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Brutus is an historical figure originating from ancient Rome. According to ancient Roman historians, Brutus was the hero responsible for overthrowing the last Roman king and establishing the first ancient republic, the Roman Republic. Brutus was also the pen name of Robert Yates. Yates was a leading Anti-federalist writer from 1787-1791. The Anti-federalists were responsible for the addition of a bill of rights to the U.S. Constitution.

  • What's the best Harley for a new rider?

    I am a new rider (just got my MC license) and already own an 83' Sportster that has been somewhat modified by the previous owner and which has a few mechanical issues. Don't really have the time to be tinkering with it and was thinking about purchasing a new Harley, but want to get some advice on a good starter bike, one that is easy to ride, before I drop thousands on a new bike.

    Any suggestions from experienced riders would be helpful. Thanks!

    5 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 8 Jahren
  • Young maple tree where nursery pruned leader? Will it recover a natural shape?

    I purchased a young Autumn Blaze Maple about 3 weeks ago from a local garden center. I picked this tree because it was the tallest but recently noticed that one of the two leaders that has branched out from the main trunk has been pruned. Will this pruned leader destroy the natural shape of the tree forever (like topping) or can I expect a young tree (about 6ft) to recover and grow into a natural shape? The other leader is about 8 inches taller and has not been pruned.

    2 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 9 Jahren
  • NAACP President says Ron Paul is NOT a racist?

    NAACP president, Nelson Linder, has come out and said he does not believe Ron Paul to be a racist. Linder has known Paul for 20 years and stated that he believes him to be a fair man who has consistently defended the civil liberties of the black community. Linder believes the claims of racism have been levied because of Paul's libertarian platform, and that most people are just confused about what Paul's political values really are.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Republicans: Who would you rather vote for?

    On election day, if you were faced with these choices what would you do?

    1) Vote for Ron Paul

    2) Vote for President Obama

    3) Stay home

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • NAACP President says Ron Paul is NOT a racist?

    NAACP president, Nelson Linder, has come out and said he does not believe Ron Paul to be a racist. Linder has known Paul for 20 years and stated that he believes him to be a fair man who has consistently defended the civil liberties of the black community. Linder believes the claims of racism have been levied because of Paul's libertarian platform, and that most people are just confused about what Paul's political values really are.

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • NAACP President says Ron Paul is NOT a racist?

    NAACP president, Nelson Linder, has come out and said he does not believe Ron Paul to be a racist. Linder has known Paul for 20 years and stated that he believes him to be a fair man who has consistently defended the civil liberties of the black community. Linder believes the claims of racism have been levied because of Paul's libertarian platform, and that most people are just confused about what Paul's political values really are.

    13 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • NAACP President says Ron Paul is NOT a racist?

    NAACP president, Nelson Linder, has come out and said he does not believe Ron Paul to be a racist. Linder has known Paul for 20 years and stated that he believes him to be a fair man who has consistently defended the civil liberties of the black community. Linder believes the claims of racism have been levied because of Paul's libertarian platform, and that most people are just confused about what Paul's political values really are.

    2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • NAACP President says Ron Paul is NOT a racist?

    NAACP president, Nelson Linder, has come out and said he does not believe Ron Paul to be a racist. Linder has known Paul for 20 years and stated that he believes him to be a fair man who has consistently defended the civil liberties of the black community. Linder believes the claims of racism have been levied because of Paul's libertarian platform, and that most people are just confused about what Paul's political values really are.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is it just me or is Obama getting away with a lot more violations?

    Doesn't it seem as though Obama has been able to get away with far more violations of American civil liberties than Bush did? There was a huge stink over the violations of the Bush administration, but the cries of protest seem much quieter when Obama surpasses the violations levied by the Bush administration.

    Honestly, the porno scanners and pat-downs at airports? Tell me that Bush would not have been crucified for endorsing such a policy. The assignation of a US citizen? Could you imagine the fallout from that under Bush?

    Why so silent now?

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Did you know that VW was founded by the Nazi Party?

    The truth about German automaker Volkswagen is that the company was founded as a state owned and controlled automaker by the Nazi Party. Hitler had the idea of creating a car that the common man could afford so he used his power as dictator of Germany to use public funds and resources to open the company.

    He then instituted a program where members of the German Workers Party would have a portion of their pay taken and put into a fund toward purchasing their new government made car. Ironically, after WWII started Hitler decided to keep the monies paid by the workers and never delivered a single car to a working man.

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is Honda being sued for EPA estimates?

    The Environmental Protection Agency tests, and sets, the fuel economy estimates advertised on your new car's window sticker, but yet when a consumer fails to achieve those milage estimates the auto maker is held responsible? Why? How can Honda be held financially responsible for a MPG estimate set by the EPA? Why is the EPA not held responsible for their milage estimates?

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is Honda being sued for EPA estimates?

    The Environmental Protection Agency tests, and sets, the fuel economy estimates advertised on your new car's window sticker, but yet when a consumer fails to achieve those milage estimates the auto maker is held responsible? Why? How can Honda be held financially responsible for a MPG estimate set by the EPA? Why is the EPA not held responsible for their milage estimates?

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is Honda being sued for EPA estimates?

    The Environmental Protection Agency tests, and sets, the fuel economy estimates advertised on your new car's window sticker, but yet when a consumer fails to achieve those milage estimates the auto maker is held responsible? Why? How can Honda be held financially responsible for a MPG estimate set by the EPA? Why is the EPA not held responsible for their milage estimates?

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is Ron Paul the only candidate who is not a sellout?

    Even if you think some of his ideas are "radical" you have to admit he is the only candidate running for president who is not a sellout and/or partisan puppet.

    15 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • What would happen to a major oil producing nation that decided to stop using the U.S. dollar?

    If a major oil producing country, like Libya, decided to stop trading their oil for U.S. dollars what consequences would that country's leadership face?

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • What do you think of this theory about the War in Libya?

    There is a theory that Libya was bombed, not to save civilians, as officials have said, but to stop Gaddafi from dumping the US dollar. Gaddafi had been planning to stop trading Libyan oil with the US dollar. The US dollar is the standard currency for trading oil throughout the world, and if major oil producers stopped accepting the dollar as payment for their oil it could cause the US dollar to lose its value and even collapse.

    Given all the violence against civilians across the globe, doesn't it seem more likely that protection of the US dollar would be a more likely motive for the attacks on Libya? Your thoughts?

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Why is it so hard for people to understand what capitalism is?

    Why do people always refer to capitalism as though it is a system of government? Is it really so hard to grasp the idea that capitalism is an economic system and NOT a system of government?

    20 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Can anyone name someone who thinks Wall Street is the victim?

    Can anyone point out someone who has said Wall Street is a victim of the financial crisis and the American people are the perps?

    Is this what conservatives are saying when they disagree with the Wall Street protestors? Or is it more likely that conservatives just believe that the lawmakers are the primary perpetrators of the financial crisis and the ones who should be protested?

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • When will Obama pull the troops out of Iraq?

    I seem to remember him promising to pull the troops out of Iraq within 18 months of his election to office. How's that coming? How about Gitmo? Has he closed Gitmo yet? Does Obama need another 4 years to get the troops out of Iraq and close Gitmo?

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Why is it unreasonable for people to have information?

    Why do so many people think it is unreasonable for those who come in for abortions to understand what they are about to do? Why can't they be given a flyer with basic information about the procedure and the fetus and then given 24 hours to make their final decision?

    13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren