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Are air and water compatible to each other?
Well, I read a lot of sites. They mostly said that they are not good combination. I wonder why. This is just for my coming fiction, so I want to make an Air-Water pair. If you don t see this suitable. So which two elements could make a good compatibility.
3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 4 Jahrenwhat does sailor uranus suicide for?
In Sailor Moon S ep 110, sailor uranus has suicide by using eudial's gun. why did she kills herself? she tells that because the talisman inside her. but i don't think she died for that reason. i think the reason is she has a sad feeling or something else.
1 AntwortComics & Animationvor 9 JahrenWhat channel show the movie called "Super Twins" in Ho Chi Minh City?
I saw Super Twins in Astro Cam Xuc Channel in Ha Noi, but I don't saw Astro Cam Xuc in Ho Chi Minh City, at my home. Do you know what another channels show it. I really wanted to watch it!!!
1 AntwortOther - Televisionvor 1 JahrzehntUnicorn appear from sea or rainbow?
I don't know where it appear from. I saw in the movies. not in our world. I ask about the unicorn in the movies. MOVIES ok?
4 AntwortenYouTubevor 1 Jahrzehntunicorn appear from sea or rainbow?
I don't know about unicorns. I don't where appear from.
5 AntwortenEarth Sciences & Geologyvor 1 JahrzehntDuc Phat A Di Da va Duc Phat Thich Ca Mau Ni co giong nhau khong?
Nam mo A Di Da Phat
2 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 JahrzehntSailor Moon or Dekarangers, which is more famous?
I really don't know Sailor Moon and Dekarangers, which is more famous?
7 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 1 JahrzehntIs Sailor Moon famous or not?
I am a big fan of Sailor Moon, the movie is very interesting and musicals too. I really don't know that Sailor Moon is famous or not. please anwser ye or no.
7 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 1 JahrzehntWas Woollarawarre Bennelong a hero?
Woollarawarre was a one of Australia Aboriginal. I don't know he was ahero or not.
1 AntwortHistoryvor 1 Jahrzehnt