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  • so this is really random but, When a guy is 16, does he really know what hes talking about?

    So me and my BF have been together for 9 months. What are the possibilities of us staying together? We always talk about it now, I mean us being together forever. I really love him..and he says he "More than loves me" but, I just wanted to know if any guys around this age said anything like that and ended up not being with that person forever. I believe him..because he seems really serious about it (even though hes a typical skater and class clown). I just wanted to have an opinion on how our relationship is and if any guys have ever said something like this to a girl when he was around the age of 16. (oh and by the way...we havent had sex or anything. we talked about it but he came out saying that he loves me for "who I am and not sex")

    7 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt