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Does anyone else realize Hans von Storch is being cautious?
of course anyone with a brain realizes that GW models are not know for the accuracy, especially considering the number of variables involved, Some are a little slow to catch on, regardless how many of their questions have related to this. SO he is right about this. He also suspects that many of the current predictions are a bit overboard BUT he does see temperatures reaching an additional 2 C He is basically not commital
1 AntwortGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenSo, Why all the monster fish?
Seems like every few days we get a new monster fish showing up on shore of caught. I am wondering if it is because of the local ocean temps of if maybe the thermohaline may have something to do with this do to many of these creatures coming from the deep ocean
5 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenDoes anyone else realize roy spencer is a total sham?
5 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenAnyone else think Lewandowsky simply told the triuth?
These people were not test subjects at all. They were used as examples due to their blatant denial of the reality of AGW and their tendency to subscribe to conspiracy theories. Since their opinions and blogs are publicly accessible, they had no right to privacy and as such, they are public figures. He did overlook which I think belongs on the list
6 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenDo you not know that Global Warming Policy Foundation is just another bought denier think tank?
Linking to an article that supports their drivel illustrates how little some people know about GW, Zero in fact
8 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenWow is every denier here going to post a link to the American Journal of Agricultural Economics?
ian someone beat you to it, not that it has any value
3 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenAnybody curious about Spencer?
He has no climate education and is a self proclaimed climate scientist Tsk, Tsk He is a meteorologist so he understands weather, he just doesn't know jack about AGW like many deniers around here You know the type that blocks those who provide them with straightforward answers which are scientifically reality based
His basic philosophy is that GW is normal even though 99% of all legitimate scientists around the world know it is human emissions to blame
9 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenAre you laughing your *** off too with the assertion that smell is more powerful than CO2?
Definitely the most ridiculous denier bunk I have seen yet. it may be a peer reviewed paper, but wait until the peers tear it apart If smell is that significant, let's have a million french whores stand in front of fans so we can have runaway GW
6 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenWhy do you think although the global temp keeps going up but the deniers can't comprehend it?
They blame it on the sun or claim there is no warming or that CO2 doesn't cause warming a crock Smarten up about CO2 4 part series
14 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenWas michael mann arrested for anything to do with climate?
And can a climate scientist be sued for malfeasance as Maxx suggests. I man for Christ's sake he isn't a doctor and didn't slip his hand in Ball's panties, did he??
The statement by Ball if public was libelous and Mann would not be required to produce anything. It would be up to the province or Canadian government to file charges. In a lawsuit of this nature for it would be necessary for Ball to prove that Mann was indeed a criminal and unless he could prove this he would lose
9 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenDid you notice how the deniers rallied around excessive cold and snow in the US?
I think they will be disappointed now that January 2014 is the fourth warmest January in recorded weather history. We kept telling them that the US is only one small part of the world but they insisted it was global cooling NOT
9 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenThrere is weather and climate change, bot don't you think some of what hit the world in 2013 was both?
Earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, sinkholes, volcanoes, tornadoes, extreme heat, extreme cold. I never member a year with so many extreme events. I think this is the real beginning if climate change, not simply weather
6 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenDo you actually think a beetle can effect climate?
if you said no, you would be right. However the beetle can certainly be effected by climate change
5 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenDoes this fit the denier?
Is this a fitting accusation: Prince Charles Calls Deniers 'Headless Chicken Brigade'
13 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 JahrenDo you think the polar vortex is gone now?
I kive on the Michigan Indiana border and tomorrow it is supposed to be 49F and the 4th was 45F Both temps are unusually warm for early February
6 AntwortenGlobal Warmingvor 7 Jahren