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Space Cowboy
Who has Yahoo Canada Contact Info ?
Anyone ? The only number Yahoo lists, is for another company. They are lightning quick to issue violation notices and when you "Reply" for an appeal, it comes back as "undelivered"...Has anyone else had problems with their cavalier attitudes ? Thank you.
3 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 7 JahrenCan I Shoots 1500 Meter ELKS With This Gun ? Pleez HELP !!!?
( sorry, couldn't resist ) Got my new toy a couple of weeks ago and the stock from Boyd's, yesterday. BTW, Canucks, Boyd's will now ship to Canada at the new $500 limit....sweet. I was thinking of the Night Train models but my gun-store owning buddy said, just trade in my 597 HB / mags and pick up this Savage 11 in 308. Yes, said I. I kept the scope, 'pod and sling, paid $99 for the stock and $200 difference for the gun. Now to go and sight it in ...when the temps moderate a touch. One reason I picked this up was because a lot of people here have recommended it, so I did some research. Thanks, guys.
4 AntwortenHuntingvor 7 JahrenI Am Looking For a Decent Target Rifle For Distances Up To 500 Meters.?
At present, I have my Rem 597 HB gathering dust and since it has a Harris bipod / Varmint scope / spare mags, sling etc...and I have almost $500 less tax, into it, I am looking to trade it in on the Mossie Night Train with a 4-16 scope option as I already have a 6-24 model. The Mossie is an entry-level and comes complete...bipod scope etc for a few dollars more. ( plus I can keep my Harris and he'll put the plastic one on the 597) I will get it from my buddy, the Gun Store owner and 1000 yard target shooter. He uses the Browning / NightForce / handloaded 308's and can hit a 10" target....while I am not that ambitious. My range is 500 meters long and if I can routinely hit a chest sized target at that distance, I will be quite happy. ****here's a discussion "hunting" question: What is the longest shot you have successfully taken and what was the longest shot you ever witnessed ? For me, it was a moose at less than 200 yards. I had the rifle ( 308 Winchester / 4X Weaver scope ) zeroed @ 200 but the distance was less than that. I hit him almost where I aimed and by the time I reloaded and acquired him again, he was down on one knee. Surprised the hell outta me...him too, I guess. I find that most deer, moose, bear are shot at a at relatively close range...and since BC mentioned Goat hunting....that was the longest shot I ever witnessed. My Uncle....300 Weatherby...Leupold scope...and a goat, at almost SEVEN hundred yards. ( goats go places sheep fear to tread) . That was as close as we could get...after hiking straight up all morning and moving down the ridgeline. . He was across a saddle, so my uncle took the shot. There was a tremendous, echoing boom and that little patch of white...about 2 seconds later, fell over and tumbled downhill a couple dozen yards. By the time we hiked over there and got the goat back to camp, I knew that would be my last goat hunt....unless a helicopter was involved. This shot occurred over 40 years ago and is still the best "hunting" shot I ever saw. Have a great day, everyone.
8 AntwortenHuntingvor 7 JahrenDealer for a Remington 597 HB, black / white laminate, thumbhole stock.?
I saw one on a 10 / 22 and really liked the looks. Been trying all the Usual Suspects but can only come close. Anyone know a Canadian or US dealer who has one and will ship it here ? Thanks.
5 AntwortenHuntingvor 8 JahrenTruGlo TFO Sights For The Glock 20 / 21's.?
About 3 weeks ago, I posted asking for a Canadian TruGlo dealer. Never found one but someone gave me an eBay link. I wasn't sure if they would ship to Canada but I ordered them anyway. They took less than 2 weeks to get here from NY State....USPS. Thanks for the link.....
2 AntwortenHuntingvor 8 JahrenHow to get rid of unwanted search tabs?
I use Chrome but when it comes up, there are 2 unwanted tabs that also come up as "search" tabs on the top of the screen. How do I get rid of those ?
8 AntwortenSecurityvor 8 JahrenScarcity of ammo in the US ?
Please forgive this poor, old, ignorant Left-Coast Canadian...BUT...all I read about on here is an on-going ammo availability problem. What caused that ?... Newtown ? Are people hoarding or are the manufacturers cutting back production ? We have no such problems here...everything is readily available ( except for 10 mill ) but it never is. If you live in a border State, are you allowed to buy ammo here and take it home ? If you it. A case of surplus 7.62x39 corrosive goes for about $250 for 1200 rounds. ...1600 rounds of Norinco 223 is $449 Canadian..just googled it. I know we aren't allowed to export or import guns to or from the Staes but I'm not sure about ammo or accessories. You guys should check it out. Hav a nice day.
6 AntwortenHuntingvor 8 Jahren