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Does Net 10 have good service in Saratoga Springs, New York?
If anyone has actually used Net 10 in the area I'd really like to hear your experience with coverage area. It looks like the map on their site shows service here but sometimes the map and actual coverage are not the same thing.
2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 JahrzehntIs the Macy's ad appearing out of place for anyone else?
Instead of being under the word "advertisement" on the right of the question it's apprearing over the question text. Annoying. Anyone have a way to send a notification in to Y!A?
3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntWhat do you think of when you hear the word "Aliens"?
I have an idea for Halloween yard decorations with an alien theme. I've already incorporated crop circles, a space ship, and little green men.
Can you think of anything else that is alien related?
5 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 JahrzehntWhere to find pinewood derby kits in bulk?
Does anyone have a resource that will sell about 150 to 200 kits (including blocks and wheels) for a good price. I'm researching them as something to send underway on a submarine so I need full kits that will make cars that run as they can't go to the store for more parts. But I don't need the paint or anything to make them pretty. The guys can come up with that stuff on their own.
4 AntwortenToysvor 1 JahrzehntYouth B-ball coach: What is the correct way to set a screen?
I'm coaching 5th to 8th graders as a volunteer and I can't find this on any of the websites for youth coaches. I was taught, oh so many years ago, to set a screen with feet apart, arms almost crossed over the chest, elbows out. Is this still ok or have the rules changed in the 20 years since I learned?
3 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 Jahrzehnt