to set up a small scale personal lab.
However, I am not sure what LEGAL restrains I might face in doing this.
I'd prefer not to have the FBI and CDC busting down my door.
3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 4 JahrenAny shortcuts to factoring Trinomials when looking for numbers that when multiplied together equal y and when added together equal z?
So, how I understand (simple) Trinomials is essentially;
x^2 + yx + z = (x + a)(x+b)
(Where yx = ax + bx & zx = ab)
Non-simple trinomals are a little different;
(A)x^2 + yx + z
(where A > than 1)
but the Problem I am having with them, Is essentially the same, and comes down to this part;
(Where yx = ax + bx & zx = ab)
I.E finding what combinations, when multiplied together equal y and when added together equal z.
Other than simply guess and check, is there really any want to shortcut this?
1 AntwortMathematicsvor 4 Jahren100 Mice devouring a Loin?
Someone said this recently, and I like the idea that it portrays; that even something normally seen as weak and powerless, can become dangerous to something Strong, given a greater number.
But I also remember hearing a similar idea, said in a more common way, but for the life of me, I can not remember what it was. Anyone know?
1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 4 JahrenWhere are these Bookmarks Stored in Firefox?
I am building a new Computer, and am trying to transfer over some files to the new Harddrive. Part of that, is my Firefox Bookmarks that I've Stored on the Bar there. But I don't know WHERE these bookmarked links are actually stored, so I can't copy them, Anyone know?
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 5 JahrenHome-Grown Peppermint has strange Musky/Leafy taste?
So, I harvested some of the Peppermint I've been growing, and brew some fresh leaf tea with it, but I've realized that while it DOES taste like peppermint, its got another, woody/musky flavor to it as well.
While it is not undrinkable, it is not great anyone know what might be the Cause of it?
The only things I can think of are;
1). I harvested to late in the growth, only started to pick it because I noticed it was started to Flower
2). harvested it to late in the day, around 6-7 PM.
1 AntwortGarden & Landscapevor 5 JahrenWhat is the proper English Translation of "収まる" (Osamaru).?
I used the romaji "Osamaru" as a Pin name form my Writings, as when I first asked I was told it meant "To bring an end to" or "To conclude" (a Story).
But I've recently been told it can mean several things, such as to "To settle back in place", "be brought back to the proper path" or "to settle a matter" So I am not really sure what a proper meaning would be.
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 5 JahrenDealing with Night Blindness?
So, I am trying to find a good job atm, however, I am severally limited in my option as I can not take a Job to far out from my location. Other wise, if I get out to past Sunset, I'm screwed, because I've got pretty bad Night Blindness.
Specifically, the over-sensitivity variety, any kind of Light, such as streetlights, headlights or even porch lights will overwhelm my eyes and make it impossible to see the Street, Signs or Obstacles
I've been told that Yellow Sunglasses can help this, or special ones. anyone know if they actually world? or any real way to deal with it?
2 AntwortenOpticalvor 5 JahrenIs the Marvel Comics "Sandman" an Immortal?
Or at least as Immortal as physically possible? While many "Immortal" characters in Marvel Universe seem to be able to be killed SOMEHOW, But Sandman, by his very nature, seems to be an oddity. Theoretically, you could freeze him, them throw him into the Sun, and as long as his "Soul Particle" remained, he could reform.
And since this "Soul Particle" is essentially indestructible, even able to remain after full on molecular change, wouldn't that make HIM indestructible?
The only thing that could actually kill him, would be something capable of Erasing Matter entirely (not just changing its form).
2 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 5 JahrenGood Alkaline drinks, to help balance a moderate Vinegar intake?
So, reasently, I've started Drinking a mix of 2oz Apple cider Vinegar, 2 oz Lemon Juice and 10oz of Water.
Why? I have no idea, it just tasted good.
Later I even found out that it can be pretty good for you.
However, I also learn, that at the levels I am drinking it (1-2, 14oz mixes a day), it can also lead to some problems by screwing up your digestive tracks pH.
So I wanted to ask if anyone knew of any decent Alkaline based drinks I could try. I already know if things like Green Tea, and plain old milk, but what else is there?
3 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 5 JahrenResistance Training with a Gel/Rubber Stretch Cord?
So, I was getting some equipment at MC sports, when I saw this;
On sale for $6. Never really used one before, but figured for $6, I might as well try it (alot of the other bands and cords where like $20-$30).
However, other than some simple stretches and curls, not really sure how to use it. Anyone have any ideas, or resources I might look at?
Diet & Fitnessvor 5 JahrenGraphics cards, is this a good buy?
I currently have a Radeon HD 7800, and am looking for a new card. I ve found a new card, a GTX 950, for $175 at best buy.
Wanted to ask if this was a decent price for the improvement. Yes, I know I could get it cheaper online, but asking about this one this itself.
7 AntwortenAdd-onsvor 5 JahrenWho said this, about getting Revenge?
Paraphrased of course, but it was something like "The only way to insure a man does not seek revenge, is to break them completely".
2 AntwortenQuotationsvor 5 Jahren